
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The spent fuel dry storage canister is generally made of austenitic stainless-steel and has the role of an important barrier to encapsulate spent fuels and radioactive materials. The canister on the dry storage system has several welding lines in the wall and lid, which have high residual tensile stresses after welding procedure. Interaction between stainless steel and chloride environment from a sea results in an aged-related degradation phenomenon causing chloride induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) in the dry storage system. A pending issue to the interim storage of spent fuel awaiting repository disposal is their susceptibility to CISCC of stainless steel canisters. The available mitigation technology should be studied sufficiently to prevent the degradation phenomenon. This paper assesses stress-based mitigation to control residual tensile stress practically applicable to the atmospheric CISCC for the aging management of the stainless steel canisters. There are major components, that is, elevated tensile stress, susceptible material and corrosive environment that must be simultaneously present for CISCC degradation to occur. Surface stress improvement can effectively mitigate the potential for CISCC of the canister external surfaces. The potential deleterious effect of the additional work is negated by the presence of compressive residual stress, which removes the tensile stress needed for CISCC to occur. Surface stress improvement methods such as shock-based peening, shot peening and low plasticity burnishing can be applied for surface stress improvement of the canisters. Stress relaxation processes and advanced welding methods such as laser beam welding and friction stir welding can be also available to mitigate the susceptibility to CISCC. As the result assessing the stress-based mitigation technologies, promising candidate methods could be selected to reduce the residual tensile stresses and to control an aged-related degradation condition causing CISCC in the spent fuel dry storage canister.