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혐기성 소화된 음식물폐기물 폐수의 폐기물매립지 내 처리에 관한 모의매립조 연구 KCI 등재

A Lysimeter Study on the Waste Landfill Injection of Anaerobically Digested Food Wastewater

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/269407
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한국폐기물자원순환학회지 (Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management)
한국폐기물자원순환학회 (Korea Society Of Waste Management)

In this study, waste landfill site was used as a bioreactor landfill for the treatment of anaerobically digested foodwastewater, and a basic study on waste landfill injection of anaerobically digested food wastewater was conducted. To studythe effect of different operating condition on the quality of lysimeter leachate, 3 lysimeters were operated at differentcondition (i.e., Lys 1=no recirculation, Lys 2=leachate recirculation, Lys 3=leachate recirculation after one day aeration),and the results of leachate quality were as followings. pH Level of leachate became similar to the digested food wastewaterafter 63 days of operation(equivalent to the 11.2% of bed volume) and Cl- concentration of leachate was higher than injectedfood wastewater during whole 6 months of operation period. Leachate COD showed stable values after 70 days of operation,and reduction rate of COD concentration after 6 months was 86%, 89, and 90% for Lys 1, Lys 2, and Lys 3, respectively.The reduction rates of TKN concentration were 19, 28, and 65% for Lys 1, Lys 2, and Lys 3. Lys 3 showed the mosteffective TKN reduction. Leachate recirculation after one day aeration resulted effective reduction of cumulative COD andTKN mass, which were 61% and 40% respectively, compared to the no recirculation case.

  • 김형욱(세명대학교 바이오환경공학과) | Hyung-Wook Kim
  • 왕비(세명대학교 바이오환경공학과) | Fei Wang
  • 윤석표(세명대학교 바이오환경공학과) | Seok-Pyo Yoon Corresponding author
  • 박흥석(울산대학교 건설환경공학부) | Hung-Seok Park