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遠求近取,旁搜曲證 ― 從《六書索隱》論明人楊慎的文字學研究 KCI 등재

From 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 to discuss the philology researches of Yang Shen

원구근취,방수곡증 ― 종《육서색은》논명인양신적문자학연구

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/320801
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

Yang Shen (1488-1559) was born in Si Chuan Xin Dou. 《Ming Shi》 said that Yang Shen is the most famous for the extensive memorization and abundant writings. Yang Shen also contributed to the philology researches. According to Wang Wen Cai’s 《Yang Shen Xue Pu》, Yang Shen had many kinds of writings, such as 《Shuo Wen Xian Xun》, 《Liu Shu Lian Zheng》, 《Liu Shu Bo Zheng》 etc., but most of them are disappeared. 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》was thought that it’s disappeared, it can be found in the library of RENMIN UNIVERSITY of CHINA. It was included in 《Si Ku Quan Shu Cun Mu Cong Shu》. From Yang Shen’s 《Liu Shu Suo Yin-Introduction》, we knows that Yang Shen was based on abundant philology researches to appear his research system. Yang Shen had different academic judgements for each text researchers’s theories to appear Yang Shen’s conceptions of “Zhuan Zhu Gu Yin”. 《Qin Ding Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu》 was based on the the text textual content to comment Yang Shen’s 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 negative. We can discuss the comment is appropriate or not? 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 is distinguished into rhyme, so it had its own system. These researches are related to Yang Shen’s other research works in Xiao Xue. In philology researches, we can investigate Yang Shen’s contribution to philology researches with 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 to clarify and analyze.

楊慎(1488-1559),字用修,號升庵,四川新都人。《明史.楊慎列傳》稱:“明世記誦之 博,著作之富,推慎為第一”。楊慎以博學著稱,在文字學研究上亦有卓越貢獻。根據王文才《楊 慎學譜》考證,楊慎曾著有多種文字學研究著作,如《說文先訓》、《六書練證》、《六書博證》 等,至今多已散佚。其中《六書索隱》一書,原亦以為不存於世,其後發現中國人民大學圖書館藏 有明嘉靖刻本,今收錄於《四庫全書存目叢書》。由楊慎《六書索隱·序》可知,“遠求近取,旁 搜曲證”為楊慎文字學的研究方法,楊慎以大量的文字學研究資料為基礎,進而呈現己身的研究體 系。楊慎對於各家文字研究者學說,有著不同的學術判斷,由此可呈現楊慎“轉注古音”的觀念。 《欽定四庫全書總目》以文字考釋內容及來源角度,對於楊慎《六書索隱》有著負面評價。但此批 評面向是否公允?值得討論。今考《六書索隱》體例,乃以韻區分,其下各列考釋之文,考釋內容 不拘該字,如有相關者則成一體系說解。此等研究觀念,實與楊慎其他小學研究著作相互聯繫。在 文字學史的研究層面上,欲探究楊慎文字學研究的貢獻,可藉《六書索隱》進而釐清、分析其學術 定位。

  • 叢培凱(臺灣 東吳大學 中國文學系 助理教授) | 총배개
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