
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the purpose of disclosing estimated annual incidence rate and causative factors of traumatic spinal cord injury and obtaining basic data for the establishment of effective measures to prevent this injury, the medical record of 204 cases of Seoul residents with spinal cord injury which admitted in 46 general hospitals and National rehabilitation center located in Seoul, including Sam Yook Rehabilitation Center and Jung Ang Hospital in Kyungi do and occurred in 1995 were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1) The estimated annual incidence rate of traumatic spinal cord injury in 1995 of Seoul residents was 20.5 per million population. This incidence rate was the highest in the 40th years (34.1), followed by in the 50th years (26.5) and in the 20th years (25.6) in descending order. 2) The incidence rate ratio between male and female was 3.5:1. 3) The leading cause of injury was the highest in traffic accidents (42.2%), followed by falls from elevation (29.4%) and falls on the same level (9.8%). 4) Traffic accident mainly occured from 20th years to 40th years and falls from elevation in 50th years. 5) The level of spinal cord injury was the highest in cervical cord (63.2%), followed by the thoracic cord (21.1%) and lumbosacral cord (15.7%). Traffic accidents mainly caused in cervical cord injury whereas thoracic cord injury and lumbosacral cord injury were caused from falls from elevation. Above theconsiderations in mind, it suggested that in order to prevent traumatic spinal cord injuries, safety education of falls from elevation should be focused on the 20th years and 50th years male, moreover safety education of traffic accidents will be needed in the 30th years and 40th years male.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the purpose of disclosing causative factors of traumatic spinal cord injury. the medical record of 429 cases with spinal cord injury which admitted in 46 general hospital and National rehabilitation center located in Seoul, including Sam Yook rehabilitation center and Jung Ang hospital in Kyungi do and occurred in 1995 were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1. This incidence frequency was the highest in the 20th years(31.2%), followed by in the 30th years(23.596) and in the 40th years(l8.9%) in descending order. 2. The incidence ratio between male and female was 4: 1. 3. The leading cause of injury was the highest in traffic accidents(49.2%), followed by falls from elevation(25.2%) and falls on the same leve1(8.4%). 4. Traffic accident mainly occured from 20th years to 40th years and falls from elevation in 50th years. 5. The level of spinal cord injury was the highest in cervical cord(54.8%). followed by the thoracic cord(28.9%) and lumbosacral cord(16.3%). Traffic accidents mainly caused in cervical cord injury and thoracic cord injury whereas lumbosacral cord injury was caused from falls from elevation.