A taxonomic study of the genus Maladera Mulsant of Korean Sericinae (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) is presented. As a result, sixteen species are recognized including one new species, Maladera coreana sp. nov., and one subspecies, Maladera castanea koreana subsp. nov. A key, descriptions of the new species and subspecies, and photographs of aedeagus are provided.
A taxonomic review of the genera Serica Mac Leay and Nipponoserica Nomura belonging to the subfamily Sericinae in Korea is presented. As a result, four species of the genus Serica induding two new species, S. hirsuta sp. nov. and S. lutea sp. nov., and two species of the genus Nipponoserica including one new species, N. opacicarina sp. nov. are considered to distribute in the Korean peninsula. The keys to the species, descriptions of the three new species and illustrations of adult's morphological characteristics and aedeagi are provided.
한국산 알모양우단풍뎅이속(검정풍뎅이과, 우단풍뎅이아과)에 대하여 분류학적인 검토를 실시하였다. 지금까지 한국산으로 보고된 23종 중 8종은 오동정에 의하여 기록된 것으로서 실제적인 한국산은 15종뿐이나 이중에서도 2종은 한국분포가 의심된다. 확정된 한국산중 다음과 같은 9종은 3개의 complex로 간주한다. M. holosericaea complex : M. holosericea, M. Schoenfeldti, M. renardi M. orientalis complex : M. cariniceps, M. orientalis, M. fusania M. verticalis complex : M. castanea, M. verticalis, M. ovatula