
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the changing lifestyle in the so-called IT era, smart phone era and aging society, there have been growing interestsin new types of waste. Under these circumstances, we conducted a survey on discharge of waste, focusing on smallelectrical and electronic waste (e-waste), packaging products, and lifestyle. The survey was carried out on 1,000 ordinarypeople of 19 to 60-something years old in 16 regions by the Random Digit Dialing (RDD) method. For the purchase ofsmall electrical and electronic devices, 42.4% of the respondents answered the most recent product they had bought wasa cell-phone and the most recently discarded item was also cell-phones (17.4%). In general, purchased and discarded smallelectrical and electronic items showed a similar trend. To the question on how to discard their small electrical and electronicdevices, the largest number of respondents (29.3%) answered that they return them to the store where they bought theproduct, and younger generations in their 20s and 30s, unmarried people, and students preferred to throw them intostandard plastic garbage bags. It was found that most frequently used disposable packaging products were in the orderof paper, plastic bags, paper cups, and wooden chopsticks, and take-out food containers were used on average 2.03 timesper month. Also, take-out food containers were more used by men over women, cities over rural areas, and families withthree or more members. In addition, most frequently purchased items via the internet or home shopping were found tobe in the order of clothes, food, cosmetics, and electrical and electronic devices. It is estimated that the wide use of internetis boosting purchase of a variety of items like food and cosmetics as well as clothes.