
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The damaged spent fuel rods must be stabilized by encapsulation or dry re-fabrication technologies before geological disposal. For applying the dry re-fabrication technology, we manufactured a vertical type furnace to perform the fuel material recovery from damaged fuel rods by oxidative decladding technology. As driving forces to accelerate oxidative decladding rate, magnetic vibration and pulse hammering generated by a pneumatic cylinder were used in this study. The oxidative decladding efficiency and recovery rate of fuel oxide powder with rod-cut length, oxidation temperature and time, oxygen concentration, and gas mixtures were investigated using simfuel rod-cuts in a vertical furnace for fuel material recovery and powder quality improvement. The oxidative decladding was performed for 2.5-10 h as following operation parameters: simfuel rod-cut length of 50-200 mm, oxidative temperature from 450 to 580°C, oxygen concentration of 49.5 or 75.6%, and gas mixtures in O2/Ar or O2/N2. In magnetic vibration, oxidative decladding was progressed only at bottom portion of fuel rodcut. Whereas, oxidative decladding in pulse hammering was occurred at both top and bottom portions of fuel-rod. In pulse hammering method, the oxidative decladding conditions to declad rod-cuts of 50- 200 mm in length were established to achieve both decladding efficiency of ~100% and fuel material recovery rate of > 99%. These conditions were as follows: oxidation temperature and time at 500°C and 2.5-10 h, oxygen concentration at 75.6% under O2/N2 gas mixtures. As operation conditions for a pneumatic cylinder, stroking, actuating, and waiting times were 0.5, 3, and 12 s.