Objective of this research was to determine the effect of application rate of a slow release fertilizer (SRF) in three root media, peatmoss+vermiculite (1:1, v/v; PV), peatmoss+composted rice hall (1:1, v/v; PR), and peatmoss+composted pine bark (1:1, v/v; PB), on growth and nutrient contents of potted chrysanthemum 'Lima Honey'. All media contained polyacrylic acid sodium salt at a rate of 4.5g L-1. The fresh and dry weights at 43 days after transplanting did not show statistical differences among treatments in each root media. Elevated application rate of SRF increased fresh and dry weights at 80 days after transplanting in PV and PB media, but not in PR medium. Elevated application rates of SRF resulted in the increase of tissue phosphorus content and decrease of tissue Ca, Na, and Zn contents at both 43 and 80 days after transplanting. Elevated application rates of SRF resulted in the decrease of pH and increase of EC and concentrations of NO3- and P2O53-, K, Ca, and Mg in the soil solution of PV and PR media. The trends of those in PR media were also similar except NO3-. The differences among treatments in EC at 80 days after transplanting were less significant as compared to those at 43 days after transplanting in three media.
본 연구에서는 안동댐 퇴적물의 일반항목과 중금속의 용출 특성에 대해 조사하였다. 용출 실험은 카드뮴, 구리, 납, 크롬, 아연, 수은, 비소, 철, 망간 등 중금속 9개 및 pH, 총인, 총질소 등 일반 3개 항목에 대해 혐기성과 호기성 조건에서 60일간 실험을 수행하였다. 총질소와 총인은 호기성 조건에 비해 혐기성 조건의 용출이 높게 나타났으며, 일부 시료에서 높은 농도가 검출되었다. 대부분의 중금속의 용출율은 아주 낮았으며, 퇴적물에서 함유량이 높은 비소와 카드뮴도 최대 용출량이 각각 0.028 mg/L, 0.003 mg/L로 낮은 값을 나타낸다. 5단계 연속추출연구에서는 쉽게 용출될 수 있는 이온교환형태나 흡착한 형태의 분율이 전체 함유량의 10% 미만으로 낮게 나타났다. 대부분의 중금속은 왕수에 용해되는 잔류(residual)형태로 존재하고 있으며, 특히 독성이 높고 오염도가 높은 비소와 카드뮴의 경우 잔류형태로 존재하는 비율이 각각 80%와 95%로 오염도에 비해 짧은 시간에 용출되어 유해성을 일으킬 가능성은 낮은 것으로 판단된다.
The aim of this study was to collect crucial data for the improvement of water quality and ecosystem conservation by analyzing water samples, sediments, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish in the Seosan reservoir. The average values of water quality parameters from 2001 to 2016 were a chemical oxygen demand of 10 mg/L, total nitrogen of 1.22 mg/L, and total phosphorus of 0.074 mg/L. Cadmium was detected in the range of 0.531–0.748 mg/kg in the reservoir sediment. Fish belonging to 6 families and 9 species were identified in the reservoir. The dominant species were Carassius auratus and Micropterus salmoides. Benthic macroinvertebrates belonging to 22 families and 28 species were identified. The ecological score of the benthic macroinvertebrate community was 15 inside the reservoir (St. 2). Micropterus salmoides, an invasive alien species, was determined to be the subdominant fish species based on the number of captures, and the presence of the invasive species, Sicyos angulatus L. and Paspalum distichum L. was confirmed among the land flora.