
한국폐기물자원순환학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management

이 간행물 논문 검색


제31권 제2호 (2014년 3월) 14

Review Paper

2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study describes the design and corrosion-resistant materials for a high-efficiency waste-to-energy (WtE) plant. WtEtechnology is one of the most robust and effective alternative energy options to reduce CO2 emissions and to conservelimited fossil fuel resources, which are used by traditional power plants. The recently published 3rd edition of the CEWEP(confederation of european waste-to-energy plants) energy efficiency report demonstrated the energy efficiency criterion(R1 formula) that was introduced in the waste framework directive and has proven to be an incentive for WtE plants inEurope to improve their energy efficiency. The design combines the optimal use of the corrosion resistant properties ofinconel with an efficient boiler design (Amsterdam) and turbine layout. It uses a steam-steam reheater to realize thisefficiency as well as high availability and low maintenance. The high-efficiency WtE plant is an economical choice thatmakes a very positive contribution to sustainable electricity production.

Original Paper

2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was experimented by reviewing the possibility of applying non-sintered loess as a building material. Andthis study was to evaluate and compare flexural and compressive strengths characteristics of cementless mortar with non-sintered loess according to percentage of non-sintered loess and the type of curing without adding any cement. SEM,chloride ion penetration resistance and chemical resistance were also evaluated and compared to study characteristics ofcementless mortar with non-sintered loess. In order to evaluate the characteristics of cementless mortar with non-sinteredLoess. Test pieces were fabricated at 3, 7 and 28 days depending on the percentage of non-sintered loess and the typeof curing. And also normal portland cement mortar were fabricated to compare with cementless mortar with non-sinteredloess. The result of this study, Properties of cementless mortar with non-sintered loess strength are generally lower thannormal portland cement mortar. However cementless mortar with non-sintered loess which is mixed 20% show equallyas normal portland cement mortar. Also, cementless mortar with non-sintered loess show excellent results than normalportland cement mortar in the durability characteristics. The purpose of this study was to expand the utilizable scope ofnon-sintered loess and to use the basic data as a applying building material in the future.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The several functions of manufactured the gypsum incorporating oyster shell powder coated by submicro-silver solutionand carrried out the tests for the adsorption of formaldehyde and antibiotic actions. Several environmentally- friendlyarchitectural materials, clay and flyash were tested for the comparison of the adsorption efficiency. The mortar by solidifiedand dried was exposed in the small chamber for the 180min with 4000µg/m3 of the initial concentration of formaldehydeand observed high removal efficiency which result was not any difference in adsorption performance of other tested materials.The microbial flora analysis of oyster mortar coated by submicro-silver solution and the similarity test were performed andobserved that the densities of Aeromonas sp. Enterococcus sp., and Micrococcus sp. were decreased and the densities ofStaphylococcus sp., Escherichia sp., Bacillus sp., were taphylococcus sp, Escherichia sp., and Bacillus sp. were increased.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This research was conducted to configure an optimal membrane module system that would selectively separatehazardous gases which are emitted during the processes in the semiconductor industry. In order to identify the most integralcharacteristic results, a numerical analysis formula which incorporates the dimensions of pipe diameter and gas flow ratewas utilized. Based on the results of the numerical analysis formula, a prototype designed with the main pipe being 100Awith gas outlets made with identical diameter thickness to the main pipe, set at equal intervals, was built. When the gasflow rate is set at 100L/min, although the processing outlets 1, 2, and 3 showed 0.03m/sec deviations in the rate ofspeed, when considering the variables of the average flow rate, the same emission rates are noted. However, in the instanceof when the overall prototype pipe dimensions was enlarged to 200A and the gas flow rate was increased to 500L/min,there was better stabilization. Therefore concluding that as the pressure rates flowing in the main pipe increases, morestable characteristics at the gas outlets can be found.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The brominated flame retardants (BFRs) have been used in many household products such as plastics of electronicequipment, furniture, textiles to increase their flame ignition resistance. Among the mixtures of BFRs, polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) have been widely usedas commercial additive during the last decade. This study has been performed to investigate the concentration of BFRsin waste electrical and electronic equipment which has potential threat on environment and human health. We analyzedPBDEs, TBBPA and HBCD in 18 products from 2 TV manufacturing companies, 19 parts from 3 refrigerators, shreddedplastic from recycling center, 3 other plastics from recovery process, and 43 small electronics using heating source. Theconcentration of PBDEs in TVs ranged from 306mg/kg (manufactured since the year of 2000) to 145,027mg/kg(manufactured in 1983~1997). The concentration range of PBDEs in rear housing is greater than those of front cover.The concentration of TBBPA were detected from 30 to 201mg/kg and HBCD was not detected (ND) in all samples ofTV. The PBDEs concentrations in plastics of refrigerator waste were detected from ND to 445mg/kg, the concentrationof PBDEs in upper housing cover is higher than those of other parts. The concentration of PBDEs in small electronicswas not detected in most products but HBCD and TBBPA were detected several hundred ppm in 1mixer and severaldozen of ppm in 1mixer, 1 coffee port and 2 electronic rice cookers, respectively. Based on the concentrationcharacteristics of BFRs in waste electrical and electronic equipment, we will be established the environmentally soundstrategies for the management policies of the waste containing BFRs.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
A purpose of the present study is to derive optimum study factors for removal of heavy metals using combinedalternating current electric/magnetic field and electric membranes for the area contaminated with heavy metals in soil orunderground water. ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) analysis was conducted to determine an intensity of tendencyfor oxidation or reduction of the samples contaminated with heavy metals, and electrical membrane treatment was usedwith adjustment of concentrations and voltages of liquid electrode to derive a high removal rate. Then, electrolysis wascarried out to collect deposits, and electrical conductivity increased again. However, as time passed, the ions weredecomposed, and ionic bonds of the heavy metals started to decompose due to a magnetized water device connected toeach line, resulting in gradual stabilization. Gas generated at the electrode is reduced with production of low heat resultingin an increased reaction rate, accompanied by no oxidation in anion exchange membrane and cation exchange membranewithout occurrence of a reduction phenomenon. Also power consumption may be reduced with a small amount ofelectricity, and treatment efficiency was also shown to be increased.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
It is known that cement, when mixed with wood chip, may face problems in hardening depending on the type of wood.This study examined the wood chip pretreatment effect of the method of soaking fine wood chip in 100oC water andthen drying it and the effect of hardening accelerator on the setting time, strength and thermal conductivity of normalconsistency wood chip mortar with a flow value of approximately 110%. Mortar experiment showed that use of woodchip caused the water content required to obtain the same flow value to increase and the setting time to be overly delayed.It was shown that water treatment of wood chip in boiling water to solve such problem was not so meaningful in normalconsistency wood chip mortar but that use of hardening accelerator was more effective in solving retardation of settingand improving compression strength and specific strength.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Carbonization process with pig manure is carried out to estimate the reaction kinetics with increasing carbonizationtime and temperature in the process. From the examination of conversion characteristics of pig manure, carbonizationreaction can be described by the 1st order kinetic reaction. Degree of carbonization, which can be expressed by C/H moleratio, is increased with increasing carbonization temperature. As increased carbonization temperature from 250oC to 400oC,reaction rate constant in the 1st order kinetic reaction is also increased from 0.0622min−1 to 0.1999min−1. Frequency factorand activation energy in Arrhenius equation for pig manure in the carbonization process can be decided by 1.06×10−3min−1 and 5441.8kcal/kmole, respectively. From the results of the reaction kinetics including TGA and SEM analysis,it is desirable that pig manure should be carbonized below carbonization temperature 400oC.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This research performed physico-chemical analysis of MSW(municipal solid waste) for design and operation ofgasification generation system. The MSW sample was analyzed by proximate, ultimate, heat value method and sampledeach residential type classified apartment, house, urban and rural in by seasonal generation According to statistics of 2010MSW generation in Korea, On average, Namwon generated about 101.4 ton of trash and recycled almost 57.5 ton ofthis material per day, equivalent to a 56.7 percent recycling rate. It was recycled 0.73 kilograms out of individual wastegeneration of 1.29 kilograms per person per day. In 2011, On average, Namwon generated about 46.7 ton without recycledmaterial per day, and individual generation was 0.60 kilograms. It was virtually identical with statistics data in 2010. Inthe physico-chemical analysis results, it was composed of 84.1 percent of combustible and 15.9 percent of Non-combustible. On average, heat value was 2,529kcal per kilogram in condition of LHV and wet. The MSW sample wasincluded 32.0 percent of moisture, 21.9 percent of ash, 26.8 percent of carbon, 14.4 percent of oxygen, 3.7 percent ofhydrogen and 1.3 percent of others. Estimate of technical potential energy of MSW was 1,278 toe per year, equivalentto a 33.3 percent of total potential energy.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The materials flow of nickel was analyzed into up-stream and down-stream based on the literature survey. Dischargeand recycling stages in the down-stream were analyzed through the field survey. The waste nickel resources circulationflow were analyzed into 4 stages such as discharge·import, collection·disuse, resource recovery and product production·export, which are divided into nickel scrap and stainless steel scrap. The nickel scrap of 1,500ton was collected andrecycled and exported, which are from battery, catalyst and etc. The stainless steel scrap of 55,200ton are recycled fromdomestic and imported sources, which are 28,800ton and 26,400ton, respectively. The resource circulation rate of 45.3%is obtained from the above flow and the various plans are suggested each stage to increase resource circulation rate. Atdischarge·import stage, it is suggested this kind of waste may be classified as resources if the classification of waste isdone in detail and suitably. Also, it is suggested to apply quota tariff to this kind of waste. At collection·disuse stage, theplan of stabilizing supply and demand is suggested through the improvement of bidding system. At resource recovery stage,the fostering plan for specialized crushing companies and the win-win plan between conglomerate and medium-smallcompanies are suggested. At product production·export stage, it is suggested the integrated approval for licensing to registeras waste-treating facilities instead of exempting registration under the present condition to activate recycling industries.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) is regarded as a valuable resource having great potential for the recycling ofphosphorus. The P content of ISSA is known as around 10% as a P. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigatethe precipitation and separation characteristics of phosphorus from the acid-extracted solution of ISSA. The incineratedsewage sludge ash was leached by 1N sulfuric acid with solid/liquid ratio of 10 for 30min. The extracted solutioncontained about 1.1% of P and other metals, Al, Fe, Ca and Mg, with over than 1,000mg/L. Some heavy metals suchas Cu, Pb and Cr are presented as impurities as well. Most of Al and Fe in the extracted solution were precipitated withP when titrating it to pH 3.6. The precipitated form were assumed to AlPO4, FePO4·2H2O respectively, and Pb and Crwere precipitated in this stage as well. At this experiment, about 62.9% of the initial P was precipitated and removedfrom the solution. It was also find that all of the P extracted can not be recovered as a precipitate with a simple additionof NaOH, even though titrated to pH 11.6. The precipitated P also contained some impurities such as Al, Fe, and someheavy metals, which means that further researches are needed for the efficient separation and recovery of P from ISSA.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
There are many stringent environmental regulations on the management of waste electrical and electronic equipments(WEEE) in most developed countries. WEEE directive aims at increasing collection and recycling rate of WEEE whereas,while the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS) aims at restricting hazardous materials duringthe production of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). TV housing rear covers consist of small portion of brominatedflame retardants (BFRs). Improper management and disposal of such waste can pose impacts on the environment andhuman health. In Korea, there are very few available statistical data regarding BFRs levels in TVs housing rear covers.In order to provide additional measures related to management of BFRs, there is a need for a quantitative material flowstudy on the amount of BFR found in TVs. This can be achieved by the aid of material flow analysis of the TV setsand by studying the Deca-BDE components present in the TV housing read covers. In this study, the relevant data werecollected from the statistical reports and through field site visits to the WEEE recycling facilities with surveys. Staticand dynamic material flow analysis (MFA) was conducted to determine material flow of BFRs (Deca-BDE) in themanagement of waste TVs. According to this study, in 2011, households in Korea use 73,821ton of TV sets of which23,592ton of waste TV sets were collected and recycled by municipalities and producers. Extended ProducerResponsibility (EPR) played a major role in recycling of WEEE. In this study, it was predicted that Deca-BDE in usestage would reach down to 51.73ton by 2016. In addition, the amount of Deca-BDE present at the disposal and recyclingstage is estimated to be approximately 2.45ton by 2018.
2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In this study, waste landfill site was used as a bioreactor landfill for the treatment of anaerobically digested foodwastewater, and a basic study on waste landfill injection of anaerobically digested food wastewater was conducted. To studythe effect of different operating condition on the quality of lysimeter leachate, 3 lysimeters were operated at differentcondition (i.e., Lys 1=no recirculation, Lys 2=leachate recirculation, Lys 3=leachate recirculation after one day aeration),and the results of leachate quality were as followings. pH Level of leachate became similar to the digested food wastewaterafter 63 days of operation(equivalent to the 11.2% of bed volume) and Cl- concentration of leachate was higher than injectedfood wastewater during whole 6 months of operation period. Leachate COD showed stable values after 70 days of operation,and reduction rate of COD concentration after 6 months was 86%, 89, and 90% for Lys 1, Lys 2, and Lys 3, respectively.The reduction rates of TKN concentration were 19, 28, and 65% for Lys 1, Lys 2, and Lys 3. Lys 3 showed the mosteffective TKN reduction. Leachate recirculation after one day aeration resulted effective reduction of cumulative COD andTKN mass, which were 61% and 40% respectively, compared to the no recirculation case.

Technical Note

2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the changing lifestyle in the so-called IT era, smart phone era and aging society, there have been growing interestsin new types of waste. Under these circumstances, we conducted a survey on discharge of waste, focusing on smallelectrical and electronic waste (e-waste), packaging products, and lifestyle. The survey was carried out on 1,000 ordinarypeople of 19 to 60-something years old in 16 regions by the Random Digit Dialing (RDD) method. For the purchase ofsmall electrical and electronic devices, 42.4% of the respondents answered the most recent product they had bought wasa cell-phone and the most recently discarded item was also cell-phones (17.4%). In general, purchased and discarded smallelectrical and electronic items showed a similar trend. To the question on how to discard their small electrical and electronicdevices, the largest number of respondents (29.3%) answered that they return them to the store where they bought theproduct, and younger generations in their 20s and 30s, unmarried people, and students preferred to throw them intostandard plastic garbage bags. It was found that most frequently used disposable packaging products were in the orderof paper, plastic bags, paper cups, and wooden chopsticks, and take-out food containers were used on average 2.03 timesper month. Also, take-out food containers were more used by men over women, cities over rural areas, and families withthree or more members. In addition, most frequently purchased items via the internet or home shopping were found tobe in the order of clothes, food, cosmetics, and electrical and electronic devices. It is estimated that the wide use of internetis boosting purchase of a variety of items like food and cosmetics as well as clothes.