
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the morphological characteristics and regional variations of leaves, flowers, and seeds of Quercus myrsinifolia Blume to understand its ecological adaptation and the effects of environmental factors. Samples were collected from Jinju, Hapcheon, and Sancheong, and nine leaf traits, six flower traits, and five seed traits were analyzed. Significant regional variations were observed, with Hapcheon exhibiting the largest leaf and flower sizes, while Sancheong showed the largest and heaviest seeds. Jinju recorded the smallest values for most traits. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed distinct regional groupings, with Hapcheon displaying intermediate traits, Sancheong larger traits, and Jinju smaller traits. Correlation analysis identified strong positive relationships between leaf length and width, seed length and weight, and the number of staminate flowers and catkin width, highlighting key indicators for growth. Climate factors such as temperature and precipitation significantly influenced morphological traits, with higher temperatures negatively affecting leaf and seed sizes, while precipitation showed a weak positive correlation with seed weight. Among soil factors, pH and magnesium content were closely related to morphological traits. pH exhibited a negative correlation with leaf length and petiole length, while magnesium showed a positive correlation with seed weight and leaf width. These findings underscore the significant role of environmental factors in morphological variation and provide valuable insights for developing regionally adaptive breeding strategies. These findings provide foundational data for developing region-specific breeding strategies and cultivars for Q. myrsinifolia, contributing to ecological management and climate change adaptation strategies.