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        검색결과 30

        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In previous studies, we reported that sow which was transferred OPS-freezing embryos not able to deliver a piglet (Kim et al, 2004). This study was conducted to investigate a possibility of gilt as recipients which produce piglets after transfer of OPS-freezing embryos. All transferred embryos were prepared by in vitro production (IVP) system. In vitro culture (IVC) medium used glucose-free NCSU23 supplemented with 5mM sodium pyruvate, 0.5 mM sodium lactate and 4 mg/ml bovine serum albumin for 2 days at . From day 3 of IVC, 10% fetal bovine serum albumin was added to the culture medium. In preparing of freezing embryos, embryos were treated with 7.5 cytochalasin-B for 30 min and centrifuged at for 13 min. And then, embryos were exposed sequentially to an ethylene glycol (EG) solution, aspirated into open pulled straw (OPS), and plunged or thawed into the liquid nitrogen. In embryo transfer (ET), we used two kinds of type (surgical method vs. non-surgical method). In surgical method of embryo transfer, embryo were transferred in both uterine horn of two recipient gilts by plastic straw. Non-surgical method which is like artificial insemination was performed on three gilts. Each 140 frozen embryos were transferred to two gilts and 40 fresh embryos to one gilt. Pregnancy establishment was shown one recipient at 45 days after ET. However, the one recipient was also aborted at 58 days after ET. These results suggest that gilts can be considered as a candidate of recipients for OPS-freezing embryo transfer.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 마우스의 성숙 난자와 수정란의 유리화 동결을 위한 CPS, 기존 straw 및 OPS 방법의 효과에 대하여 비교하였다. 마우스 난자의 유리화 동결-응해 후 형태학적인 생존율을 조사한 결과, CPS (75%)와 기존 straw(72%)법이 OPS(68%)법에 비해 유의적으로 높은 생존율을 나타내었다(p<0.05). 과배란 처리 후 채란한 2-세포기 마우스 수정란을 유리화 동결-응해하여 일간 배양한 다음 수정란의 배 발달 상태를 비교한 결과, 동
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 체외 성숙액인 TCM-199 배지를 기초로 무혈청첨가물인 PVA, PVP 및 pFF의 한정배지를 이용하여 돼지 미성숙난자의 체외성숙, 수정 및 배양 후 난자의 수정율과 배발달에 미치는 영향과 나아가 BSA 대체물로서의 이용 가능성을 알아보았다. 1. 무혈청 첨가물을 이용하여 난포란의 체외 성숙을 유기한 결과 PVA, PVP, pFF, BSA의 전체 분할율은 각각 82.4%, 78.6%, 89.4%, 90.0%로 나타났으며, GV, MI-MII
        2004.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 도축돈의 난소로부터 난자를 채취하여 체외배양시킨 후 세포 안정제와 원심분리 그리고 OPS를 이용한 유리화동결 하였다. 동결 융해한 수정란을 경산돈에 외과적 또는 비외과적으로 이식하여 자돈을 생산하는 것을 목적으로 수행하였다. 도축돈 난소로부터 채란되어진 돼지 미성숙난은 Funahashi 등(1994) 방법에 따라 체외 성숙-수정-배양하였다. 체외배양액은 glucose-free NCSU 23을 이용하였으며, 5일째에 10% Fatal bovin
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 돼지 배아의 유리화 동결 시 CB 처리군과 CB 비처리군의 영향을 비교하였다. CB의 농도별, 처리 시간별로 처리한 뒤 유리화 동결 융해 후 정상적인 형태 회수율과 생존률을 각각 조사하였다. 1. CB를 전 처리한 군과 비처리군의 정상적인 형태율이 각각 84.2%, 81.9%로 유의한 차이가 없었으나, 융해 후 72시간 째 생존률의 결과에서는 각각 60.5%, 32.8%로 유의성(p<0.1)이 검증되었다. 2. CB 농도별 생존률에 미치는 영
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated the efficiency and compared with different materials of loading vessels for vitrification-plastic/glass, copper grid and nylon. The loading method, vitrification, cryop-reservation and warming method of the oocytes were examined. The loading samples prepared in manual or company-made and sterilized, loaded the COCs selected on each samples and cultured for maturation during 40 hours, and then exposed sequentially to ethylene glycol solution. Thawing method was reversely treated and exposed for warmed oocytes. After oocytes were thawed, fertilized and cultured in vitro for 3-4 hours, rates of development and morphological appearance were examined. The results were as summarized: ㆍOPS from company-made or hand-made of the hematocrit micropipettes, NLS from fishing line and EMG from company-made for EM were used for loading oocytes, respectively. ㆍThe efficiency of freezing method and loading convenience were orderly higher in OPS, NLS and EMG. The optimal capacity per vessel was orderly lowered in NLS, EMG and OPS, respectively. ㆍAfter oocytes were warmed, the recovery rate, morphology and rate of development were orderly higher in OPS, NLS and EMG, respectively. ㆍIn conclusion, OPS has the advantages of achieving a little more survival and preserving results than other two loading methods.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 미성숙 돼지난자가 체외성숙배양액인 TCM-199과 NCSU-23배지에서의 배양상태를 비교하였고, 체외성숙용 TCM-199배지에 Earle'ssalt와 Hank's salt의 첨가에 의한 세포분화와 배발달 상태를 각각 조사하였다. 1. TCM-199와 NCSU-23 배양액에 각각의 supplement를 첨가하여 5% 조건하에서 체외성숙을 유기한 결과, TCM-199 배양액에서 유의성(p<0.05)이 검증되었다. 2. 체외성숙용 TCM-199배지
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of early mouse embryonic development in vitro by co-culture with bovine and porcine oviductal epithelial cells (BOEC and POEC). The 2-cell embryos were collected from the oviducts of the superovulated and mated cultured in D-PBS /15% FCS at 48 hours after hCG injection. The in vitro developmental rate of blastocyst formation in the embryos were examined under the fllowing treatments; 1) TCM 199 added 15% HCS, 2) Ham's F-10 added 15% HCS, 3) MediCult IVF medium, 4) TCM 199 added 15% HCS + BOEC, 5) TCM 199 added 15% HCS + POEC, 6) Ham's F40 added 15% HCS + BOEC, 7) Ham's F-10 added 15% HCS + POEC,8) MediCult IVF medium + BOEC, 9) MediCult IVF medium + POEC. For a comparative study of in vitro development for 96 hours after hCG injection, were cultured with oviductal epithelial cell and media only. The obtained results were 2-cell embryos developed to the blastocyst stage in TCM 199, Ham's F-10 and MediCult IVF medium at the rates of 84.4,83.2 and 81.6%. respectively. The higher developmental rates(91~97%) of blastocyst formation was appeared when the embryos were co-cultured with a monolayer of bovine or porcine oviductal epithelial cells in TCM 199 or Ham's F-10 and MediCult IVF media. No significant difference in developmental rates was shown between bovine and porcine oviductal epithelial cells but significant difference in co-culture system in comparison between media only system and co-cultures. In conclusions, oviductal epithelial cells, BOEC and POEC, when co-culture with mouse early embryos improved the rates of development, blastocyst and hatching. Therefore, it is suggested that co-culture system using oviductal epithelial cells improve early embryonic developtnent in mouse.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to improve the cryopreservatory techniques of livestock embryos, the quick freezing method which is directly plunged in liquid nitrogen via prefreezing procedure without freezing machine was carried out for mouse embryos treated with permeable and nonpermeable cryoprotectants. The viability of frozen-thawed embryos were evaluated by FDA vital dye test. The results obtained was summaried as follows: 1. A total of 720 embryos were recovered from frozen embryos for viability test. Evalution of the fluorescein diacetate(FDA) vital dye test with mice embryos were resulted of 2.3 total mean score - evaluted in orderly higher mean grade of P3 453 (63%), P2 133(18%), P1 51(7%) and P0 83(12%). 2. An all-round evalution of these combination, the highest viability was showed in 3M ethylene glycol + 0. 25M trehalose treated with the copper prefreezing. 3. Effects of permeable and nonpermeable cryoprotectants combination were evaluated by means FDA score. 3M ethylene glycol + 0.25M trehalose showed the highest survival rates of 2.8 mean FDA score. 4. Effects of permeable cryoprotectants were evaluated by mean FDA score but the results were not significantly different each other. 5. In evalution of the nonpermeable cryoprotectants, 0. 25M trehalose obtalned higher mean FDA score than of 0.25M sucrose and it was significantly different(P<0.05). 6. There was no significantly difference between copper and stainless-steel in prefreezing procedures.
        1993.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소 난자의 시험관내 수정시 이성체인 1, 2 propanediol과 1, 3 propanediol과의 동결보호제의 이용에 대한 독성효과를 조사하였다. 프랑스에 있는 도축장의 난소에서 채취한 미성숙 난자 212개를 시험관내 성숙과 heparin(10g/ml)첨가에 의한 수정 및 배양을 실시하였다. 소 난자의 시험관내 성숙과 수정시 propanediol의 독성효과를 시험한 결과 1,3 propanediol은 80%의 정상 난할분할율과 5.7%의 낮은 다핵분
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