The main purpose of this study is to explore a way of South-North Korea fisheries cooperation through international organizations under the principles of the Korean peninsula trust process. Considering the government policy toward the North, although some humanitarian aids or cooperations may be plausible with permission of the Ministry of Reunification. direct cooperations between the South and the North Korea must be much limited at leat under the present government. The 5.24 measures taken in 2010 banned in fact all economic/humanitarian cooperations by private sectors and government. Noting the present and the visible future, an important question is whether the North accepts all cooperations including fisheries, bartering giving up nuclear weapon development for the 5.24 measures. It would be a difficult question to be answered, because win-set to both parties is too narrow, so far as there is no change in the South-North conflicting priority policies. If so, one way of implementing South-North fisheries cooperations is to drive forward cooperative programs through UN organizations. Since for instance FAO and WFP secure justification and roles and has a global network, they have sufficient capacity of being abe to organize fisheries experts. If the South can finance the budget necessary for the programs, FAO or WFP would lead the programs through a negotiation with the North. In other words, it is a type of cooperative model that FAO or WFP leads the programs and the South finances. In addition, if World Fisheries University(WFU) is invited to the Republic of Korea, it might make a great contribution to expert exchange of the North.