
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: In this study, we evaluated changes in the retroreflectivity and luminance of phosphorescent road line markings with changes in glass beads and line marking thickness. METHODS : The color of line markings affects their retroreflectivity. Using a chromaticity test, we conducted the analysis of whether phosphorescent road line markings adhered to the「 KS M 6080」standard. Then, we measured the dry retroreflectivity and wet retroreflectivity for various glass bead refractive indices. We conducted wet retroreflectivity test using the EN 1436 standard as the basis. We also conducted luminance tests for different glass bead refractive indices and line marking thicknesses. RESULTS : 1. Phosphorescent road line markings specimens satisfied the 「KS M 6080」standard. 2. In dry retroreflectivity test, phosphorescent road line markings sprayed with glass beads satisfied the national police agency standard (240 mcd/(m2₩Lux)). Wet retroreflectivity test results showed that except for one type of No.1 glass beads, phosphorescent road line markings specimens sprayed with glass beads of one type of No.3 and two types of No.1 satisfied the national police agency standard (100 mcd/(m2₩Lux)). 3. Phosphorescent road line markings had higher retroreflectivity than non-phosphorescent road line markings in the dry condition. 4. Phosphorescent road line markings sprayed with glass beads demonstrated improved luminance. Luminance increased with higher glass bead refractive index and with increased line marking thickness. However, when the thickness crossed a certain threshold, phosphorescence ceased to increase; this is a characteristic of the phosphorescence phenomenon. CONCLUSIONS : Visibility across short distances can be ensured when phosphorescent road line markings are sprayed with glass beads, because of the retroreflection phenomenon. It is also possible to ensure far visibility using phosphorescent road line markings.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study was conducted to derive the optimum mixing ratio of phosphorescent pigment for the development of phosphorescent line marking. METHODS: In this study, we utilized a literature review and case study methodology, to describe the domestic and foreign state of practice for the production and mixing of phosphorescent pigment for use in line marking. The optimal mixing ratio was derived by comparing the reduction in luminance over time for the various phosphorescent pigment mixing ratios identified in the literature. In addition, performance and construction characteristics were analyzed using field testing techniques. RESULTS : The results were as follows: 1) the results of the luminance performance standards tests showed that all of the phosphorescence test specimens satisfied the phosphorescent fire protection standard. As the phosphorescent pigment mixing ratio increased, the luminance value increased, 2) the luminance reduction rate was minimum at the mixing ratio of 50%. However, when compared to a mixing ratio 40%, a small difference was recorded, the luminance reduction rate from the mixing ratio of 40% is judged as being converged. Therefore, in view of the economic efficiency, it was determined that the optimal mixing ratio was 40%, 3) as a result of construction on the field, a mixing ratio of 40% was found to have a higher luminance value than the general line marking for up to three hours after sunset, 4) it was found that the phosphorescent line markings without glass beads spraying had a higher luminance value than the phosphorescent line markings with glass beads spraying. CONCLUSIONS : Through the results of the basic experiments of the line markings obtained by blending a phosphorescent pigment, the results could be applied to play an important role in the development of phosphorescent line marking paint technology and in establishing application planning for on-site construction characteristics.