Most of speakers, the con-paper (con shape) or vibration plate generate the sound by reciprocating motion which is received vibrating signal from voice coil. On the other hand, the vibration speaker that reproduces sound by attaching a vibration head to some materials such as wood, plastic, glass plate, etc. instead of cone paper or vibration plate generates different sound timbres depending on the attached materials with vibration head. so we can hear a variety of timbres than ordinary speakers. In this study, the characteristics of vibration and sound propagation according to various materials attached to the vibration head of the vibration speaker were experimentally investigated and this sound propagation characteristics were compare with woofer speaker and micro speaker. As a result of sound propagation characteristics of vibration speaker, the reproduction ability of low frequency band wes inferior to compared than woofer speaker and micro speaker. This is judged to be due to the material characteristics of glass and wood which are source of the sound propagation. As compare with 1kHz sine tone, the woofer speaker has not generated the high order harmonic component, but the glass plate and wood plate used with the vibration speaker head have generated the high order harmonic component at a level that can not be ignored. According to above results, the vibration speaker will be had a low articulation of sound because the higher volume to generate the high distortion.
The vibration of wheel is mainly affected by a fault on a wheel contacting with railway when average speed is over 60km/h. When the wheel vibration caused by wheel scratch increase more than a certain criterion, the wheel is shaved to reduce the vibration. This criterion of shaving is determined from the acceleration signal measured from the sensor mounted on the railway. In this study, vibration characteristics of the rolling wheels having a fault is analyzed with experimental approach to verify the acceleration criterion for shaving wheel.
본 연구에서는 실선에 적용된 알루미늄 하니콤 샌드위치 판 (AHSP)을 저자가 제안한 심재의 형상이 피라미드인 알루미늄 샌드위치 판의 구조적 특성 및 진동특성을 검토해 보았다. 알루미늄 피라미드 샌드위치 판(APSP)의 기초 자료로 쓰일 수 있게 심재의 각도변화, 높이변화 및 면재와 심재의 두께변화에 따른 구조적 특성을 검토한 결과 APSP가 강도 및 강성에서 우수함을 보였으며, 질량대비 큰 강성 때문에 고유진동수도 다소 크게 평가되었다.