발아 녹두에 세 가지 스트레스 관련 화합물 salicylic acid, methyl jasmonic acid, acetyl salicylic acid를 처리하여 isoflavone의 생합성양상을 관찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 숙주나물의 자엽에서는 isoflavone총량이 건조중 1g당 832.5ug 인 무처리구와 비교하여 10mM salicylic acid를 처리한 경우 169~% , 12mM acetyl salicylic acid로 처리한 경우 165~% 의 isoflavone 총량이 증가한 반면 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid를 처리한 경우는 오히려 무처리구보다 47~% 수준으로 감소하였다. 2. 숙주나물의 자엽하부(hypocotyl and root)의 isoflavone 생성량에서는 1g당 284.8ug 이 생성된 무처리구와 비교하여 세 가지 처리 모두에서 유의성이 있는 차이를 보였다. 10mM salicylic acid 처리구의 경우 419~% , 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구의 경우 401~% 의 isoflavone 총량의 증가를 보였고, 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid처리구의 경우에는 121~% 증가하였다. 3.숙주나물의 자엽부위와 자엽하부에서 검출된 isoflavone의 합을 각 처리별 isoflavone생산총량으로 하여 무처리구의 건조중 1g당 1117.3ug 을 기준으로 비교하여보면 건조중 1g당 10mM salicylic acid 처리구에서는 2601.02ug 으로 233~% 증가하였고, 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 2514.4ug 으로 225~% 증가한 반면, 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid 처리구에서는 738.8ug 으로 66~% 수준으로 감소하였다. 4. 숙주나물 자엽부위의 경우 무처리구와 비교하여 증가를 보였던 10mM salicylic acid처리구와 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구에서는 malonyldaidzine과 malonylglycitin이 증가가 두드러지게 나타났다. 5. 숙주나물 자엽하부의 경우 무처리구와 비교하여 증가를 보였던 10mM salicylic acid 처리구와 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구에서는 malonylglycitin의 증가가 두드러지게 나타났다
The effects of plant hormones (NAA, GA3 and BA) and light qualities (white, red, green and blue light) on the changes of reducing sugar contents and invertase isozyme activities in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) and mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) seedlings were investigated. NAA accelerated the increase of reducing sugar contents and invertase isozyme activities, on the contrary, GA3 had little effect in the accumulation of reducing sugar and in the increase of enzyme activities from the leaves of maize and mung bean seedlings. On the other hand, BA accelerated an increase in the activities of the invertase isozyme from the leaves of mung bean seedlings whereas it had little effect in the increase of the enzyme activities from those of maize seedlings. The accumulation of reducing sugar in leaves of both seedlings was promoted by red light irradiation compared to white light irradiation, while the activities of the enzyme were little affected by various light qualities. In the simultaneous applications of plant hormone and light quality, NAA with white light was very effective in the increase of reducing sugar contents and the enzyme activities from the leaves of mung bean seedlings, whereas NAA application with blue light showed a prominent enhancement in the reducing sugar contents and the enzyme activities from those of maize seedlings. These results suggest that plant hormone, particularly NAA, may be a more important factor than various light qualities in the stimulation of invertase activity.