
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The tribe Phylini (Miridae: Phylinae) is revised in the Korean Peninsula. A total of 65 species in 20 genera are confirmed to exist in this territory. Five genera and 20 species are recognized for the first time in Korea, including a new genus and 6 new species: Gen. nov. sp. nov.1; Psallus sp. nov.1, P. sp. nov.2, and P. sp. nov.3; and Moissonia sp. nov.1 and M. sp. nov.2. Herein, checklist for the Korean Peninsula is reconstructed with its geographical distribution, and short discussion.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Twenty-five species of the genus Psallus Fieber 1858 are revised from Korean Peninsula. Two new species are described: Psallus sp. nov. 1 and P. sp. nov. 2. Four species, Psallus rogeoguttatus Yasunaga et Vinokurov 2000, P. cinnabarinus Kerzhner 1979, P. flavescens Kerzhner 1988, and P. longinovae Kerzhner 1988 are reported for the first time. The checklist is reconstructed and a key is provided to distinguish all Korean species with the clear dorsal photos and illustrations of male genitalia. In addition, biology is discussed for all possible species according to collection data.