In this study, we proposed a model for forecasting power energy demand by investigating how outside temperature at a given time affected power consumption and. To this end, we analyzed the time series of power consumption in terms of the power spectrum and found the periodicities of one day and one week. With these periodicities, we investigated two time series of temperature and power consumption, and found, for a given hour, an approximate linear relation between temperature and power consumption. We adopted an exponential smoothing model to examine the effect of the linearity in forecasting the power demand. In particular, we adjusted the exponential smoothing model by using the variation of power consumption due to temperature change. In this way, the proposed model became a mixture of a time series model and a regression model. We demonstrated that the adjusted model outperformed the exponential smoothing model alone in terms of the mean relative percentage error and the root mean square error in the range of 3%~8% and 4kWh~27kWh, respectively. The results of this study can be used to the energy management system in terms of the effective control of the cross usage of the electric energy together with the outside temperature.
In this study, we have defined measurement and verification methods and procedures to assess the energy use on the utility system of building. Time series data conversion methods and algorithms have been proposed in performance evaluation options. To verify the feasibility of the method, the energy consumption of the refrigerator, which was an energy utility, was measured and analyzed. we present an algorithm based on the annual base conversion and analyze it based on actual data. As a result, a k-means clustering moving average method was defined for the performance calculation option A, and the use time correction coefficient method was proposed. The validity of this method was verified through the verification.
신·재생에너지 보급통계에 의하면 바이오매스 발전실적은 2013년 부터 급증하고 있으며 그 중에서 가장 급격하게 증가한 연료는 Wood pellet으로 2013년 696Gwh, 2014년 2,764Gwh, 2015년에는 2,512Gwh를 발전 하였고 국내 Wood pellet 총 소비량은 2015년 기준 148만톤이며 그 중 발전용으로 소비된 Wood pellet은 108만톤으로 약 73%를 차지하고 있다. 본 연구에서 Wood pellet 소요량을 예측한 결과 국내 발전용으로 필요한 Wood pellet 소요량은 2020년 261만톤, 2025년 685만톤, 2030년 1,139만톤이 필요하며, 최적 바이오매스 발전량 산정을 위하여 바이오매스 발전소에서 국내 생산 Wood pellet 사용량을 50% 사용한다는 가정하에 기허가 신청된 발전소를 가동하기 위해서는 2021년 226만 톤의 Wood pellet이 국내에서 생산되어야 한다는 결론이 도출되었다.
It is critical to forecast the maximum daily and monthly demand for power with as little error as possible for our industry and national economy. In general, long-term forecasting of power demand has been studied from both the consumer’s perspective and an econometrics model in the form of a generalized linear model with predictors. Time series techniques are used for short-term forecasting with no predictors as predictors must be predicted prior to forecasting response variables and containing estimation errors during this process is inevitable. In previous researches, seasonal exponential smoothing method, SARMA (Seasonal Auto Regressive Moving Average) with consideration to weekly pattern Neuron-Fuzzy model, SVR (Support Vector Regression) model with predictors explored through machine learning, and K-means clustering technique in the various approaches have been applied to short-term power supply forecasting. In this paper, SARMA and intervention model are fitted to forecast the maximum power load daily, weekly, and monthly by using the empirical data from 2011 through 2013. ARMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1)7 and ARMA (0,1,1)(1,1,0)12 are fitted respectively to the daily and monthly power demand, but the weekly power demand is not fitted by AREA because of unit root series. In our fitted intervention model, the factors of long holidays, summer and winter are significant in the form of indicator function. The SARMA with MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) of 2.45% and intervention model with MAPE of 2.44% are more efficient than the present seasonal exponential smoothing with MAPE of about 4%. Although the dynamic repression model with the predictors of humidity, temperature, and seasonal dummies was applied to foretaste the daily power demand, it lead to a high MAPE of 3.5% even though it has estimation error of predictors.