This study examined the contaminated soils with an indicator of TPH using SVE (Soil Vapor Extraction) and biological treatments. Their results are as follows.
Water content in the polluted soils slowly decreased from 15% during the initial experimental condition to 10% during the final condition. Purification of polluted soils by Bioventing system is likely to hinder the microbial activity due to decrease of water content. Removal rate of TPH in the upper reaction chamber was a half of initial removal rate at the 25th day of the experiment. The removal rate in the lower reaction chamber was 45% with concentration of 995.4 mg/kg. When the Bioventing is used the removal rate at the 14th day of the experiment was 53%, showing 7 day shortenting. Since the Bioventing method control the microbial activity due to dewatering of the polluted soil, SVE mehtod is likely to be preferable to remove in-situ TPH. The reactor that included microbes and nutrients showed somewhat higher removal rate of TPH than the reactor that included nurtients only during experimental period. In general, the concentration showed two times peaks and then decreased, followed by slight variation of the concentration in low concentration levels. Hence, in contrast to SVE treatment, the biological treatment tend to show continuous repetitive peaks of concentration followed by concentration decrease.