1. 30년 장기 연용구의 연작 대비 윤작에 의한 옥수수 및 콩의 수량증대는 옥수수보다 콩이 더 컸으며, 연작시 무경운에 따라 수량이 감소되었던 옥수수는 윤작에 의해 수량이 많이 회복되었다. 콩은 연 윤작구 모두 무경운에서도 수량이 감소하지 않았다. 2. 윤작구의 작물재배기간의 이산화탄소 누적발생량은 재배작물 및 처리간 차이가 없었으며, 메탄은 콩의 재배시 plow 경운구에서 생육초기에 증가하였다. 3. 아산화질소의 발생은 옥수수 생육초기 질소시비 후에 질소비료의 무기화 과정에서 발생량이 증가하였는데, 경운방법에 따라 차이가 뚜렷하여 chisel 경운에서 가장 높았고, 무경운에서 가장 낮았다. 4. 콩-옥수수 윤작체계에서 plow 및 chisel 경운에 비해 무경운(no-tillage)의 채택에 따라 작물의 수량 감소없이 콩 재배 시 메탄 0.7kgCha1 및 옥수수 재배 시 아산화질소 2~4kgNha1 발생량을 감소시킬 수 있었다.
Soybean can produce high-N residue due to N-fixation, so soybean rotation may increase yield of subsequent corn and reduce N fertilizer on the corn fairly. To find out the contribution of nitrogen to subsequent corn following soybean cultivation, soil nitrate, corn yield, and nitrogen uptake were measured for three continuous corn cropping years after soybean rotation. Three N rates of 0, 80, and 160 kg/ha were applied to three continuous corn following soybean cropping. At 6-leaf stage, soil nitrate amount at the soil depth of 0-30cm ranged from 60 to 80 kgN/ha higher in the first corn cropping year than that in the second and third corn cropping years. Judging from corn N status such as SPAD value, N concentration of ear-leaf and stover at silking stage, N contribution of previous soybean to corn in the first corn year was N fertilizer of approximately 80 kg N/ha. Stover N uptake at silking stage increased from 47 to 52 kg N/ha at the 0, and 80 kg N/ha of N rates in the first corn cropping year compared with those in the second and third corn cropping years. Corn grain yield at the 0 kg N/ha of N rate was 6-7 ton/ha higher in the first corn cropping year than that in the second and third corn cropping years, respectively. When compared the first corn year following soybean cropping with the second and third corn cropping years, N uptake of grain and stover at harvest with low N rates such as 0 and 80 kg N/ha increased from 45 to 67kg N/ha, from 35 to 60 kg N/ha, respectively. N uptake of whole plant by soybean rotation increased from 93 to 118 kg N/ha in the first year compared with that in the second and third corn cropping years. However, the N contribution by soybean cropping was small in the second and third continuous corn cropping years. Therefore, it was concluded that the nitrogen fertilizer of 80-100 kg N/ha in the first corn cropping year could be saved by soybean rotation and annual alternative corn-soybean rotation could be the best rotation system