Phosphine is a common pesticide used to control grain pests in Rice Processing Complex(RPC). However, increasing use of aluminum phosphide caused the occurrence of phosphine resistance pests. In this study, phosphine resistance pests collected at RPC in 2023 was investigated with FAO No. 16 test, Dihydrolipomaide dehydrogenase(DLD) test and amino acid mutation analysis to identify the occurrence of phosphine resistance in Korea. Tested pests were collected in the 7 province 35 region. As a result of the FAO test of 21 regions, all sample were phosphine sensitives. In DLD test and amino acid analysis, 7 region samples were weak resistances. It is required to inspect the RPC and other grain storage continuously to inhibit the widespread of resistant pest.
The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, is one of economically important pests and can transmit several fungalspecies with their movement in stored grains. We collected T. castaneum samples from 34 rice processing complexes(RPC) nationwide during 2016-2017 and identified the contamination of fungal species on the surface of T. castaneum.Using sequence analysis of ITS region, 24 fungal genera were found. Among them, the genus Aspergillus spp. (28.8%)was the most frequently presented, followed by Cladosporium spp. (12.3%), Hyphopichia spp. (8.9%), Penicillium spp.(8.2%), and so on. In addition, as a known mycotoxin-producing fungal species, Aspergillus flavus (16 isolates) and Fusariumspp. (3 isolates) were also identified. Our study indicates that T. castaneum would play an important role in the contaminationof fungi and contribute potential production of mycotoxin in storage rice.
이 논문은 한국이 캄보디아에 20년 상환의 유상원조 형태로 제공하는 ODA 자금 1,000만 달러를 활용해 건립하는 미곡종합처리장(RPC) 5기에 관한 비용-편익 분석을 제시한다. 할인율 12% 수준에서 RPC의 B/C 비율은 1.03으로 나타났으며, 순현재가치(NPV)는 519만 달러로 산출되었다. 내부수익률(IRR) 또한 18%로써 기준 할인율보다 크게 나타났다. 이에 따라 RPC 건립지원 사업은 세 기준 모두에서 경제성이 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 할인율 8%와 16%를 채택한 민감도분석에서도 경제성을 갖는 일관된 결론이 도출되었다.
난포액내 함유되어 있는 단백질성분 중에서 sucrose 층으로부터 정자의 swim-up 이동을 자 극하는 성분을 분리하기 위하여 paper chromatography (PC) 및 reverse phase column (RPC) 과 superose column (SC)를 이용한 액체 chromatography의 분리효과를 조사하였던 바 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Chromatography용 paper로 분리한 각 band 의 성분은 첨가농도가 증가할수록
The main objectives of this studies are to present the most desirable rice processing complex model system in a given our situations by comparision and analyzing the major factors and, also recommend the future prospect of the rice processing complex in Korea. There are 3 different rice processing complex models in Korea. Those are concrete bin, flat type steel bin and square bin. These systems have a lot of differences and have their own characteristics such as capital requirement, efficiency, storage capacity and quality controls. The major problems of the existing rice processing centers in Korea are high fixed cost and the unbalnced systems. Following is summary to solve this problems: 1. Development of the large scale harvester and high speed continuous dryer. 2. Quality inspective system of bulk grain and large scale temporary storage facilities. 3. Large size readjustment of arable land. 4. Select the convenient location of rice processing center and formulation of well equipment facilities.