
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제6권 제3호 (2004년 9월) 26

2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Port, one of nation's key infrastructures, is a point of road and sea transports meeting. As a key base of inter-modal transportation systems, the port is of ever increasing importance for realizing nation's vision of making Korea as an economic and logistics hub in the Northeast Asia. At present, Korean ports handle 99.7% of gross trade volumes in Korea, which requires considerable attention on its safety issues. However, due to the critical characteristics of the port and insufficient attention paid to it, the port industry meets more disasters compared to other industries. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the disasters happened at the port to have better understanding on its reasons, further to use as learned lessons to prevent from potential disasters that may arise at the port.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There is much dangerous machine in worksite. These make the rate of accidents increase. Specially, among them, dryness equipment work has the highest rate of accidents. Therefore, it has been managed by safety-health law. It is very important to make a special study of work using the dangerous machine. In press work, it is also important to develop safety system program to improve productivity and work safely In this reaserch. the safety mangement system is built for the work improvement of the Press. I will try new development method about dangerous machine.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There are much dangerous machine in worksite. These make the rate of accidents increase. Specially, among them, the Press work has the highest rate of accidents. Therefore, it has been managed by Industrial safety-health law. It is very important to make a special study of work using the dangerous machine. In press work, it is also important to develop safety system program to improve productivity and work safely, In this reaserch, the safety management system is built for the work improvement of the Press. This paper showed method about dangerous machine.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Construction Management(CM) that is the business innovation and method of construction management is introducing and implying the needs to improve high cost and low productivity structure and cope with very variable changes of construction market in construction industry within the country. But, safety management system is a very insignificant thing under CM. Consquently, We had been needed for the improvement about what the problem was. Therefore, My study raised the problem to the system and management by making a comparative study of the feature of the management method and the content of the accomplishment of safety management by using the consideration of the case about a big field of construction work implying CM within the country and proposed the active method of safety management.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Repetition Strain Injury (RSI) is usually caused or aggravated by poor work processes and unsuitable working conditions - that involve repetitive or forceful movements or the maintenance of constrained or awkward postures. The condition is characterized by discomfort and persistent pain. There are three essential steps to eliminate or control hazards In workplace. Case and Demographic Characteristics for Work-related Injuries and illnesses Involving Days Away From Work, 2002. U.S' was examined. Causes of press operators' RSI were carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS), tendonitis, low back pain, and occupational stress. Recommendations for improvement of productivity are redesign of working conditions, exercise, prevent of RSI and avoiding stress.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Product liability is the law of the manufacturer's responsibilities for the consumers' personal injuries or the losses of property resulted from defective products. In today's many countries, the product liability law are being enacted because of the safety of product use and the protection of consumer's right. In korea, the product liability is going to enforce on July 1, 2002. Though the construction of product liability response system is urgent situation, domestic manufacture company's PL response system is not nearly prepared in present. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to discuss the Quality Management's importance and the PL countermeasures by presenting the difference of PL response system construction degree by the Quality Management Maturity degree
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Observational methods to evaluate postural load have an intrinsic week point that is the problem of reliability in observing postures subjectively, although they have been widely used in assessing risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the industry. In this study, observational reliability was discussed based on reviewing several previous studies. Practical guidelines was presented to reduce the observational errors when using video recording for the assessment of risk factors. In addition, previous studies on observational reliability were summarized and analyzed according to body parts to be observed, media for observation, objective measures, analysis, statistics, etc. It is expected that this basic study can be used to increase the applicability and accuracy of the observational methods.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The National Health Insurance Act, the Industrial Health Act and the School Health Act require chest radiography at least once a year. In chest radiographic examination, most group examinations use indirect X-ray primarily aiming at diagnosing diseases and enhancing people's health. This study purposed to minimize radiation exposure dose by comparing it between direct and indirect chest X-ray studies. According to the result of comparing and analyzing radiation exposure dose, the average incident dose and penetrating dose were 0.929μGy and 0.179μGy respectively in direct chest X-ray and 6.807μGy and 1.337μGy in indirect chest X-ray In order to minimize radiation exposure dose at direct and indirect chest X-ray, indirect X-ray should be excluded from group examination if possible. Moreover, it is necessary to control the quality of equipment (Q/A & Q/C) systematically and to avoid using unqualified equipment in order to reduce radiation exposure dose.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Likelihood of failure (LOF) for the external corrosion of stainless steel, which affect to a risk of facilities, was analyzed quantitatively through the risk based inspection using API-581 BRD. We found that the technical module subfactor (TMSF) decreased as the inspection number increased and it increased as the inspection effectiveness and the used year increased, and that the TMSF showed high value for the case of the marine/cooling tower drift area as a corrosion driver, In this condition, the LOF for the external corrosion of stainless steel had lower than that for the carbon and low alloy steels
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As an information-oriented era arrives, an environmental change of Internet marketing is going with high speed and such open door around the countries is providing worldwide companies with a new business opportunity. Now, Internet is a new communication tool for global network and is emerging as a new e-commerce market. Also, this trend is having an effect upon online site that sell crafts. Hence, this study aims to select artshop, which simultaneously operate off line and online while sell crafts, to research the present status, and analyze the problems to suggest the activation plans for effective Internet commerce. Accordingly, this study suggested six models for the settlement of these problem s and the activation plans as following: offer of the various works and the contents, security of price competition, reinforcement of marketing, establishment of brand recognition, management of customers and settlement of payment ways etc. The commerce of crafts in the artshop is only early stage today, but it is expected to grow into an universal connection way of information and buying which transcend space and to be briskly used for securing the competition of crafts in 21century.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This Study will introduce the concept of CTP(Capable-to-Promise) Algorithm, CTP process, and the modeling of algorithm. This research is based on the environment of using Job-Shop method. CTP algorithm model use LPST(Latest Possible Start Time) and EPST(Earliest Possible Start Time) method especially. It is important part of executing CTP system. The CTP modeling and implementing develops to system which is able to implement in the various business environment through additional and continuous research.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The company was focusing on production which was partial mission rather than acquiring the information of customer in intensive process industry. The company accepted loss which is from over-production, losing of opportunity. After changing to web environment, supply chain is more complicated and need of customer is more various. As a result the company hard works on controlling production rates, production quantities in production area and gathering exact information which is about available resource and available quantities. Cooperated demand planning have to get decreasing of inventory, improving of customer service in supply chain management. Specially demand planning that considers allocation of capacity is executed in Iron-Industry. Demand planning must be classified by customer, region and supply position level.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Supply chains for agricultural commodities with their various constraints such as production lead time, seasonal production, and methods of storage are limited in the extent to which techniques like Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management can be applied. It is beyond the ability of producers to control harvest time and many agricultural products are perishable so that they can incur exceptional losses in storage if they are not handled correctly. This is a source of additional costs and inefficiency in supply chain management. The purpose of this study is to reduce or eliminate such sources of loss and inefficiency and to identify success factors for the JIT inventory management system where it can be applied for agricultural products. Where JIT techniques can be applied in supply chain management for agricultural products, costs such as transportation, inventory, and storage losses can be reduced with concurrent increases in efficiency. In the paper, some of the problems associated with applying JIT inventory control methods in supply chain management for agricultural commodities will be reported through a series of case studies.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
An issue of globalized and competitive business environment is a transformation of manufacturing strategy for rapidly product development. To copy with these trends, building up a market from various product is becoming conspicuous the core strategy of manufacture. Therefore, it is increasing of necessity for the environment of collaborative product development. As a part of corresponding for these demands, we propose the method that allows easy and rapid integration of legacy resources within the company and between departments. The proposed framework can easily construct a distributed environment for collaborative design between departments in the companies. It was implemented using CO<SUP>TM</SUP> based on DOME (Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment) that is knowledge based engineering solution.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The existing PKI authentication structure uses the OCSP method. The primary task of OCSP is to verify the status of a transaction after verifying the validity of the certificate; but, because of continuing policy changes and updates within the PKI authentication method, the status of certificates and the structures are not consistent. Therefore, the SCVP method can be selected as the broadest method for completing authentication tasks accurately because the SCVP method includes validation of policy changes. An appropriate method for building an mobile environment within the capabilities of low-memory and reduced processing CPU needs to be assessed and developed. This thesis proposes a verification method that is independent of platform and applicable to any 05 in building and expanding the mobile environment.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The compatibility of the enterprises of Korea was the 'low cost and mass production&apos;. That in because, the entire business transactions including production, accounting, personnel management, and logistics need to be integrated with a global perspective. Logistics information system is to support the management of such logistics activities and involves in a wide range of the business operations. In other words, the logistics information system is 0 accurately and rapidly deliver and process the information available for the logistics in order to promote more smoother and efficient logistics by using such information. I'll give a brief introduction to the SRM(Supplier Relationship Management) system and go into the problem that should be considered and which phase to emphasize when building this system.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
By successful establishment of Supply Chain Management System they should make the supply chains speedy and combine production information system with the outcome system and thus they reinforce the competition of the production system of local enterprises in accordance with the rapid decision making. Supply chain coordination improves if all supplier of chain take actions that together increase total supply chain profits. To design of Modularity by the grouping supplier, the proposed method is to develop the most appropriate production system models through the reflection of JIT system in the Supply Chain Management which is necessity of the times and its importance. The objects of this study is to develop the most appropriate production system Model and optimal profit model in the process line and to provide the enterprises with the models which are based on the Supply Chain Management.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A company wishes to obtain a competitive edge by adopting an efficient logistics information system to control the logistics management process. The elements of the competitive edges a company targets are to maintain good quality, reduce cost and on-time delivery and those competitive edges are closely related to the cycle time of a product. The logistics information system in a company is also closely tied with other business activities than the logistics itself. Therefore it is essential to choose a system that will help rationalize the logistics but also overall business operations along the supply chain from manufacturing to distribution of the products. This paper aims to research and analyze a problem with a logistics information system through case study and to suggest a logistics information system with RFID in place adopted to eliminate problems such as damages, loss and defect rates.
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Component based design is perceived as a key technology for developing advanced real-time systems in a both cost- and time effective manner. Already today, component based design is seen to increase software productivity, by reducing the amount of effort needed to update and maintain systems, by packaging solutions for re-use, and easing distribution. Nowdays, a thousand and one companies in If(Information Technology) industry such as Sl(System Integration) and software development companies, regardless of scale of their projects, has spent their time and endeavor on developing reusable business logic. The component software is the outcome of software developers effort on overcoming this problem; the component software is the way propositioned for quick and easy implementation of software. In addition, there has been lots of investment on researching and developing the software development methodology and leading If companies has released new standard technologies to help with component development. For instance, COM(Component Object Model) and DCOM(Distribute COM) technology of Microsoft and EJB(Enterprise Java Beans) technology of Sun Microsystems has turned up. Component-Based Development (CBD) has not redeemed its promises of reuse and flexibility. Reuse is inhibited due to problems such as component retrieval, architectural mismatch, and application specificness. Component-based systems are flexible in the sense that components can be replaced and fine-tuned, but only under the assumption that the software architecture remains stable during the system's lifetime. In this paper, It suggest that systems composed of components should be generated from functional and nonfunctional requirements rather than being composed out of existing or newly developed components. about implements and accomplishes the modeling for the Product Control component development by applying CCD(Contract-Collaboration Diagram), one of component development methodology, to MRP(Material Requirement Planning) System
2004.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The condition of the manufacturing process in a factory should be diagnosed and maintained efficiently because any unexpected disorder in the process will be reason to decrease the efficiency of the overall system. However, if an expert experienced in this system leaves, there will be a problem for the efficient process diagnosis and maintenance, because disorder diagnosis within the process is normally dependent on the expert's experience. This paper suggests a process diagnosis using data mining based on the collected data from the coil-spring manufacturing process. The rules are generated for the relations between the attributes of the process and the output class of the product using a decision tree after selecting the effective attributes. Using the generated rules from decision tree, the condition of the current process is diagnosed and the possible maintenance actions are identified to correct any abnormal condition. Then, the appropriate maintenance action is recommended using the decision network.
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