
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2001.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is on the concept of contralateral needling through considering some document. Contralateral needling is the way of selecting points located opposite side of the diseased area(puncturing the left to treat the right in body). Its aim is to regulatethe qi and Blood and make run down the merdian well. So it can be used to treat the pain with blocking of qi and the motor paralysis. There is the principle that the injury part is weak while the opposite healthy part is strong. So if we take the acupuncture in healthy part-opposite side of lesion, it would be effective because of invigoration motor functional disorder with reduction of excess. It is indicated that contralateral needling is superior to non-contralateral needling in elevating care rates and improving the blood circulation of brain lesion. In brief, contralateral needling is effective to treat motor paralysis in stroke and it takes an important role to promote the blood flow of brain, specially acute stage in stroke.