
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경험적 직교함수(EOF)분석법과 다중회귀법에 기초하여 지연상관된 광역규모 예측인자로부터 3개월 이전에 계절 강수량을 예측할 수 있는 슈퍼앙상블 모델이 개발되었다. 이 모델의 예측성이 교차검증법에 의해 평가되었다. 관측값과 예측값사이의 상관계수는 봄철에 0.73, 여름철에 0.61, 가을철에 0.69, 겨울철에 0.75로 나타났다. 이러한 값은 유의수준 α=0.00에서 유의한 값이다. 수퍼 앙상블 방법의 범주형 예측성이 3개 범주로 나누어진 사례에 대해서 평가되었다. 3개 범주는 계절 누적강수량의 상위 33.3%를 과우해, 하위 33.3%를 소우해, 그 나머지를 평년해로 구분하였다. 범주형 예측의 적중률은 계절에 따라 42%에서 74%로 나타났다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, spatio-temporal patterns of seasonal precipitation and extreme precipitation events around Mt. Halla (1,950m) and their associations with elevation and aspect are examined based on daily precipitation data for the recent decade(2003~2012) observed at 24 weather stations in Jeju Island. Regression analyses show that annul total precipitation and the annual frequency of extreme precipitation events exceeding 80mm of daily precipitation increase with height by approximately 242mm/100m and 1.0day/100m, respectively. Seasonally, extreme precipitation events over the high mountain area mostly occur in summer (June~August) and also appear in other seasons including winter (December~February). The frequency of annual or seasonal extreme precipitation events as well as precipitation is higher in the southeastern or northeastern slope than in the southwestern or northwestern slope of Mt. Halla. These patterns are associated with the flow direction of moist air that ascends the slope of Mt. Halla when anticlockwise circulation of low pressure systems prevails. These findings provide primary information for developing the proactive strategies to mitigate potential flooding in the low-elevated coastal areas by extreme precipitation events over Mt. Halla
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to analyze long-term annual and seasonal trends of water chemistry on landuse patterns and seasonal precipitation using 72 sampling sites within Namhan River watershed during 2001-2010. Water quality, based on multi-parameters of water temperature(WT), dissolved oxygen(DO), biochemical oxygen demand(BOD), chemical oxygen demand(COD), suspended solids(SS), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), and electric conductivity(EC) varied largely depending on monsoon rain and landuse patterns such as forest, cropland, and residence. Concentrations of BOD and COD as an indicator for organic matter pollution, increased during summer monsoon season at the cropland and residential streams. Values of TN and TP were higher in residential streams than in the forest and cropland streams. In the meantime, DO values had weak relations to the landuse patterns of forest and cropland cover. Water quality was worst in cropland and residential streams, and also most degradated in 4th order streams. Overall, our results suggest that efficient water quality management is required in the cropland and residential landuse streams.