
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        1999.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The investigation to evaluate the possible effects of fish behaviour on acoustic target strength was carried out during the 1997 and 1998 hydroacoustic-demersal trawl surveys in the southern waters of Korea.The swimming speed and the target strength of individual, acoustically resolved fished swimming through the sound beam were measured using the split-beam tracking method on board R/V Kaya.The results obtained can be summarized as follows:1. The alongship and athwartship angles between -3dB poionts of a hull mounted 38 kHz split beam tranducer used in these surveys was >3.76˚ and 6.74˚ respectively, and the equal energy contour obtained from the measured beam pattern showed approximately the circular pattern. 2. The swimming speed measured off the south coast of Sorido in 23 January 1997 ranged 0.10 to 0.80 m/s with the average swimming spped of 0.36 m/s, and the target strength ranged -64.8 to -31.7 dB with the average target strength of -52.7 dB. The most dominant species sampled in this survey area were Japanese scaled sardine, Sardinella zunasi and Konoshiro gizzard shad, Konosirus punctatus, respectively.3. The swimming speed measured off the east coast of Kojedo in 24 March 1997 ranged 0.10 to 1.10 m/s with the average swimming speed of 0.40 m/s, and the target strength ranged -64.8 to -51.5 dB with the average target strength of -59.2 dB. The most dominant species sampled in this survey area were Swordtip squid, Photololigo edulis, Konoshiro gizzard shad and Japanese flying squid, Toddarodes pacificus, respectively and the swimming activity of these species seems to be controlled at speeds between 0.20 and 0.60 m/s. 4. The swimming speed measured the south coast of Kojedo in 25 March 1997 ranged 0.10 to 1.40 m/s with the average swimming speed of 0.51 m/s and the target strength ranged -64.3 to -47.7 dB with the average target strength of -55.1 dB. The most dominant species sampled in this survey area were Swordtip squid, Blotchy sillage, Sillago maculata and japanese scaled sardine, respectively and the swimming activity of these species seems to be controlled at speeds between 0.20 and 0.70 m/s.5. The swimming speed measured during morning twilight in the southeastern water of Cheju Island in 11 July 1998 ranged 0.20 to 1.0 m/s with the average swimming speed of 0.53 m/s, and the target strength ranged -65.0 to -47.0 dB with the average target strength of -57.1 dB. The most dominant species sampled in this survey area were Swordtip squid, Black scraper, Thamnaconus modesutus and japanese flying squid, respectively and the tile angle ranged +28˚ to +2˚ with the average tilt angle of -8.1˚ showing the downward migration.