
결과 내 재검색

검색결과 1

2003.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was carried out to obtain the operating characteristics of SMMIAR process for biological nitrogen·phosphorus removal. SMMIAR was operated at HLR(Hydraulic loading rate) of 39.6, 52.8, 63.4 and 79.2ℓ/㎡/d respectively and the operating parameters such as intermittent aeration time ratio of aerobic/anoxic, DO and microorganism concentration were changed to confirm the optimum operating condition. The concentrations of the wastewater BOD, TN(Total nitrogen) and TP(Total phosphorus) were 150, 30 and 7.5㎎/ℓ respectively. Achieving better removal efficiencies of BOD, TN and TP up to 90, 85.4 and 95.4% respectively, we must keep in operation condition of SMMIAR by 0.75 of time ratio of aerobic/anoxic and by minimum 45 minutes of oxic period simultaneously.