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        검색결과 24

        2021.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to verity the applicability of a portable small-loop electromagnetic survey method to underground cavity detection. METHODS: In order to evaluate applicability of the method, a test bed comprised of four sections was constructed. The two sizes of the four cavities artificially formed at two depths were contained in the test bed. Each cavity was positioned at center of each 6 m long section. Four types of pavement materials such as unpaved ground, bricks, asphalt, and concrete were used at every section. The portable small-loop electromagnetic device measured electrical conductivity as an exploration signal that varied according to the electrical properties underground. The electrical conductivity was converted into two-dimensional electrical resistivity distribution sections using an inverse analysis program. RESULTS : The results showed that the electrical resistivity of the non-cavity area was lower than that of the cavity area. The electrical resistivity increased as the measurement device moved closer to the cavity position. It was also found that the electrical resistivity values were not significantly affected by pavement type. The small cavity with diameter of 35 cm could be detected up to 1.2 m depth. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, it was verified that the portable small-loop electromagnetic survey method is applicable to the detection of cavities in sections where ground subsidence is expected. This method can be effectively used for small-scale roads such as sidewalks, parkways, and side streets where large exploration equipment cannot enter.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare hand washing awareness and microorganism contamination on the hands for evaluating the difference between awareness and conditions of hand hygiene. The average number of total aerobic bacteria and coliform was 2.7 log CFU/hand and 1.8 log CFU/hand, respectively. Coliform bacteria were detected in all of the students tested in this study. The questionnaire survey data obtained via a direct interview were collected from 100 university students with microorganism analysis. A majority (90%) of the students recognized that good hand hygiene is important in order to prevent food poisoning. In the hand washing survey data, the responses suggesting “always washed” from “before eating food”, “after handling money”, “after finishing study” and “after visiting patients” were observed in 18, 13, 15 and 33 out of the 100 students, respectively. The questionnaire data of hand washing frequency and time duration showed that 14 students and 6 students answered “more than 8 times of hand washing per day” and “more than 30 seconds of hand washing time”, respectively. These results indicated that improper hand washing practices and poor hand hygiene were identified in the majority of the students. This emphasizes the difference between awareness and conditions of hand hygiene. Repeated hand washing education about the frequency, time duration and methods is constantly required to improve hand hygiene. Installation of hand washing equipment in the space of a restaurant and cafeteria is suggested for enhancing hand hygiene before eating food.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The vibration of wheel is mainly affected by a fault on a wheel contacting with railway when average speed is over 60km/h. When the wheel vibration caused by wheel scratch increase more than a certain criterion, the wheel is shaved to reduce the vibration. This criterion of shaving is determined from the acceleration signal measured from the sensor mounted on the railway. In this study, vibration characteristics of the rolling wheels having a fault is analyzed with experimental approach to verify the acceleration criterion for shaving wheel.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to test the green-tide mitigation technique in the lower part of the Sook Stream (Chusori) of Daecheong Reservoir from June 27 to August 24, 2014. And the effects were compared with weekly monitoring result of the watching station of the algae alert system (AAS) as well as test beds reach. The green-tide in a test bed was begun from the upstream, and it was gradually transferred and spread toward the downstream by the hydrological factors. The total amount of algae removed by algae removal device during the test period was 33,920 kg, and solids dewatered by natural gravity was 8,480 kg. Also chlorophyll-a content was 2.83 kg, the number of blue-green algae cells was equivalent to 78.6×1014 cells. Compared with the results of the watching station of AAS, the pre-concentrate removal work in the outbreak waters was able to suggest the possibility of green-tide mitigation. In addition, an effective management of the green-tide was required spatial and temporal occurrence information and practical device technology. Particularly, the optimal timing of algae removal in the river-reservoir hybrid system was recommended at times before the monsoon rainy season and reached the lowest water level.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 사회기반시설 자산관리 프로세스와 운영기법을 담은 표준적인 매뉴얼 프레임워크를 제시하여 발주청이 자 체적으로 가감하여 매뉴얼을 구성·활용할 수 있도록 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼의 프레임워크를 제시하였다. 이를 위해 국내 사회기반시설 자산관리 환경·현황 분석을 통해 자산관리 도입의 당위성을 살펴보고, 정부와 발주청의 자산관리 매뉴얼 현황과 미비점을 점검하였고, 호주, 영국, 미국의 선진국 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼 현황 및 체계를 파악하고 각국의 자 산관리 매뉴얼의 특징을 분석·비교하여 한국의 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼에서 참고할 수 있도록 매뉴얼 구성방향을 도 출하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 국내외 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼 구성방향을 통해 외국의 자산관리 매뉴얼의 특징을 반영 하는 범용성, 자산관리 숙련도별 조직별 차등 적용가능성, 사용자의 편의성, 순환적 프로세스를 고려하여 발주청이 활용할 수 있는 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼의 프레임워크를 제시하였다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 사회기반시설 자산관리 프로세스와 운영기법을 담은 표준적인 매뉴얼 프레임워크를 제시하여 발주청이 자체적으로 가감하여 매뉴얼을 구성·활용할 수 있도록 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼의 프레임워크를 제시하였다. 이를 위해 국내 사회기반시설 자산관리 환경·현황 분석을 통해 자산관리 도입의 당위성을 살펴보고, 정부와 발주청의 자산관리 매뉴얼 현황과 미비점을 점검하였고, 호주, 영국, 미국의 선진국 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼 현황 및 체계를 파악하고 각국의 자산관리 매뉴얼의 특징을 분석·비교하여 한국의 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼에서 참고할 수 있도록 매뉴얼 구성방향을 도출하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 국내외 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼 구성방향을 통해 외국의 자산관리 매뉴얼의 특징을 반영하는 범용성, 자산관리 숙련도별 조직별 차등 적용가능성, 사용자의 편의성, 순환적 프로세스를 고려하여 발주청이 활용할 수 있는 사회기반시설 자산관리 매뉴얼의 프레임워크를 제시하였다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        개방형 도시정보모델은 3차원 가시성으로 인한 상황 이해도를 증진시키고, 의미정보 및 객체간 관계정보로의 접근으로 인한 효율적인 정보 재사용을 가능하게 하며, 다양한 외부 데이터와의 연계를 통해 구체적이고 신뢰도 높은 의사결정을 지원한다. 본 연구에서는 실제 데이터를 기반으로 지형 및 건물에 대한 개방형 도시정보모델 생성하였다. 또한 침수해 발생과 관련한 수리해석 데이터와 도시정보모델을 연계한 건물의 침수 시뮬레이션 프로세스를 개발하고 이를 적용하였으며, 인명 및 재산피해 예상값을 도출하였다. 마지막으로 정보모델이 포함하고 있는 모델 데이터와 침수 수리해석 결과 및 피해결과를 활용한 구체적인 질의를 통해 도시정보모델의 활용성을 검토하였다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한려해상국립공원 특별보호구로 지정된 히어리군락의 생육상태와 향후 자생지의 지속적인 보전 및 관리를 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 분석하였다. 히어리군락은 계곡부에 위치하고 있었으며, 암 및 자갈 노출도가 60%이상으로 식피율이 낮게 나타났고 계곡범람으로 조사구의 훼손과 교란현상이 나타나고 있었다. 히어리군락의 교목층은 졸참나무와 소나무가 우점하였으며, 아교목층은 히어리, 당단풍, 사람주나무, 편백, 산딸나무가 우점하였다. 관목층은 작살나무, 청미래덩굴 등이 우점하였으며, 초본층은 애기나리 등이 우점하였다. 계곡부에 위치한 히어리군락의 3년동안(2008∼2010년) 생육기인 5∼9월의 강수량 및 강우일수는 점차 증가하여 침식 및 훼손 등의 교란가능성이 높았으며 히어리가 주로 수광량이 높은 계곡부에 분포함으로서 성숙된 종자의 산포가 토양층이 얕은 계곡으로 분산되어 유묘 발생에 의한 개체군 증가가 빈약하였다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated moth communities in Samcheok, Korea, to elucidate the influence of the East Coast Fire in 2000. Moths were collected with UV light traps 4 times a year from 2006 to 2009 at 3 sites: Unburned area (Site 1), Surface fire area (Site 2), and Crown fire area (Site 3) sites, respectively. A total of 3,804 individuals belonging to 727 species from 30 families were captured at the 3 study 1,727 individuals of 505 species (27 families) at Site 1, 1,193 individuals of 353 species (24 families) at Site 2, and 885 individuals of 340 species (25 families) at Site 3. Species richness and individuals of Noctuidae, Pyralidae, Geometridae, and Tortricidae were the highest at all 3 sites. All of species richness, individuals, and species diversity (H’) were the highest in Site 1 for 4 years. The index of similarity (α-Index) was higher between Site 2 and 3 in 2006, while higher between Site 1 and 2 in 2009. Moths were grouped into 16 categories by hosts of the larval stage. Individuals of moths of herbaceous feeding habit continuously decreased at Site 3, but proportion of individuals of tree feeding habits continuously increased. The present results showed that moth communities was relatively recovered according to vegetation change after forest fire and regeneration of moth communities in surface fire area was more faster than in crown fire area.
        2010.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Analysis of benthic micro-invertebrate community structure from the Pyeonghwaui Dam was investigated from May 2006 to October 2008. Total taxa of benthic micro-invertebrates were 5 phylum, 8 class, 15 order, 44 family, and 97 species in 2006, and 5 phylum, 7 class, 15 order, 48 family, 103 species in 2008. Mean dominance index at St. 1 to St. 5 were 0.36, 038, 0.38, 0.21 and 0.29. Mean species diversity at St. 1 to St. 5 were 3.84, 3.34, 3.13, 4.84 and 4.28. Although the dominance index of Lentic area was higher than Lotic, but the diversity was lower than Lotic area.
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