
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        China, considering art, culture, traffic, guide, hygiene, etc., divides its tourist attractions into 5 levels: 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A and 1A. Among them, 5A is the highest level of tourist attractions, and is given to the incomparably excellent tourist attractions though it is brought to the world, and is a place where intensive support and management by the state are offered at the same time. A 5A Level Tourist Attraction to be selected by National Tourist Bureau must receive an average mark of 90-95 or more (with its score being over 95 points in the 1st evaluation and over 90 in the 2nd and 3rd evaluation each) in more than 10 items of evaluation to proceed from the first to the third evaluation. As of April, 2018 there are 249 5A Level Tourist Attractions, and 3-15 attractions are appointed in most areas (based on jurisdiction as a provincial district). At a regional development level, it can be said that specification of 5A Level Tourist Attraction is as important as authorized data to attract overseas visitors as well as domestic visitors, because this can bring enormous revenue. Recently, however, as traffic congestion that is not fit for the world level tourist attractions, disorder, too many hawkers, rip-off prices, nature destruction, lack of natural protection consciousness, etc. are combined, tourist attractions whose appointment as a 5A Level Tourist Attraction is cancelled and demoted to a 4A Level are increasing. Such examples are Shanhai Tourism Site in Chinhwangdo, Sinyonghyeop Tourism Site in Junggyeong-si, etc. Tourism is an important industry for the development of China’s economic development, and it can be said that as a result, such sanctions and management bring a greater improvement to China’s tourist industry. Accordingly, this study intended to examine what sorts of regulations are applied for the management of China’s 5A Level Tourist Attractions and what kinds of managements and characteristics there are.