
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The phenomena of fashionable hijabi - headscarf-wearing women - who crowded social media has been seen in the past three years. Social media is progressively penetrating daily media using (Hinton & Hjort, 2013). Indonesian hijabis also use social media to show her creativity in styling their outfit and hijab and share it to others thus like-minded people are inspired to do the same thing too, to combine the fashion and faith. Indonesia, as the largest Muslim majority country has benefited this booming of hijab fashion in articulating the Muslim lifestyle. This trend is triggered by 30 young Muslim women who then formed Hijabers Community. One of them was Ria Miranda, who is known as one of hijab fashion movers in Indonesia, is then now a prominent Muslim fashion designer in Indonesia. Ria Miranda is actively using social media for her marketing strategy from the booming of blog, Facebook, Twitter then now Instagram and the newest one is YouTube. Her team is using many forms of social media to engange with customers. She has her own Instagram under the name @riamiranda which has more than 500.000 followers as for personal branding including her daily activities, her family story which is considered now as "family goals" and also her designer life. Her husband under the name @pandurosadi serves as her co-branding which sometimes tell a "behind-the-scene" of her designer wife's activities, his family and his romantic words to her wife. She also has an instagram as for the information about her brand named @inforiamiranda which has more than 80.000 followers. She builds a very good relationship with her customers who then claimed to be Ria Miranda Loyal Customer or RMLC. These customers are die-hard fans who always hunt her products and they also sometimes serve as word-of-mouth on their social media platform especially on Instagram. They always wear Ria Miranda’s products and post their photos under the hashtags that of Ria also uses, they also put their biodata as “Ria Miranda Loyal Customers” which becomes a pride for them. Ria Miranda uses a several hashtag to differentiate her timeline feeds and the most used ones are #riamirandastyle, #RMLC and #riamirandasale. These hashtags are also used by unofficial sellers of her products because her producst are not easy to get thus there are many people who sell their items to others. Apart from only selling her fashion products, Ria tells a story, she tells her lifestyles as her digital strategy engagement. That is what Indonesian people are looking for, a role model. Her product was once only women’s clothes but now it also ranges to accessories such as eyeglasses, necklaces, shoes and bags. It is not only designed for women but also kids and the newest one is for men. So it is a family-package brand. In 2016, she makes several activations including private preview collection show to several big cities around Indonesia that has its store branches and this program also included to invite her customers to travel together and it ended up with fashion show and bazaar. No need to explain, her products were all sold out in minutes. Other events are Ria Miranda Trend Show which is an annual event, this year is the forth time. It was held on December for two days, not only about fashion show but also talkshows about trend in fashion, beauty, e-commerce, lifestyle, music and family. Before this main event, it held several pre-events about Beauty and Make Up class and talkshows about Fashionpreneur that were also crowded by her customers. The most interesting was that it also made a challenge in Instagram called #30dailychallenges that has been used for more than 5.000 posts in Instagram. This program was about a challenge to post our photos on Instagram with several thematic topic such as about the style, hijab outfit of the day that mostly knonw as #HOTD and other daily activities related to Ria’s products and other products that are collaborated with her such as cosmetics and e-commerce. Ria can be said as a good designer in Indonesia. I have a high curiosity about how she can make her customers loyal to her and always want to buy more and more. Besides that she made a good and high quality product, her clothes are not cheap but her customers are always willing to buy and even compete to have her products. They have created many words that are only understood among them, we need a dictionary to know the meaning of them such as #PPCi, #RMLCii, #RMTSiii. I want to analyze them too. This research will employ a qualitative research method which will use more words than numbers (Stokes, 2003) with non-participants observation and visual semiotics analysis. Semiotics is the study of signs that is useful to interpreting the text (Berger, 2014; Howells, 2003; Jensen & Jankowski, 1991; Stoke, 2003). In here I will analyze the Instagram's photographs, captions and also the hashtags that contain meaning behind their usings. Globally, Instagram has reached 500 million users and Indonesia is ranked as the third countries with most users after Japan and Brazil. 89% of instagram users are between 18 – 34 years old and dominated by women with a portion of 63% (Edwin, 2016). Instagram helps designers to show their product freely and got global exposure as long as they can provide a good quality of photos. Fashion and technology are the most popular products among Indonesian Instagram users and they must have ever made a shopping experience from their Instagram’s brands they follow. Apart from that, Indonesians use instagram to find inspiration, share their travel experience and to find information about new trends. I also use in-depth interview to understand more about this brand. I have been able to interview her husband who serves as Business Development and who creates the strategy behind this brand. I want to know deeper about the digital strategy of Ria Miranda brand as it is actively using social media to engange with customers and how it creates consumer culture for fashionable hijabi. Consumer culture is simply the tendency of people who consume what is available on the market through different types of shopping platforms such as on the Internet, retail and shopping malls (Lury, 2011). This research’s goals are to examine the digital strategy of Ria Miranda and team that has been used on Instagram. I hope that this research will contribute to the way how we use social media to make a profit, share positive things and to know more about the new digital strategy. The future work will be possible to analyze about YouTube video that Ria Miranda has newly engaged with.