Water disinfection using UV-LED(Light emitting diode) has many advantages, such as smaller footprint and power consumption as well as relatively longer lifespan than those of conventional mercury-UV lamps. Moreover, UV-LED disinfection is considered an environmentally benign process due to its mercury-free nature. In this study, disinfection using an LED module emitting 275nm UV was carried out. 384 UV-LEDs were put into a cylinder tube with a capacity of 1.7 liters. The UV intensity of the UV-LED module was controlled from 1.7 to 8.4 mW/cm2. The disinfection efficiency for the model microorganism solutions(E. coli ) was monitored. As the UV intensity(I) and contact time(t) varied, inactivation of the microorganisms from 2 to 4-log-removals(i.e., 99 to 99.99% of disinfection efficiency) was achieved. Disinfection using UV-LED was followed to 1st order reaction and the reaction rate constant, k was determined. In addition, the relationship between UV intensity(I) and contact time(t) in order to obtain 99.99% of disinfection efficiency was modeled: I1.2∙𝑡= 460, which indicates that the product of UV intensity and contact time requiring 4-log-removals is always constant.