
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Condition of Construction Safety Training and its Vitalization in Chungbuk Area. The industrial accident rate of Korea has been declining each year but this does not necessarily mean that the safety consciousness of people has been strengthened. 94.3% of the overall industrial accidents occur in small/medium sized business (299 employees or less) and 97.5% of the accidents are in construction business. In Chungbuk area, small/medium sized business take up 99% of overall business and among them, 30% are construction business. Therefore, in order to resolve the safety issues, survey and research have been conducted with construction workers and manager and identified the causes and possible solution for improvement as following. First, most of the site workers and managers view safety training and equipment unnecessary as the work site is small in size. Second, the current safety trainings are being done with case study and visual teaching materials but the quality of the material, environment and instructors are very low and outdated. The quality of study materials and instructor need to be improved with professionalism. Third, 57% of surveyees think that the contents of training materials do not reflect the real situations and hazards at the work site and are not even in line with legal requirements. The safety trainings are being given perfunctorily. With on above researched issues, new method for vitalization of safety trainings and reducing and preventing the industrial accidents constructional site in Chungbuk area are to be suggested.