‘的’ is the most frequently used word. This paper is a study of the Tense-Aspect [时体] mark ‘的’. And it can be defined as follows. First, The Tense-Aspect [时体] mark ‘的’ is tenses and Aspect is present both in the transition period like English. Tense-Aspect [时体] mark ‘的’ has both the past tense and the certain aspect. Second, The ‘的’ is positioned between the center verb of the predicate and the object, and role to emphasize, and shows the certain aspect more clearly. Third, I contend that The ‘的’ in the structure ‘是 + VP + 的 + NP’ is also Tense-Aspect [时体] mark ‘的’. In that structure, ‘是’ is the adverb and it is not the center verb of the predicate. ‘的’ is Tense-Aspect [时体] mark.