
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In previous studies, we reported that sow which was transferred OPS-freezing embryos not able to deliver a piglet (Kim et al, 2004). This study was conducted to investigate a possibility of gilt as recipients which produce piglets after transfer of OPS-freezing embryos. All transferred embryos were prepared by in vitro production (IVP) system. In vitro culture (IVC) medium used glucose-free NCSU23 supplemented with 5mM sodium pyruvate, 0.5 mM sodium lactate and 4 mg/ml bovine serum albumin for 2 days at . From day 3 of IVC, 10% fetal bovine serum albumin was added to the culture medium. In preparing of freezing embryos, embryos were treated with 7.5 cytochalasin-B for 30 min and centrifuged at for 13 min. And then, embryos were exposed sequentially to an ethylene glycol (EG) solution, aspirated into open pulled straw (OPS), and plunged or thawed into the liquid nitrogen. In embryo transfer (ET), we used two kinds of type (surgical method vs. non-surgical method). In surgical method of embryo transfer, embryo were transferred in both uterine horn of two recipient gilts by plastic straw. Non-surgical method which is like artificial insemination was performed on three gilts. Each 140 frozen embryos were transferred to two gilts and 40 fresh embryos to one gilt. Pregnancy establishment was shown one recipient at 45 days after ET. However, the one recipient was also aborted at 58 days after ET. These results suggest that gilts can be considered as a candidate of recipients for OPS-freezing embryo transfer.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 도축돈의 난소로부터 난자를 채취하여 체외배양시킨 후 세포 안정제와 원심분리 그리고 OPS를 이용한 유리화동결 하였다. 동결 융해한 수정란을 경산돈에 외과적 또는 비외과적으로 이식하여 자돈을 생산하는 것을 목적으로 수행하였다. 도축돈 난소로부터 채란되어진 돼지 미성숙난은 Funahashi 등(1994) 방법에 따라 체외 성숙-수정-배양하였다. 체외배양액은 glucose-free NCSU 23을 이용하였으며, 5일째에 10% Fatal bovin
        2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The advantages of the OPS techniques(Vajta G et al, Mol Reprod Dev 51: 53-58,1998) give 1) high survival rates of various types of eggs, 2) quick and simple process, 3) inexpensive equipment and reduced chilling injury. The efficiency of IVM/IVF technique in the porcine species is relatively lower than that obtained in other species such as ruminants. Two experiments were designed to investigate the effects of in-vitro fertilization of porcine oocytes matures using different OPS protocol for chilling and warming of vitrification. Porcine oocytes from ovaries collected at abattoir were matured for 44 hours in TCM199 Earle's salt supplemental with pyruvate, pff, L-cysteine, hormones and gentamycin. Oocytes were denuded and fertilized with frozen boar semen by common method. Porcine embryos produced routinely by in-vitro culture system of NCSU23 medium. The vitrification and the warming were conducted by OPS method with the glass micropipette instead of straw vessels and modified the protocol of G.Vajta(1999). In Exp 1, Chilling/Warming:Holding Medium(HM)+EG+DMSO/HM +sucrose Medium(SM) at 39 warm stage. In Exp 2, : PBS+CS+EG+Ficoll+ Trehalose/PBS+Trehalose at 25 stage. Filling, freezing, packing, thawing out and further culturing were performed to follow the basic protocol of G Vajta. During IVM-lVC and post-warming, fertilization parameter and developmental potential were compared to and statistically analysed. It was not significantly different from Exp 1 and Exp 2 but 25 of stage was slightly higher on the morula/blastocyst forming rate and better atmosphere for worker than that at 39 stage.