
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제2권 제3호 (2000년 9월) 16

2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Avoiding the industrial accidents is one of the goals in manufacturing industries from the top manager to the foremen. Therefore all the companies try to prevent occupational accidents using system safety programs in order to increase the productivity. Korean industries have been tended to depend upon historical information to control risks. The other hand, foreign industries have identified risk factors using system safety techniques to predict future risks. This study presents the method to apply the foreign industries risk control technique to the Korean industries.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper reviews and classify fault-tree analysis methods developed since 1960 for system safety and reliability. Fault-tree analysis is a useful analytic tool for the reliability and safety of complex systems. The literature on fault-tree analysis is, for the most part, scattered through conference proceedings and company reports. This paper classify the literature according to system definition, fault-tree construction, qualitative evaluation, quantitative evaluation, and available computer codes for fault-tree analysis.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Robust Design method uses a mathematical tool called orthogonal arrays to study a large number of decision variables with a small number of experiments. It also uses a new measure of quality, called signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, to predict the quality from the customer's perspective. Thus, the most economical product and process design from both manufacturing and customers' viewpoints can be accomplished at the smallest, affordable development cost. Many companies, big and small, high-tech and low-tech, have found the Robust Design method valuable in making high-quality products available to customers at a low competitive price while still maintaining an acceptable profit margin. A study to analyze and solve problems of a biochemical process experiment has presented in this paper. We have taken Taguchi's parameter design approach, specifically orthogonal array, and determined the optimal levels of the selected variables through analysis of the experimental results using S/N ratio.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A company needs low cost and high efficient S/W tools to improve the white color productivity in daily operation, These needs may be satisfied by end-user knowledge management system to be suggested in this paper. We suggest that the end-user knowledge management is not made by specialized developer but directly made by end-users of some related managers using company-wide DB and department DB. We expect that this end-user knowledge management system will increase the efficiency of end-user daily operation and minimize the total life cycle cost of end-user computing system in industry. The suggested end-user knowledge management system has been tested in some companies through the training course.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Producing what customers need with near mass production efficiency, or mass customization, has been a major trend in industry. Effective definition of customer requirements is a pre-requisite for realizing mass customization. The new method, called "Design by Customers", is proposed. The proposed method is an approach for companies to communicate to customers about what the company can offer, to find out customer needs, to assist customers in making choices and to negotiate for agreements. In this paper, the design and manufacturing capabilities in making company are represented in a Product Family Architecture. Adaptive Conjoint Analysis is then applied help customers assert their needs, defined variations from base product, visualize their options and assess alternatives. A power supplier of a electronic appliance is shown as an example to demonstrated the suggested method.ed method.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
It is very important to delivery timely and safely items in logistics. So, the home delivery service system is introduced by many enterprises. Also, the beginning in 1990's, the rapid increase of automobile increased logistics cost and led to road stagnation. So, the railway transportation use in logistics can be considered. The railway transportation in home delivery service system can overcome the limit of transportation by land. This study evaluate railway transportation in home delivery service system by economical efficiency and timeliness.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this research, the system is assumed to carry a single item of which the demand types vary. Demand type is defined as a management's classification of the item according to the demand source or to the service purpose. The purpose of this research is to find the optimal inventory control policy when the system carries a single item which consists of multiple demand types. In this research, the optimizing algorithm contains a heuristic, therefore, the optimal is not guaranteed by the algorithm. At least, this research provides the solution to the problems that have not been solved by the existing algorithms.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
About one hundred twenty thousand (±twenty thousands) people are wounded and about two thousand persons are dead from industrial accidents in Korea [1], Therefore, Korea is notoriously called as a haven of disaster. This study investigated the safety situation of industries and attitude of safety managers to reduce the occurrence of accidents. The period of investigation was during March through August, 1977. Two hundreds of safety managers were replied, but replies of 183 were used because some of them were inappropriately answered for the questions. Their replies were analyzed by SAS program. As a result, only three persons out of 183 managers were women, 83% of them are married, 25.1% were graduated from university, 15.2% were graduated from two-year college. Full time safety managers were only 8% of them. Safety managers who have experienced injured before their current position were 26.3%. This confirms that company allocated injured persons to a safety department. Korea also needed an educational agency like NIOSH and a punishment agency like OSHA in USA[5]. These agencies can solve a fundamental problem of safety management for small-and-medium size industries. Furthermore, a new safety management bureau for controlling these two agencies will be necessary to reduce accidents in near future.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Whenever a disaster occurs, people emphasizes that "Safety management is most important thing in the company". However, a situation of safety management is not changed dramatically after accidents in the past. Many small-and-medium sized industries neglect the importance of safety management. Current situation can be easily figured out when looks up an occurrence rate of accident, accident frequency rate and intensity rate. This paper investigated what workers of hotel-related industries think of a safety and types of accidents, effect of a safety education. On-site-survey was conducted for actual workers in four deluxe hotels and one condominium. 207 persons out of 400 people were replied. Statistical analysis was performed with SAS package about their reply. In injured type, cut from knife was most frequent. Main cause of accident was a unsafe posture and a unsafe behavior, so more safety education for these workers are necessary. In a physical pain which related with job, chronical pain was most dominant. As a result, a safety education has a high correlation with an experience of injured and treatment of safety, Cooking department has highest occurrence of accident than any other departments. Workers with an experience of five to ten years have most lowest treatment of safety, aid of safety education, safety feeling of their working environment, so peer attention must be put on these people to reduce accidents.accidents.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Initially, QFD (Quality Function Deployment) was introduced in 1972 to help design supertanker in Mitsubish's shipyards in Kob, Japan and formally defined by the American Supplier Institute in 1987 as a system for translating consumer requirements into appropriate company requirements at every stage, from research, through product design and development, to manufacture, distribution, installation, and marketing, sales and services. Although QFD has complex and tedious procedure to complete, since 1972, it has now been used by Japanese, American, and European because of its fruitful merits. The objective of this paper is to provide and analyze the trend on the choice of cultural subjects of university students using QFD. The data are collected by questionnaires. The samples for this study are randomly chosen from the universities in Seoul, Kangnung, and Samchok during 3 months (2000. 3 ∼ 2000. 5). The results of this study will play an important role not only for service of students but also for opening of subjects.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Nowadays the role of information systems is getting more and more increased according to the development of information technology. In order to manage complex, various and huge data, it is vital to construct efficient information system. For this effective information system, data have properly to be stored, encoded and represented when needed. This paper presents equipment management information system using wireless application protocol. This system enables us to have remote control of data searching and data management. Also, through the technique of data mining, database resulted from this system can be utilized into expectation and analysis about life-cycle, characteristic, and failure time of equipment, pattern recognition of users, and state of movement, etc.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aim is analysis device development for design of experiment with calcium chloride relation used a hardener to search cause of product crack, product reliability improvement building data-base program for computer system of mixture rate, product improvement, and new product development.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Product Liability(P.L) is designed for system which charge with a compensation for demages that has nothing to do with whether manufacturer make a mistake or not in that case suffer heavy losses anyone of body or property by defect of product. Now and then, most people interest of safety of product and main countries already carry out Product Liability. This paper analyzes newly studied cases by defects, products, countries in Korea and some developed countries (USA and Japan mainly) in order to prepare for Product Liability, which will be enforced on July 1, 2002 in Korea. Before P.L. began to enforce, many cases have happened and resulted in sues. Therfore, each country have revised the current P.L. after many trials and errors. From this respect, the cases of other countries and Korea will be compared and analyzed.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We may be given a set of observations with the classes or clusters. The aim of this article is to provide an up-to-date review of different approaches to classification, compare their performance on a wide range of challenging data-sets. In this paper, machine learning algorithm classifiers based on CART, C4.5, CAL5, FACT, QUEST and statistical discriminant analysis are compared on various datasets in classification error rate and algorithms.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Increased complexity of products and their manufacturing processing demans higher quality control and monitoring than ever before. Therefore, flexible automatization or flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) offer numerous advantages over alternative manufacturing methods. In this state, a in-process monitoring is one of the important flexible automatino system. And as use of NC and CNC machine tool has been increasing, cutting work has automating and it is necessary to develop the automatic production system combined a couple of machine tool. Thus, in this paper to search examination it can measure the tool wear and the tool life and can be more practical research subject.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, sensor ring for antilock brake system was studied using the 400 series ferrite stainless steel powder. Because of more excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical characteristics than iron, sensor ring has been manufactured by P/M(Powder Metallurgy) method 400 series ferrite stainless steel. the results are following. 1, Compared with sensor ring made by iron, 400 series ferrite stainless steel has shown a good corrosion resistance without an addition surface treatment. thus the decreasing production process has been obtained. 2. The products before sintering are much more corrodible in the condition of spray test of salt water and ammonia than humidity and nitrogen condition.