In this research, KPS manufactured Full System Decontamination (FSD) equipment, which is consisted of Oxidizing Agent Manufacturing System (OAMS), Chemical Injection System (CIS), RadWaste Treatment System (RWTS), Chemical Waste Decomposition & Treatment System (CWDS) and conducted demonstration test to prepare Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) project of Kori nuclear power plant in Korea. Each equipment of FSD was modularized due to the limited size of equipment hatch of Kori nuclear power plant. To simulate the expected circumstances in nuclear power plant such as usage of heater or position of each equipment, additional equipment was used. The chemical concentration and flow rate of process water for FSD were used as mentioned in the previous study by KHNP CRI. FSD was conducted for three cycles and each cycle was consisted of oxidation, reduction, chemical decomposition and purification. Oxidation and reduction process were conducted at 90°C. Chemical decomposition and purification process were conducted at 40°C due to the damage of UV lamp and IX by the heat. Total volume of process water for FSD demonstration test was 2.5 m2. KPS conducted decontamination performance review by calculating thickness reduction and weight loss of installed specimen. Operational review was conducted as if FSD test was conducted in the field based on the result of demonstration test. One of the most prioritized features is the workers’ safety. Also, the appropriate position of equipment needs to be considered to meet the required specification of component.
온대저기압화는 중위도 기압계에 큰 영향을 주고 때로는 악기상의 원인이 되기도 한다. 그러나 온대저기압화에 대한 예보와 연구 양쪽 모두 많은 과제가 남아있다. 왜냐하면 태풍으로부터 변질된 온대저기압 자체의 모호한 형태 때문이다. 또한, 온대저기압화의 정의가 예보나 연구 양쪽 모두 만족시켜줄 만큼 정확하지도 않다 따라서 기상청은 2007 년에 "온대저기압화 현엽매뉴얼"을 개발하여 온대저기압화의 일련의 과정과 구조 변화 진단에 사용하였다. 이 매뉴얼에서는 1단계 최대풍속과 해수면온도, 2단계 위성영상, 3단계 단열선도, 그리고 최종단계인 4단계에서 지상일기도를 분석하였다. 이 현업매뉴얼은 온대저기압화가 일어날 때 구조변화의 이해와 감시에 도움이 될 것이다.