
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is concerned with the single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem. To make this problem more practical, space restriction and lead time proportional to lot size are considered. Since the space for the inventory is limited in most practical inventory system, the space restriction for the inventory of a vendor and a buyer is considered. As product’s quantity to be manufactured by the vendor is increased, the lead time for the order is usually increased. Therefore, lead time for the product is proportional to the order quantity by the buyer. Demand is assumed to be stochastic and the continuous review inventory policy is used by the buyer. If the buyer places an order, then the vendor will start to manufacture products and the products will be transferred to the buyer with equal shipments many times. The mathematical formulation with space restriction for the inventory of a vendor and a buyer is suggested in this paper. This problem is constrained nonlinear integer programming problem. Order quantity, reorder points for the buyer, and the number of shipments are required to be determined. A Lagrangian relaxation approach, a popular solution method for constrained problem, is developed to find lower bound of this problem. Since a Lagrangian relaxation approach cannot guarantee the feasible solution, the solution method based on the Lagrangian relaxation approach is proposed to provide with a good feasible solution. Total costs by the proposed method are pretty close to those by the Lagrangian relaxation approach. Sensitivity analysis for space restriction for the vendor and the buyer is done to figure out the relationships between parameters.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem with lead time proportional to lot size and space restriction is studied. Demand is assumed to be stochastic and the continuous review inventory policy is used for the buyer. If the buyer places an order with lots of products, then the vendor will produce lots of products and the products will be transferred to the buyer with equal shipments many times. Mathematical model for this problem is defined and a Lagrangian relaxation approach is developed.
        2000.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper deals with the problem of determining the retailer's optimal price and order size under the condition of order-size-dependent delay in payments. It is assumed that the length of delay is a function of the retailer's total amount of purchase. The constant price elasticity demand function is adopted which is a decreasing function of retail price. Investigation of the properties of an optimal solution allows us to develop an algorithm whose validity is illustrated through an example problem.