
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제8권 제5호 (2006년 10월) 18

2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Business organizations are trying in various ways to survive and grow up in the rapidly changing environment. A lot of organizations have introduced management innovation skills and attempted to change, but most of them have failed to realize their aims. The reason is that the members of the organization including the chief executive officers did not understand the paradigm of the change management of an organization, and gave weight to the partial efficiency instead of the change management of the organization. In this study, guidelines and principles are suggested to apply the quality management system to the change management of business organizations.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Nowadays most colleges are confronting with a serious problem because many students have left their majors at the colleges. In order to make a countermeasure for reducing major separation rate, many universities are trying to find a proper solution. As a similar endeavor, the objective of this paper Is to find a predicting model of students leaving their majors. The sample for this study was chosen from a university in Kangwon-Do during seven years(2000.3.1 ~ 2006. 6.30). In this study, the ratio of training sample versus testing sample among partition data was controlled as 50% : 50% for a validation test of data division. Also, this study provides values about accuracy, sensitivity, specificity about three kinds of algorithms including CHAID, CART and C4.5. In addition, ROC chart and gains chart were used for classification of students leaving their majors. The analysis results were very informative since those enable us to know the most important factors such as semester taking a course, grade on cultural subjects, scholarship, grade on majors, and total completion of courses which can affect students leaving their majors.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Prior to Six Sigma, many companies had adopted a policy management method designed to manage business performances through the top-down deployment of management policies. This policy management method and the Six Sigma CTQ Flow Down will make a good combination when their merits are developed and systemized as the management innovation program which enables to set up innovation targets along with management targets in the stage of strategic planning and to participate all the personnel from top management down in achieving th targets. This paper will help the companies implementing Six Sigma improve their management constitutions and achieve better management performances through the integration of policy management and Six Sigma.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Kano model offers an effective way to understand customer requirements strategically Thus, the integration of Kano model and QFD can reflect customer requirements more effectively in designing new product. Most of previous studies on the integration have been focused customer attributes, but engineering characteristics are used at the final stage of new product design. It is proposed that how to classify engineering characteristics into Kano's elements and how to use the classified results in new product development process in this thesis. A case example is included to explain the proposed method.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to apply job performance records to the master craftsman examination, which is an examination to screen the top-rated technician and task manager, the domestic industry has introduced job performance records to the written test of the master craftsman examination. Surveys on master craftsman's field capabilities and applicability are being conducted, and various qualification methods are being tested so as to give satisfaction to consumers in industrial fields. However, these methods have many problems in assessing task managers' qualifications. In order to solve these problems, this research intends to verify the appropriateness of introducing master craftsman's portfolios assessment and the suitability of application methods by conducting interviews and surveys. One big conglomerate and one mid-sized company that has more than 500 employees and covers from 주조(酒造:brewing) 또는 to providing various services to consumers were selected for this research.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
If done under this circumstances, then labor force can work comfortably and safely without nervousness and tiresome. The productivity and quality can increase ultimately and even foreign labor, imbecile child, old-aged labor can participate in work, which can reduce shortage of labor source. Therefore, in this study, it would be researched how to manage work blunder system by domestic small and medium enterprises and would be examined work blunder system was developed to fully meet the worker satisfaction. Through this 5M factor evaluation system by AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) all analyzed.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Consumers keep demanding for diversified high quality products, valuable services and safety. With this in mind, Distribution Industry is being updated rapidly to accomodate this demand. Meanwhile, Distribution Information Technology of agricultural products has been in slow progress with little in-depth studies. In this study, it has been analyzed the usage of Bar code which is the key element for agricultural Distribution Information Technology. The analysis was conducted through a survey utilizing questionnaire covering 5 Hypermarkets(Super-centers) including big 3 companies. Also, Japanese market trends have been studied to visit a Japan Government Organization concerned, GS1 Japan, an Agricultural Cooperative, an Agricultural Wholesale Market, and a Retail Company. If we could use KAN code for all agricultural products, we could collect and analyze the information of price and trade quantity of them. It opens a new era to understand the agricultural products supply and demand easily. This will certainly make a great contribution to the evolution of agricultural products distribution. From this research, it is suggested that collective efforts by suppliers, wholesalers, retailers and Government Officers are needed to make large scale mutual marketing Organizations, which specialize in sending out agricultural products. The Organization is recommended to standardize and pack every final agricultural products, to promote the use of KAN code.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Since 1980's, many enterprises have constructed Strategy Information System and tried BPR, ISP. Also, they implemented ERP and practiced the Process Innovation and Six Sigma for Management Innovation in todays. Although most companies had previous good plans, but those are not satisfied. Because of failed to change management and continued next activity. Many Project for Process innovation are ended as disposal project in my case, if they want next project, they need a new plan which needs additional fund and resource. This paper studied Process Innovation and Six Sigma in many things and proposed new model for continued project on the master plan. Also it proposed next study subject about ERP Optimization and Harmonization after implemented ERP which is considered as next step of PI.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Cost has been much emphasized in inside of an army because of the promotion of reconciliation atmosphere between South and North Korea and the reduction of defense budget since 1990. So we are now faced with the problem that we should consider a cost above all besides the performance and arrangement for such a restriction of budget in time of developing new generation weapon systems. In this research we are suggested following two methodologies. One is the develop a weapon system with optimum cost considering a Life Cycle Cost from the first stage of design and the other is the cost control and management with the establishment of Target cost.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The aim of this study is to establish an efficient distribution planning for a capacitated multi-stage supply chain. We assume that the demand information during planning horizon is given a deterministic form using a certain forecasting method. Under such a condition, we present a cost effective heuristic method for minimizing chain-wide supply chain inventory cost that is the sum of holding and backorder costs by using look-ahead technique. We cope with the capacity restriction constraints through look-ahead technique that considers not only the current demand information but also future demand information. To evaluate performance of the proposed heuristic method, we compared it with the extant research that utilizes echelon stock concept, under various supply chain settings.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
To solve the traffic problems of small cities like Chung Ju City, electronic communications equipment and the introduction of advanced technologies are being used or promoted. Other local areas with developed systems in place are being investigated for applicability. Systems like these will be introduced. This system will embody an organized, efficient transportation and safety system within this study At the moment, to solve the problem of reoccurring traffic in small towns in our country, we must develop an ITS service. We are now in the process of selecting and establishing the most adaptable ITS service to a small city For this purpose, we have studied existing records; taken a poll of the citizens of Chung Ju; examined present traffic conditions, examined road capacities; and reviewed available means of transportation. To accomplish the purpose of a thesis like this, we will research and analyze developed nations' and domestic cities' existing systems, construction and operation. We are in the process of building an ITS System which is the most adaptable to a small city like Chung Ju.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study expands limitation of OASIS(Optimal Allocation of Spares for Initial Supports) program, which calculates CSP(Concurrent Spare Part), not only availability but also cost, and developed the program enabling run in WINDOW OS. By considering multi-step repair and logistics support system, repairing capability at the time of deployment, and procurement period, this model is the first local model reflecting circumstances of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, the programmed model was selected as the military standard software and has being essentially used for CSP calculation.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The main objective of this study is to analyze characteristics on the somatotype of modern adult women In order to standardize of products. The sample for this work chosen from data which were collected and measured by Size Korea during two years(2003~2004). In order to analyze feature of the somatotype of modern adult women, analysis was peformed in 1,371 subjects(645 twenties women, 725 thirties women) about 21 body parts such as height(4 parts), width(3 parts), thickness(3 parts), circumference(7 parts), length(3 parts) and body weight. According to the result of analysis, it was found that the twenties group was near in slender somatotype, whereas the thirties group was near in fat somatotype compared to standard somatotype.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1990년대, 인터넷기술은 이미 사회발전 중에서 매우 중요한 역할을 하였다. 이에 따라 인터넷쇼핑도 신속한 발전을 전개하였다. 인터넷쇼핑이 이처럼 빨리 발전할 수 있는 것은 주요하게 선택의 범위가 넓고, 경쟁력이 있는 가격, 대량의 정보 및 제품 그리고 빠른 배송 등 편리성에 있다. 중국 E-business의 발전에 따라 중국의 인터넷쇼핑 사이트의 수량도 대폭 증가하였다. 인터넷쇼핑의 고객 만족도에 있어서 많은 학자들의 중시를 일으켰다. 종사자들은 인터
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research analyzes clean room major fire prevention standard of clean Room(FM, IRI, and NFPA Code), the structure of Performance-Based Fire Safety Design(PBD) applied the korean fire industry situation. Performance-Based Fire Safety can operate effectively the performance of fire protection equipment & building design, so the fitness of fire safety system can be embodied by operating this. moreover, cost to be consume fire safety of real building can reduce and Performance-Based Fire Safety is considered to important technique in fire protection field. A fire in a clean room may cause a serious loss by spreading smoke particles. We will be investigated by using a computational fluid dynamics, for loss prevention by smoke spreading from one fire area to another for clean room and compared the Performance-Based Fire Safety Design with the prescriptive code design. The methodology of fire safety performance-based fire safety design and guarantee of many kinds design skill of fire system and developing design procedure will be very serious one in order to improve efficiency of domestic system. Therefore, This research will be contributing to secure safety of clean room and to set up the performance-based fire safety design in Korea by regulation for the performance-based fire safety design effectively.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Since 1990's, many enterprises have constructed Integration Information System. Especially, they want to become an advanced company use ERP package. Already, ERP system come to high level which is stabilized and support independent business process of many industry sectors. Therefore, important success factors for ERP project are change management and organization activation. Although most companies had previous good plans, but those are not satisfied. Because of failed to change management and discontinued next activity for promotion. This paper studied success factors of project team and plan for organization activation. Also, it proposed next study subject about investigate the role of the member of task force team as a factor that makes the ERP system a success. The results of this study can be used for a successful construction of the ERP system as a solution about Internal problems of Project team.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper is to propose various quality and reliability sampling inspection methods to perform the competitive global outsourcing strategy while purchasing and subcontracting. The study also represents implementation strategy which can be efficiently and effectively used in the enterprise. Quality sampling inspection schemes extend reliability inspection techniques with a little change.
2006.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper is to derive three reliability and eight maintainability measures after organizing total time. I propose inherent availability,.achieved availability and operational availability with the new and useful reliability and maintainability measures above. Especially, inherent availability measure extends the repairable system reliability models.