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      검색결과 3

      2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Based on a literature review regarding shift work, it is recognized that it has an adverse effect on workers' health. Especially, the night shift rather than the day shift imposes severe disorders on workers, which are indicated to dyssomnia, maladaptation to social life, and health problems such as gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and depression. As the shift work can be explainable by using workers' labor ability necessarily to maintain company business consistently, it does not consider biorhythm, active mass and health condition of workers Actually duration of shit work would deprive workers of fundamental life rights by causing physical and mental effects. As a result of reviewing previous case studies related to effect of work pattern (day shift and night shift) on workers' health, an incidence of physical diseases like dyssomnia, gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and premature delivery was higher in shift workers than normal workers. Additionally the incidence of mental disorders such as busy brain, social isolation, depression and work stress was also higher in shift workers than normal workers. These adverse physical and mental problems were intensified to night shift workers compared to day shift workers. Considering current various reports and study results, it is recommended that the shift work, especially the night work pattern, should not apply to contemporary work situation for sustaining workers' health condition constantly.
      2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The aim of this study was to develop a pattern of flight attendant uniform shirts to provide better comfort for their work postures. Flight attendants’ work postures were evaluated to determine the problems of clothing and mobility during their work. The pattern of the flight attendants’ uniform shirt was altered by applying dynamic wearing ease(DWE). DWE was calculated from four standardized dynamic postures and a static posture. An experimental garment was made with the altered postures. The researcher redesigned the pattern of the uniform shirts, which minimizes physical limitations in movements. The fit and mobility of the shirts were evaluated. Results of this study are as follows. First, the five representative work postures were selected by “clothing stress” and “repetitiveness.” These postures included raised arms, twisting midriff and shoulder postures. Five representative postures were selected by using the ergonomic posture assessment device index(OWAS). Second, the experimental garment was developed by applying DWE across the back and at armhole depth, back length, and side length. Third, the fit and mobility of the experimental garments and the original uniform shirts were compared at the flight working environment set and 5 dynamic body postures of raising arms. The experimental garments made with an altered pattern provided better fit and mobility than the original sample shirts.