
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 74

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        영남 평야지에서는 추석전 햅쌀 출하를 목적으로 조기재배나 극조기재배가 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 그러나 극조기 벼 수확 이후에 후작물로 적합한 작목이 없어서 휴경을 하는 농가가 많아 적합한 작부체계 개발을 위한 재배법 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 시험은 극조기 벼 수확 후 이모작 작부체계에 적합한 벼 품종 및 재배시기 설정을 위해 수행하였다. 조생종 14개 품종을 4월 7일, 4월 14일, 4월 21일, 4월 28일에 각각 이앙하였을 때, 극조기 벼 이모작을 위한 기준 출수기인 7월 10일 이전에 출수가능한 품종은 백일미, 주남조생, 중모1032, 진옥이었다. 이 품종들의 적산온도로 추정한 적정 이앙시기는 4월 10일에서 4월 20일 사이로, 이 시기에 이앙할 경우 8월 20일 이내에 수확이 가능하여 8월 하순 후작물과의 작기연결성에 유리한 적합 품종으로 판단된다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경상남도 밀양에서 옥수수 나방류 해충인 조명나방(Ostrinia furnacalis)과, 왕담배나방(Helicoverpa armigera)의 발생양상을 조사하였다. 밀양에서 조명나방의 1차 성충은 5월 하순에 16.8마리로 최고발생밀도를 보였고, 2차 성충은 8월 하순에 4.8마리로 최고발생밀도를 보였다. 2012-2014년 호남지역인 익산, 고창, 부안에서 조명나방 1차 성충의 최고발생밀도를 보인 시기가 5월말에서 6월 상순이었다는 것과 비슷하였으나 밀양이 3-5일 정도 빠른 것으로 보인다. 2차 성충은 익산, 고창, 익산에서 8월 하순에서 9월 상순사이 최고발생밀도를 보인 것과 비슷한 발생양상을 보였다. 밀양에서 왕담배나방의 1차 성충은 5월 상순에 12.7마리로 최고발생밀도를 보였으며, 2차 성충은 6월 하순에 16.7마리로 최고발생밀도를 보였고, 3차 성충은 8월 상순에 23.3마리로 최고발생밀도를 보였다. 2012-2014년 부안에서 왕담배나방의 1차 성충 최고발생밀도는 5월 중순으로 밀양보다 약 10일정도 늦었으며, 2차성충과 3차 성충의 최고발생 시기는 6월 하순과 8월 상순으로 비슷한 양상을 보였다. 밀양에서 왕담배나방의 1차 성충의 최고발생 시기는 부안에 비해 약 7-10일 정도 빠른 것으로 보이며, 2차 성충과 3차성충의 최고발생시기는 비슷한 양상을 보였다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최고품질 벼 칠보의 적정 수확시기를 구명하고자 농업환경이 서로 다른 밀양, 사천, 함양, 상주, 울진 등 5개 지역에서벼를 재배한 후 각 지역별 최적 수확시기를 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 기후대에 따라 출수기에서 출수 후 60일까지의 평균기온은 사천이 가장 높았고, 상주가 가장 낮았다. 상주는 평균기온의 저하정도가 다른 지역에 비해 컸으며 울진은 등숙기 평균기온은 낮았지만 온도저하 정도는 가장 적었다. 2. 지역별로 최고수량을 나타내는 수확시기는 지역간의 차이가 있었는데, 백미수량은 밀양과 함양이 60일, 울진과 상주는 55일, 사천은 45일이었고, 완전미 수량은 상주, 사천, 함양은 60일, 밀양, 울진이 50일로 대체로 출수후 50 ~ 60일 사이었다. 이를 적산온도로 환산할 경우 밀양, 함양은 1,200oC, 상주는 1,050oC, 사천, 울진은 1,100oC 부근이었다. 3. 각 지역별로 최고수량을 나타낸 수확시기의 수량을 100으로 표준화하고 나머지 수확시기별 수량을 상대적 비율로 수정하여 적산온도와의 관계를 검토한 결과 칠보의 백미 및 완전미 수량은 적산온도가 1,100oC가 될 때까지 증가하였으며,증가속도는 적산온도 100oC마다 5% 정도였다. 적산온도1,100oC 이후에는 수량증가는 보이지 않았으나 지나친 수확지연은 품질저하가 우려되므로 칠보의 수확적기는 지역에 관계없이 출수 후 적산온도 1,100 ~ 1,200oC 범위로 판단되었다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, growth and yield characteristics of 14 potato varieties were analyzed in the uncultivated field Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land in spring season cropping and to select suitable varieties for the cultivation. The shoot emergence has been started about 20 days after planting and has been continued for 10 ~ 22 days after first emergence. All varieties showed 90% or higher emergence rate. The potato varieties yield was classified into three groups depend on the total yield. High yield varieties; Atlantic, Chuyeong, Seohong, Chubaek and medium yield varieties; Chudong, Goun, Haryung, Jopung, Dejima, Superior and low yield varieties; Hongyoung, Jayoung, Jowon, Namseo. For the marketable yield, Jowon, Altantic, Chuyeong, Jopung, Seohong, Goun, Superior and Haryung varieties showed 70% or higher while Hongyoung showed the lowest with 47%. According to the results of virus detection test after two year successive cultivation in reclaimed tidal land, very low amount of Potato virus Y (PVY) was detected only on Seohong sprouts (fitst year) and Dejima leaves (second year) while other varieties were shown no symptom of virus. From the survey with consumers, Haryung, Superior, Goun, Dejima and Chuyeong varieties were found to be relatively higher in the purchase preference for the shape, color and taste. The measurement of antioxidant activity showed Jayoung variety to be excellent with the total phenol contents and DPPH antioxidant activity. Atlantic, Chuyeong, Seohong, Goun, Haryung and Jopung varieties showing high total yield and marketability of 70% higher were considered to be suitable for cultivation in the sandy loam of Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land. According to the above results, the growing possibility of spring potatoes in he sandy loam of newly Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식물체 내에서 HPPD(4-hydroxy phenylpyruvate dioxyge-nase)를 저해하여 카로티노이드 생합성을 억제하는 제초제benzobicyclon 및mesotrione+pretilachlor의 처리 약량에 따른통일형 벼의 약해 발생 정도와 약해발생에 따른 수량영향을조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Benzobicyclon과 mesotrione+pretilachlor(MP) 처리 후6~12일에 통일형 벼인 한아름벼, 한아름2호, 다산벼는 모두잎의 백화약해 증상이 나타났고, 기준량 처리시 약해는 각각34~64%, 63~75%이었으며, 배량 처리에서는 약해발생이 더심해 각각 76~83%, 83~89% 이었다. 또한 벼식물체는 기준량 처리시 고사되지 않았으나 배량 처리시 식물체 고사율은benzobicyclon은 6.5~11.5%로 MP 2.1~3.3% 보다 고사율이 높았다.2. 출수기는 benzobicyclon 및 mesotrione+pretilachlor처리에 따른 약해로 대조인 butachlor 처리보다 1~2일 지연되었다.3. Benzobicyclon과 mesotrione+pretilachlor 처리시 통일형 벼 생육은 butachlor 처리에 비해 한아름벼, 한아름2호 및 다산벼 모두 기준량 처리시 m2 당 수수가 14~67개가 적고 등숙비율이 2.7~8.6% 낮아져으며 현미천립중이 0.0~1.2g 가벼웠다.4. Benzobicyclon과 mesotrione+pretilachlor 처리시 쌀 수량은 대조인 butachlor처리의 644~725kg/10a에 비해 한아름벼는 5~9%, 한아름2호와 다산벼는 5~8% 감소되었고, 2배량 처리시 수량감소는 더욱 증가하여 한아름벼는 16~28%,한아름2호는 20~24%, 다산벼는 14~23% 감소하였다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A company wishes to obtain a competitive edge by adopting an efficient logistics information system to control the logistics management process. The elements of the competitive edges a company targets are to maintain good quality, reduce cost and on-time delivery and those competitive edges are closely related to the cycle time of a product. The logistics information system in a company is also closely tied with other business activities than the logistics itself. Therefore it is essential to choose a system that will help rationalize the logistics but also overall business operations along the supply chain from manufacturing to distribution of the products. This paper aims to research and analyze a problem with a logistics information system through case study and to suggest a logistics information system with RFID in place adopted to eliminate problems such as damages, loss and defect rates.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The company was focusing on production which was partial mission rather than acquiring the information of customer in intensive process industry. The company accepted loss which is from over-production, losing of opportunity. After changing to web environment, supply chain is more complicated and need of customer is more various. As a result the company hard works on controlling production rates, production quantities in production area and gathering exact information which is about available resource and available quantities. Cooperated demand planning have to get decreasing of inventory, improving of customer service in supply chain management. Specially demand planning that considers allocation of capacity is executed in Iron-Industry. Demand planning must be classified by customer, region and supply position level.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study will introduce the concept of CTP(Capable-to-Promise) Algorithm, CTP process, and the modeling of algorithm. This research is based on the environment of using Job-Shop method. CTP algorithm model use LPST(Latest Possible Start Time) and EPST(Earliest Possible Start Time) method especially. It is important part of executing CTP system. The CTP modeling and implementing develops to system which is able to implement in the various business environment through additional and continuous research.
        2003.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The SCM is that Supply Chain Network is Promptly and Voluntarily Optimized in Unstable Market Change Environment. The Cash flow Efficiency of Hole Supply Chain Network is Improved by Changing the Information and Changing the Foundation of Business Processes. The Role of WMS has been Changing Importantly with the Introduction of SCM. WMS Needed to Change to the Information Center in Order to Change Information in Real Time and the WMS of Information Storing in Order to Support an Idea Decision. This Development was Defined about the Importance of WMS in SCM Environment. The Criterion of Valuation is Normally Measured Time between Taking a Order Receive and Bringing the Items to Customer. The Decreasing Move Time of Order Picker in Warehouse is Directly Influence to the Job Execution. So, this Research is Defined about the Optimized Route of Order Picker and Suggests Algorithm. To do this, Past Algorithm is Studied. It's Easy to Introduce and this Study is Looking for Method about the Noticing of Order Picker. The Algorithm will Improve to be Adapt to Standard Process System.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To identify rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars suitable for Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.)–rice double cropping systems, we investigated the yield and grain quality of four different midseason maturing rice cultivars (‘Daebo’, ‘Haepum’, ‘Haiami’, and ‘Samdeog’) and four midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars (‘Hyunpoom’, ‘Saeilmi’, ‘Saenuri’, and ‘Samkwang’) in single rice cropping and Italian ryegrass–rice double cropping systems in paddy fields of Miryang, South Korea. We found that organic matter and available P2O5 content slightly decreased, whereas Na content increased, in the soil where Italian ryegrass was cultivated during winter compared to that in the soil that remained fallow during winter. The pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, and contents of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ decreased, whereas the available P2O5 content slightly increased, in the soil where rice was harvested in both single and double cropping systems. However, compared to the optimum soil conditions for rice cultivation, available P2O5 and K+ content were high and Mg2+ content was low in both single and double cropping systems. At the heading stage, the culm length and leaf color slightly increased in most of the rice cultivars, whereas the panicle length and number slightly decreased, in the double cropped system. After harvesting, spikelet number and milled rice yield did not show a significant difference between single and double cropping systems. However, the ripened grain rate and weight per thousand grains increased slightly in the ‘Saeilmi’ and ‘Samkwang’ cultivars but remained either stable or slightly low in other cultivars in the double cropping system. The milled rice yield was high (> 500 kg/10a) in ‘Daebo’ and ‘Haepum’ among midseason maturing rice cultivars, and in ‘Saeilmi’ and ‘Saenuri’ among midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars, in both single and double cropping systems. The head rice rate was high in midseason maturing rice cultivars in the double cropping systems, reaching > 70% in ‘Haepum’ and ‘Haiami’ cultivars, whereas it decreased in most midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars (excluding ‘Samkwang’ cultivar), in double cropping systems. Particularly, it exceeded > 70% in the ‘Saenuri’ cultivar in both single and double cropping systems. The protein content in milled rice increased, whereas the amylose content either remained stable or slightly increased, in double cropping systems. The Toyo taste value decreased in all midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars and slightly increased in the ‘Daebo’ and ‘Haiami’ cultivars among midseason maturing rice cultivars in double cropping systems. However, Toyo taste values in the ‘Haepum’, ‘Haiami’, and ‘Saenuri’ cultivars exceeding > 80% in both single and double cropping systems. Therefore, we recommend ‘Haepum’, ‘Haiami’, and ‘Saenuri’ cultivars as candidates for Italian ryegrass–rice double cropping systems due to high yield, head rice rate, and Toyo taste value.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The physicochemical properties of soil and the yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sailmi) were assessed using Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Kowinearly)-rice double cropping systems in the paddy fields at Goseong and Miryang in southern Korea. The average temperatures during the ripening period were approximately 1 °C higher than the optimal temperature for rice ripening and the sunshine duration was reduced by frequent rainfall. Consequently, it was slightly below the optimal conditions required for rice ripening. In the soil at Goseong, winter Italian ryegrass cropping increased the pH, electrical conductivity, and the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen (T-N), available P2O5, K, Ca, and Mg than winter fallowing. Particularly, the contents of T-N and available P2O5increased significantly. In the soil at Miryang, Italian ryegrass slightly increased the electrical conductivity and the T-N, Mg, and Na contents. Therefore, winter Italian ryegrass cropping improved the physicochemical properties of paddy soils; however, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping slightly reduced the culm length at both Goseong and Miryang, without markedly changing the panicle length or number compared to fallow-rice cropping. Furthermore, at Goseong, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping slightly decreased the spikelet number and milled rice yield, and increased the ripened grain rate; however, at Miryang, contrasting results were observed. In addition, fallow-rice cropping revealed no differences in the head rice or opaque rice rates. The protein content was slightly increased in Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping, without significant changes in the amylose content or Toyo value, compared to that in fallow-rice cropping. The peak and breakdown viscosities were slightly decreased. These results indicate that winter Italian ryegrass cropping might alter rice taste but may not exhibit remarkable negative effects on rice cultivation. Therefore, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping system is recommended for paddy fields in southern Korea. Nevertheless, to increase the rice yield and quality, fertilization standards for rice cropping that consider the changes in the T-N and organic matter contents in paddy fields caused by winter Italian ryegrass cropping need to be established.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For high-quality colored rice production, the cultivation environment is a critical factor. The major environmental factor is temperature, which includes the accumulated and average temperature during vegetative and reproductive stages. Generally, during the cultivation period, the temperature can be controlled by shifting the transplanting date. This study was carried out to determine the optimum transplanting date for high-quality red-colored rice production. Four red-colored rice varieties (Jeokjinju, Jeokjinjuchal, Hongjinju, and Gunganghongmi) were used as test materials. The transplanting dates were May 20 and June 5, 20, and 30 in 2015~2016. The most variable factor controlled by the transplanting date was the grain filling rate. The varieties transplanted on June 30 showed low yields owing to the decrease in the grain filling rate. In contrast, the polyphenol content increased with increasing delay in the transplanting date. Collectively, these two results indicate that the optimum transplanting date was June 20. The average temperature for 30 days after the heading date (30DAH) highly affected the polyphenol content. A lower temperature during the 30DAH induced higher polyphenol contents but also caused low yield. The optimum 30DAH temperature for obtaining a higher yield and polyphenol content was 22~23°C. Using the average 30DAH and accumulated temperatures, the optimum transplanting date was calculated as June 18 to 24 in Miryang region. The optimum transplanting date of Kyeungsangnamdo region was approximately mid-June to early July, and that of Kyeungsangbukdo region was approximately early to mid-June.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Nunkeunheugchal’ is a waxy black rice variety that has a large embryo. The quality of black rice depends on the anthocyanin content of the rice seed coat, which is mainly determined by cultivation environment. Factors that affect the anthocyanin content include nitrogen level, planting density, transplanting date and harvesting date. This study was carried out to investigate the optimum black rice cultivation conditions by examining the effects of different nitrogen levels and planting densities. An initial study was conducted to determine the optimum nitrogen level in which four levels of nitrogen were applied to the field (0, 4, 8 and 12 kg/10a). As the nitrogen contents were increased up to 8 kg/10a, there was a concomitant increase in rice yields. However, nitrogen levels greater than 8 kg/10a, the yield was maintained at the same level. Correlation analysis indicated that the optimum nitrogen level for maximum yield was 9.6 kg/10a. In addition, anthocyanin levels showed a trend similar to that of yield, with correlation analysis indicating that the optimum nitrogen level for maximum anthocyanin content is 10.6 kg/10a.On the basis of these results, a second study was conducted to determine the optimum combination of planting density and nitrogen level. The planting densities investigated were 30 × 12, 30 × 14, 30 × 16cm and nitrogen levels were 7, 9 and 12 kg/10a. A high planting density (30 × 12cm) was shown to produce higher numbers of tillers and yield. As calculated in the first study, a nitrogen level of 9 kg/10a shown to produce the highest anthocyanin content and yield. Collectively, the results of this study indicate that a planting density of 30 × 12 cm and a nitrogen level of 9 kg/10a is the optimal combination in terms of maximizing both rice yield and anthocyanin content.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To fit the market demands for functional rice such as black and red color rice, ‘Sugary’a high free sugar content line was backcrossed to the black rice ‘Milyang152. The pedigree method was adapted in selection and generation advance. A high polyphenol content line, YR19646-3-2-1-1-2-2 showing red pericarp was selected and designed as ‘Milyang234’ followed by variety name ‘Geonganghongmi’ in 2010. Heading date of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was Aug. 19, medium-late maturing cultivar. ‘Geonganghongmi’ showed resistance to leaf blast and rice stripe virus while susceptible to major diseases and insects. The total polyphenol content of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was high as much as 24.2mg/g compare to that of 4.9mg/g of ‘Nampyeongbyeo’ and 17.2mg/g of a red pericarp rice ‘Jeogjinju’ at 70% ethanol extraction conditions. In local adaptability tests, yield of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was 4.5MT/ha about 86% of ‘Nampyeongbyeo’ and 102% of ‘Jeogjinju’, respectively. ‘Geonganghongmi’ is suitable for southern and middle plain area of Korea.
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