According to IAEA GSR Part.6, Decommissioning is carried out on the basis of planning and evaluation to ensure safety, protection of workers, public, and environment. Then, the decommissioning project of nuclear facility includes a radiation protection plan that reflects the regulatory requirements and international recommendations of each country and the internal regulations of the licensee. The scope of the radiation protection plan covers all radiation activities related to the dismantling and disposal of contaminated facilities subject to decommissioning. Radiation protection applications in the United States, a country with previous experience in decommissioning nuclear facilities, include 10 CFR 20 for NRC management facilities and 10 CFR 835 for facilities under DOE. In this study, we analyzed two cases of decommissioning plans to which NRC regulations are applied. In 1992, Yankee Atomic Electric Company (YAEC), the licensee of Yankee Nuclear Power Station (YNPS), notified NRC of the permanent shutdown of YNPS and submitted decommissioning plan accordingly. This decommissioning plan consists of a total of 9 chapters, and section 3.2 describes the radiation protection of decommissioning workers. The contents of the radiation protection program consist of 16 subsections. Another case is the decommissioning work plan of U.S. Navy Surface Ship Support Barge (SSSB), which used in Virginia to support the refueling of the U.S. Navy’s reactor vessel. This document was developed based on the NUREG-1757 and was revised in 2021 after receiving NRC comment. SSSB’s project radiation protection plan is described in appendix 1, and the contents consist of a total of 28 sections except for reference. In Korea, decommissioning plan is developed in accordance with “Standard Format and Content of the Decommissioning Plan for Nuclear Facilities”. According to this regulation, the radiation protection plan for licensing documents submitted at the time of application for approval of decommissioning execution shall describe the organization and functions for implementing of plan, methods, cycles and procedures for performing radiation protection and radiological monitoring. Also, the safety review guidelines of regulatory body also require radiation protection plans and procedures to ensure ALARA activities during decommissioning. In the case of the final decommissioning plan of Kori-1, which is currently submitted to regulatory body for licensing review, the decommissioning radiation protection plan is divided into 8 sections. Although the classification criteria for the radiation protection plan categories described above facilities are different, it could be seen that the following 7 contents are included in common: (a) ALARA application and organization for implementation, (b) Management of radiation control area, (c) Process of radiation work, (d) Radiation and contamination control, (e) Personnel radiation exposure monitoring, (f) Radioactive material management, (g) Radiation protection training.
4차 산업혁명의 핵심 원동력은 인공지능이다. 국가 간 AI 기술력 경쟁에서 뒤쳐지지 않기 위해 서는 특허권 확보가 중요하다. 이에 대해 미국은 Alice 판결 이후 컴퓨터구현발명에 대한 특허적 격문턱이 높아지고 이에 대한 판결은 일관성이 없다는 비판이 있었는바, 2019년 개정가이드라 인을 발표하였다. 금번 개정가이드라인은 특허권 자친화적인 입장에서 특허적격성의 문턱을 낮췄 다는 평가가 있다. 우리나라 또한 2019년 4차 산 업혁명 혁신기술 보호를 위해 SW 분야 특실 심사기준을 개정하였다. 그러나 인공지능은 컴퓨터구현발명으로서 종종 그 광범위성이 문제된다. 이는 발명자의 청구항의 권리범위는 기술 진보에 대한 발명자의 기여에 비례해야 한다는 특허법 기본 목적에 반할 수 있다. 따라서 인공지능이 활용되는 미래에 대비하기 위해서 컴퓨터구현발명의 성립성 기준을 낮추면서도 광범위한 특허들을 억제할 방법이 필요하다. 이때, AI 기술분야에서 광범위성 억제 방법으로 청구항 해석단계에서의 명세서 기재요건의 중요성이 강조된다. 또한, 기능식 청구항들의 광범위성을 억제하기 위해 권리범위 전부를 무효로 하는 대신, 기능식 청구항의 권리범위를 상세한 설명에 기재된 구조(알고리즘, 컴퓨터)로 한정하여 제한적으로 해석하는, ‘컴퓨터 구현 기능식 청구항 한정들에 대한 미국의 35 U.S.C. §112(f) 규정의 해석방법’을 우리나라 실정에 맞게 도입할 필요성이 있다.
Until the year 2000, there was no specific statute enacted in Jordan that regulates unfair competition. In the year 2000, the Jordanian Unfair Competition Law No. 15 of 2000 was enacted. The Law deals with the issue of unfair competition in a very generic way. In addition to the Jordanian Unfair Competition Law, the principal statutory source of protection is implemented through the general rules and principles of civil law, particularly, tort law and injurious acts. Although the Jordanian Unfair Competition Law purports to implement a general legal regime on unfair competition, it includes very little in terms of substantive or procedural protection of unfair competition. Presently, the Jordanian legal system provides only very limited protection which is not adequate to accommodate unfair competition cases. Therefore, statutory changes are needed.