Total collected benthic macroinvertebrates in rice paddy fields were identified 3 phylum, 5 class, 13 order, 25 family, 32 genera and 36 species, those in organic rice field were 12 order, 22 family and 28 species, and in conventional rice field were 10 order, 19 family and 25 species. The almost collected species inhabit lentic zone but Semisulcospira libertina, Corbicula fluminea, and Tipula sp. were habitat on lotic zone. The number of benthic macroinvertebrates species was higher in organic paddy field than in conventional field. Eleven species were collected only on organic but eight species only on conventional field. The number of individuals were 870 on organic rice field which higher 3.6-fold on conventional field. The diversity indices of organic rice field were 1.57-2.45 and 0.71-2.61 in the first and second survey, respectively. The higher diversity indices, the lower dominance indices.