Radiation workers who handle radioisotopes, radioactive waste, nuclear material etc. may be contaminated with radioactive material due to inhalation, resulting in internal radiation exposure. For preventing radiation damage and monitoring the exposure of workers, KAERI operates a Body Radiation Measurement Laboratory. According to Article 5 of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) Notice No. 2017-77, “Regulation on Measurement and Calculation of Internal Radiation Dose,” The nuclear energy-related business operator with workers etc. shall establish and operate procedures and methods including the following Subparagraphs to secure the reliability of measurement of the internal radiation dose : operation and calibration of measuring instrument, inspection procedures, uncertainty of measurement, lower limit of detection and geometric configuration used for measurement. In accordance with the provision, Whole Body Counter utilized in the Body radiation Measurement Laboratory has periodic calibration / QA procedures to ensure reliability. This paper performed reliability validation of the measurement system of the Body Radiation Measurement Laboratory in the KAERI based on the performance criteria for radio-bioassay criteria presented in ISO 28218 and ANSI HPS N13.30-2011(R2017). The first criteria is MTL (Minimum Testing Level). ISO 28218 provides MTLs for each measurement category, type and nuclide. For reliable results, it is recommended to use calibration sources with higher radioactivity than the values given. The MTL for fission products in total body counting is 3 kBq and for the last 3 years the laboratory has been using sources of 6-7 kBq (Co-60, Cs-137 etc.). The second criteria is RMSE (Root Mean Square Error). It is a measure of total error defined as the square root of the sum of the square of the relative precision (SB) and the square of the relative bias (Br). The RMSE shall be lower than or equal to 0.25. The largest RMSE in the last 3 years is 0.12, and average value is 0.065, which meets the criteria. In this study, we verified the reliability of the radioactivity measurement system (WBC) based on the radio-bioassay standards presented in ISO 28218 and ANSI HPS N13.30-2011(R2017). The values were obtained using 3 years of calibration count data, and it was found that both MTL, RMSE for each nuclide met the standards with a large margin of error and were in good operating condition. This study can be applied to the maintenance, performance check, and reliability verification of similar in vivo radio-bioassay methods.
본 연구에서는 원전연료 가공시설에서 발생한 콘크리트 폐기물을 자체처분 하기 위란 국내 규제요건을 검토하였고, 매립 및 재활용에 따른 작업자 및 일반인의 방사선학적 위해도를 평가하기 위해 RESRAD Ver. 6.3, RESRAD BUILD Ver. 3.3 전산코드를 사용하여 피폭선량을 평가하였다. 피폭선량 평가 결과에 따라 유도된 처분제한치는 콘크리트 폐기물 매립의 경우 0.1071Bq/g (3.5% 농축우라늄), 재활용의 경우 (5% 농축우라늄)이었다. 또한, 자체처분대상 콘크리트 폐기물의 제염 후 잔류방사능을 조사한 결과, 표면오염도는 전체평균이 (알파방출체), 콘크리트 폐기물 표면에서 채취한 시료의 방사성핵종 분석결과 은 0.0297Bq/g, 의 농축도는 2w/o 이하였고, 인위적 오염으로 예상되는 의 농도는 0.0089Bq/g 이었다. 따라서, 자체처분 대상 콘크리트 폐기물의 매립 및 재활용시 일반인 및 작업자에게 미치는 방사선학적 위해도는 원자력관계법령에서 정하는 처분제한치(개인선량 , 집단선량 ) 이하임을 확인하였다.