
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, growth and yield characteristics of 14 potato varieties were analyzed in the uncultivated field Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land in spring season cropping and to select suitable varieties for the cultivation. The shoot emergence has been started about 20 days after planting and has been continued for 10 ~ 22 days after first emergence. All varieties showed 90% or higher emergence rate. The potato varieties yield was classified into three groups depend on the total yield. High yield varieties; Atlantic, Chuyeong, Seohong, Chubaek and medium yield varieties; Chudong, Goun, Haryung, Jopung, Dejima, Superior and low yield varieties; Hongyoung, Jayoung, Jowon, Namseo. For the marketable yield, Jowon, Altantic, Chuyeong, Jopung, Seohong, Goun, Superior and Haryung varieties showed 70% or higher while Hongyoung showed the lowest with 47%. According to the results of virus detection test after two year successive cultivation in reclaimed tidal land, very low amount of Potato virus Y (PVY) was detected only on Seohong sprouts (fitst year) and Dejima leaves (second year) while other varieties were shown no symptom of virus. From the survey with consumers, Haryung, Superior, Goun, Dejima and Chuyeong varieties were found to be relatively higher in the purchase preference for the shape, color and taste. The measurement of antioxidant activity showed Jayoung variety to be excellent with the total phenol contents and DPPH antioxidant activity. Atlantic, Chuyeong, Seohong, Goun, Haryung and Jopung varieties showing high total yield and marketability of 70% higher were considered to be suitable for cultivation in the sandy loam of Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land. According to the above results, the growing possibility of spring potatoes in he sandy loam of newly Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중부지역에서 논 콩 파종기 이동에 따른 생육 및 수량성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 콩 조숙종 3품종과 중만생종 3품종을 경기 수원지역에서 5월 21일, 6월12일, 6월29일, 8월1일 4회 파종을 하여2012년부터 2013년까지 2개년 간에 수행하여 주요 생육특성 및 수량성을 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 출현율은 파종기 조·만에 따른 일정한 경향이 없었으며, 중만숙종인 태광콩이 가장 높았고 조숙종인 참올, 중만숙종 황금이 가장 낮았으며 연차 간 차이는 없었다. 2. 출현소요일수는 만파될수록 단축되는 경향이었으며 조숙종, 중만숙종 품종에 따른 차이가 있었고 연차 간에 총 평균 출현소요일수의 차이가 있었다. 3. 개화소요일수는 조·중만숙종 품종에 관계없이 만파될수록 개화일수가 단축되었으며 단축폭도 만파될수록 적어졌다. 조숙종이 중만숙종 보다 5.5일이 더 빨랐고, 연차 간에 개화소요일수의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 4. 주경장은 조파에 비해 만파에서 단축되는 경향이었으며 조숙종이 중만숙종 보다 적었고 연차 간에 주경장의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 분지수는 조숙종은 일정한 경향이 없었으나 중만생종은 만파될수록 많아지는 경향이었으며, 중만숙종이 조숙종 보다 많았고 연차 간에 차이가 있었다. 5. 주당협수는 조파에서 가장 많았고 중만숙종이 조숙종 보다 많았으며 연차 간 차이는 없었다. 주당립수는 전 파종기조·중만숙종 전체평균치는 중만숙종이 조숙종 보다 더 많았고연차간 비교시 2012년이 2013년보다 더 많았다. 백립중은 조기 3파종기간에는 유의적인 차이가 없었고 만파에서는 현저하게 낮아졌으며, 조숙종이 중만숙종 보다 더 무거웠고 연차 간에 고도의 유의적인 차이가 있었다. 6. 10a당 수량은 6월29일 파종기에서 가장 높았고 그 다음이 6월12일, 5월21일 순으로 낮아졌으며 8월1일 파종기에서 가장 낮았다. 전 파종기에 걸쳐 조숙종과 중만숙종 전체평균치를 보면 중만숙종이 조숙종 보다 많았고 연차 간에 고도의 유의적인 차이가 있었다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        포장조건에서 22종의 옥수수교잡종을 과습조건에서 도복관련형질들의 상호관련성을 검정하였는데 좌절중 (1.0 m, 1.5 m)과 좌절부위등을 평가하였고 주요한 도복 저항성 형질인 좌절중, 간직경, 뿌리건물중, 중심고등의 상호 관련성을 함께 평가하였다. 본시험은 포트시험에서 일차 스크린 한 것을 논에 경사지를 만들어 경사지별로 수분함량과 도복저항성을 비교하기 위하여 관수시기(과습조건)를 파종후 20일, 5엽기, 출웅기, 출사기로 구분하였고 관수량은 100 mm/일 씩 5일간 처리하였으며 조사는 수확기에 수행 하였다. 본시험의 결과 출사기에 1.0 m, 1.5 m 높이에서 좌절중과 중심고는 정의 상관을 보였으며 파종후 20일차에 관수처리구에서는1.0m, 1.5m 모두 좌절강도와 간직경이 정의 상관을 나타냈다. 관수처리 5엽기에서는 높이 1.0 m에서 좌절강도와 간직경간의 강한 정의 상관을 나타냈으며 도복관련 형질인 간직경, 뿌리건물중,지상부 중심고, 좌절중, 좌절고등이지만 관수처리시 이들을 가장쉽게 판별 할 수 있는 방법은 5엽기에 관수처리구가 가장 효율적으로 사료된다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Germination characteristics, seedling emergence, and early seedling growth of iron-coated rice seeds, cultivars Daebo and Samdeokbyeo, under different water depths were compared with those of non-coated seeds (control) and the results evaluated to obtain basic information for establishing stable seedlings in direct water seeding. The total germination percentage of the two seed treatments was similar, but iron-coated seeds had slightly faster germination and shorter mean germination time than non-coated seeds. Water absorption rates of iron-coated seeds were lower than that of non-coated seeds during seed germination. The germination percentage of the two iron-coated rice seed cultivars showed a significant decline of 15-22% after one year of storage under natural conditions. The seedling emergence percentage and uniformity of the two rice cultivars were significantly higher in the iron-coated seeds at 1-13 cm water depths but the percentage of floating seedlings was lower in iron-coated seeds than in non-coated seeds. The iron-coated seeds had a high seedling emergence percentage of 91.3-93.3% at all flooding depths whereas the non-coated seeds had a significantly low seedling emergence percentage of 57.7-71.7% at a water depth of 13 cm. Moreover, the shoot dry weight and seedling health score of iron-coated seeds were significantly higher than those of non-coated seeds, while root dry weights were similar in iron-coated and non-coated seeds, regardless of water depth. These results suggest that iron-coated seeds are more appropriate for stable seedling establishment in direct water seeding than are non-coated seeds.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘구슬옥’(수원단55호)은 자식계통 KSE19를 종자친으로 하 고 KSE7를 화분친으로 하여 교잡된 단옥수수 단교잡종으로 Sugary enhancer (se) 인자를 가지고 있어 당도가 높고 옥수 수 립의 색은 흰색과 노란색, 두 가지색을 나타낸다. ‘구슬옥’ 은 2005년 생산력검정시험을 거쳐, 2007년부터 2009년까지 3년 동안 전국 5개 지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 그 우수성이 인정되어 2009년 농작물 직무육성 신품종으로 결정 되었다. ‘구슬옥’의 출사일수는 65일로 조생종에 속하며 이삭 길이가 18.0 cm로 대조군인 ‘GCB70’과 비슷하다. ‘구슬옥’ 은 당도가 20.5%로 ‘GCB70’보다 높으며 경도가 낮아 씹힘 성이 부드러우며 전체적 기호도가 우수하였다. ‘구슬옥’은 깨씨무늬병, 조명나방, 도복에 강하였다. ‘구슬옥’의 ha당 이삭 수는 ‘GCB70’보다 많지만 이삭중은 비슷하였다. ‘구슬옥’의 모본 출사기와 부본의 화분 비산기간이 잘 일치하였으며 채 종량은 재식비율 모, 부본 2:1에서 1.39 ton/ha, 3:1에서 1.43 ton/ha이였다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Undomesticated soybeans (Glycine soja) are an important source of genetic variation for introducing useful traits to domesticated soybeans (Glycine max). Although Korea is known as the origin of the soybean, a little is known about genetic diversity and structure analysis of G.soja. The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic diversity and the structure analysis of wild soybeans, and to construct a core collection of G. soja accessions in Korea. To evaluate the genetic diversity and structure analysis of G.soja, we analyzed allelic profiles at 21 SSR loci of 1028 accessions using POWERMARKER V3.25. These markers generated a total of 581 alleles over all loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 21 to 40, with a mean of 28 alleles per locus and a mean gene diversity of 0.886 in this accessions tested. Polymorphic information content value ranged from 0.737 to 0.946, with an average of 0.877. Using STRUCTURE V2.34, wild soybean originated from Korea was divided into two distinct populations, largely corresponding to two geographic regions. Population 1 consisted of eight sub-groups corresponds to mountains; population 2 to entire regions in Korea. Based on theses 21 SSR markers, a core collection development was performed by POWERCORE V1.0. A G. soja core collection consisted of 148 accessions which were established from 1028 accessions in Korea. Most accessions of the core collection were belonged to population 2 and only four were belonged to population 1. These results of this study would provide valuable information for future breeding programs using the G. soja core collection.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This studies was carried out to assess antioxidant activity between flavonoid compounds (rutin, qurcetin, luteolin) and maysin(2''-O-6-C-(6-deoxy-xylo-hexose-4ulosyl)luteolin) isolated from corn silks of Zea mays L. Maysin extracted by corn silks was the highest free radical scavenging among flavonoid compounds such as rutin, qurcetin, and luteolin. But, the other flavonoid compounds(luteolin) showed the strongest free radical scanverning activity. In the results of peroxidase activity(POD), maysin don't indicated the remarkable peroxidase inhibiton activities. At the lowest concentration, NBT(Nitro blue tetrazolium) reduction activity of rutin, qurcetin, and luteolin were the low inhibition activities but maysin showed the highest Nitro blue tetrazolium reduction activity. Lipid peroxidase inhibition activities using Thiobarbituric acid(TBA) method, maysin showed the highest lipid peroxidase inhibition in three concentration levels..
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Maize is expected to be planted in June after harvest of winter barley for the double cropping of forage maize-barley. But maize yield tends to be reduced rapidly with late planting after mid-May, so the pre-requisite of maize variety for the double cropping of maize-barley is less reduction of growth and yield at the condition of late planting in June. In order to select domestic forage maize variety adapted to late planting in June after barley harvest, Kwangpyeong-ok, Gangda-ok and Jangda-ok in 2007 and Kwangpyeong-ok, Gangda-ok and Cheongan-ok in 2008 were planted on June 13 and June 21, and plant growths and yields were compared with early planting on April 24 and May 31, respectively. In 2007, Ear number per plant was as high as 0.98 at Kwangpyeong-ok compared to 0.89 and 0.56 of Gangda-ok and Jangda-ok, respectively, at late planting on June 13. TDN and grain yield of Kwangpyeong-ok were the highest among three variety as 1,037 and 710 kg/10a, and yield reduction of Kwangpyeong-ok compared to early planting were 24% and 28 %, which were 7% and 8% lower than Gangda-ok and 22% and 50% lower than Jangda-ok, respectively. In 2008, TDN and grain yield at late planting on June 21 of Kwangpyeong-ok were also the highest among three varieties as 1,157 and 854 kg/10a at late planting on June 24, and yield reduction of Kwangpyeong-ok by late planting were 21% and 19%, which were 10% and 11% lower than Gangda-ok and 22% and 50% lower than Jangda-ok, respectively. It was concluded that proper maize variety adapted to late planting for the double cropping of forage maize-barley was Kwangpyeong-ok because of its higher ear bearing, less reduction of TDN and grain yields at the condition of late planting.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Changing climate, especially water content(WC) and CO2 (CD) concentration could be effect on the growth of soybean and seed yield. So we evaluated the effects of WC and CD on the physiological characteristics of newly developed soy cultivars in growth chamber. Ten soy cultivars evaluated in three [CO2] levels (CD1, 350; CD2, 500; CD3, 700ppm) and three water content (WC1: 30%, WC2: 40, WC3: 50%) in the pot in growth chamber. Increased [CO2] from 350 to 500 and 500 to 700ppm enhanced crop growth parameters greatly and grain yield, however, grown in CD3 enhanced plant height increasing speed, and shortened growing duration, however, they were grow very weakly and it resulted in lodging problem. High soil water content (WC3) hampered growth and yield of soybean in three CD treatments and the degree was lower in CD1 and CD2 than CD3. In this results we can conclude increasing [CO2] in Korean peninsular might be decrease lodging resistance, especially high moisture content, so, plant breeders and physiologists need to develop improved lodging resistance cultivars under high water content and high CO2 content.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effects of CO2 enrichment on growth of maize (Zea mays L.) were examined. Parameters analyzed include growth characteristics, yields, photosynthetic rates, evaporation rates and photosynthesis-related characteristics under elevated CO2 . The plants were grown in growth chambers with a 12-h photoperiod and a day/night temperature of 28/21~circC at the seedling stage and 30/23~circC from the silking stage. The plants were exposed to two elevated CO2 of 500, 700ppm and ambient levels (350 ppm). Chalok 1 and GCB 70 germinated three days after seeding, and germination rates were faster in the elevated CO2 than the control. Germination rates displayed significant differences among the CO2 treatments. At the seedling stage, leaf area, top dry weight, and photosynthetic rates, and plant height indicated positive relationship with elevated CO2 concentrations. At the 5~6 leaf stage, CO2 concentration also indicated positive relationship with plant height, leaf area, top dry weight, and photosynthetic rates. At the silking stage, increased plant height of Chalok 1 was noted in the CO2 treatments compared to the control. No significant differences were noted for GCB 70, in which leaf area decreased but photosynthetic rates increased progressively with CO2 concentration. Stomatal aperture was a little bigger in the elevated CO2 than the control. CO2 concentration was negatively related to stomatal conductance and transpiration rates, resulting in high water use efficiency.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Environment-friendly soybean planting system has been being required in the upland field with high slope and heavy rain in summer season. Changes of weed amount and soybean yield by rye cover crop and conservation tillage were investigated. Soil-disturbing at conservation tillage before soybean planting increased numbers and dry weights of weeds germinated in late spring such as Echinochloa crusgalli P. Beauv (barnyardgrass) and Portulaca oleracea L. (common purslane) regardless of herbicide spray even though the weed, Chenopodium ficifolium Smith germinated before soil-disturbing were higher at non-disturbing soil. Higher weed amounts at plots of strip-tillage (30cm rototilling) compared to minimum tillage (10cm rototilling) was mainly due to the weed increase by soil-disturbing. Soybean yields at plots with rye cover crop, particularly early maturity rye cover crop, were lower than those at plots without rye cover crop, which was due to lower soybean seedling stand by heavy rye residue. More researches are required for the higher soybean yield at the minimum tillage with rye cover crop in which weed amounts were low.
        2001.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean can produce high-N residue due to N-fixation, so soybean rotation may increase yield of subsequent corn and reduce N fertilizer on the corn fairly. To find out the contribution of nitrogen to subsequent corn following soybean cultivation, soil nitrate, corn yield, and nitrogen uptake were measured for three continuous corn cropping years after soybean rotation. Three N rates of 0, 80, and 160 kg/ha were applied to three continuous corn following soybean cropping. At 6-leaf stage, soil nitrate amount at the soil depth of 0-30cm ranged from 60 to 80 kgN/ha higher in the first corn cropping year than that in the second and third corn cropping years. Judging from corn N status such as SPAD value, N concentration of ear-leaf and stover at silking stage, N contribution of previous soybean to corn in the first corn year was N fertilizer of approximately 80 kg N/ha. Stover N uptake at silking stage increased from 47 to 52 kg N/ha at the 0, and 80 kg N/ha of N rates in the first corn cropping year compared with those in the second and third corn cropping years. Corn grain yield at the 0 kg N/ha of N rate was 6-7 ton/ha higher in the first corn cropping year than that in the second and third corn cropping years, respectively. When compared the first corn year following soybean cropping with the second and third corn cropping years, N uptake of grain and stover at harvest with low N rates such as 0 and 80 kg N/ha increased from 45 to 67kg N/ha, from 35 to 60 kg N/ha, respectively. N uptake of whole plant by soybean rotation increased from 93 to 118 kg N/ha in the first year compared with that in the second and third corn cropping years. However, the N contribution by soybean cropping was small in the second and third continuous corn cropping years. Therefore, it was concluded that the nitrogen fertilizer of 80-100 kg N/ha in the first corn cropping year could be saved by soybean rotation and annual alternative corn-soybean rotation could be the best rotation system
        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Winter green manure crops including legume increase grain yield of subsequent crop and substitute N fertilizer requirement with organic-No Hairy vetch grows vigorously and can provide N-rich green manure for corn with its soil incorporation after wintering. But, grain yield of corn as succeeding crop would be reduced if its planting time is delayed until late spring. This experiment was carried out to find the proper incorporation time of hairy vetch green manure and planting time of subsequent corn in cropping system with winter hairy vetch(green manure)-summer corn. Hairy vetch was incorporated into soil at a ten-day interval between April 10 and May 10 and corn was planted at 5 days after each hairy vetch incorporation. Soil nitrate concentration on April 10 and 20 in hairy vetch plot was slightly lower than that at winter fallow. Above-ground dry matter and organic-N of hairy vetch increased linearly with delayed hairy vetch incorporation time from April 10 to May 10. Average dry matter and organic-N produced by hairy vetch were 5.7 ton/ha and 248 kgN/ha, respectively. Corn growth and yield decreased as delayed corn planting time after May in spite of increasing dry matter and N-yield of hairy vetch. Nitrogen concentration of corn grain, stalk and whole plant at harvest were the highest in May 5 planting, but total N-uptake of May 5 planting were not different from that of April 25 planting because of lower grain yield. It was concluded that the proper incorporation time of hairy vetch and corn planting time were April 20 and April 25, respectively, because grain yield was the highest and corn could use hairy vetch-N effectively to produce dry matter.