
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제10권 제3호 (2008년 9월) 28

2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Risk is the probability of an adverse event given exposure to hazard. There are many reason for unsafety situation without safety operation. The reason is no safety evaluation system in small enterprise. And then this study purposes safety management activities that is evaluation system for total safety efficiency's maximization. Therefore, in this study, this model that can evaluate quantitative activities in small enterprise that maximize safety efficiency wishes to do design using balanced scorecard. In other words, this study aims to suggest a performance measurement model reflecting the characteristics of safety evaluation system, especially the model for return manufacturing related to safety, and to develop the S-BSC(Safety-Balanced ScoreCard) measurement model using a weight lifetime value to which a relative weight is applied by using AHP based on the BSC.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In today's industrial society, one observes fierce competition aiming at profit generation among companies, and the utilization of complex machineries and cutting edge science and technology constitutes a constant threat to the life, body, and health of employees. In such a context, it is precisely the purpose of the Industrial Safety and Health Act that is in force to provide protection to the life and health of employees against hazardous and harmful environment and the role of enterprises becomes more and more important in the law. The Industrial Safety and Health Act places the responsibility for preventing industrial accidents on the shoulders of the business employer by providing safety and health information relating to current employees and creating an appropriate work environment. The employer must recognize the importance of prevention of industrial accident and must possess a business philosophy that places top priority on safety when it comes to company management. In light of such practical considerations, the present study approaches to find out the influence of safety and health management on business management from a statistical sample survey point of view. By doing this, the study hopes to show that a through safety management serves to protect the life and health of employees and raise profit for businesses. What is more, the study hopes to demonstrate that promoting a sound business culture can act as fertilizer that promotes the ushering in of a bright society.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Since 1995, the facility of class 1 and 2, classified by law had been subject to system of post maintenance management where periodic safety inspection and diagnosis to identify any problems and to take appropriate measures as a matter of urgency. Although the standards and systems had been revised many times for continuous improvement due to surrounding environmental factors, the technical factors and other factors for improvements, continuous researches and efforts are needed to ensure even higher effectiveness. Furthermore, the consciousness of the management body that executes and implements such improvements for facility management is most important. Therefore in this study, through such analysis, more realistic management consciousness review was performed. Also the direction for improvements is proposed, to carry out more effective facility safety management systems implementation.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
According to statistics released by the Ministry of Labor for the past 6 years, work-related accidents in the construction industry have been on the continued increase, resulting in social and economic losses that are difficult to determine at an exact amount. However, the number will likely get much bigger if unreported cases are included, considering the fact that the aforementioned statistics are based soley on the applications filed with Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service. The practice of businesses choosing not to report and dealing with industrial accidents in an unauthorized manner is defined as "concealment of industrial accident". The reason the employers tend to engage in the concealment practice even at their huge cost is a "pre-qualification" scheme for the applicants in the government procurement process. Under the pre-qualification scheme, the applicants with a high rate of industrial accidents receive a low grade and become less attractive candidates in the procurement process, thus losing an opportunity to win a contract. Such failure relates directly to the fate of business organizations, to survive or not. That is why they are making all-out efforts to obtain a high grade in the pre-qualification evaluation. With regard to the accident-concealment problem, the following can be mentioned as preventive measures: (1) To exclude a rate of industrial accidents from the pre-qualification scheme; (2) To strengthen the institution of imposing penalties on the occurrence of industrial accidents; (3) To introduce private insurance system to the current industrial accident compensation insurance; and (4) To give non-recognition treatment to industrial accidents that were not reported upon occurrence. In conclusion, the concealment problem can be resolved if the aforementioned measures are to be taken continuously along with corrective measures against institutional deficiencies.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
It is a fact that domestic performance art has been sharply progressed but it is focused on only performance quality technique, not on safety of performers and the audience. It is a pity that people's effort to keep safe stage environment have not traced to innovative change, eventually leading to be forced to perform under hazardous condition. This study is to find out and identify that domestic regulation and accident cases are investigated and compared with cases of advanced countries, to verify that performer and the audience are main elements to develop performance art. And it is to show more effective safety measure after pointing out hazardous elements. Research change is limited to review only performance ones of all cultural facilities and to review accident cases from these places to show reasonable safety measures for stage facilities. Operation manager covers almost all of areas such as devices, management, despite a fact that they take charge of stage facilities, illumination, sounds, already. Some conclusions are as follows; 1) performance theatre-related regulations should be established again. domestic safety standards for performance theatre safety should be established. 2) characteristic and purpose of performance place should be clarified at the stage planning and design of them 3) operation expert performance place is required to be trained to cover emergency situation at any time.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is carried out for the fire safety of the factory building, the fire risk reduction measure in compliance with an example approached in fire risk reduction systematically, contribute to reduce the fire risk. The analytical fire risk process of discovering, identifying, estimating and evaluating risk and control measure as risk reduction measures are core concept, applies loss prevention with loss control techniques. The painting process in the workplace where the fire hazard and death accident accompanies coexists. Loss prevention problem of creation prevention of dangerous atmosphere at workplace is health and human services problem of normal circumstances, must be inspected with problem of combustible gases at the time of fire explosion. Static electricity measure accomplished the risk control process thoroughly as the fire risk reduction process model with the ignition sources measure which is presented. Fire risk from within organizing will be able to classify with each field by detailedly but risk treatment process will be able to apply basically all the same concept. Consequently about risk management example from before, this study is proposed risk management techniques that standardized rightly in the actual condition of organization with one plan, with discovery of fire risk, the feedback process in compliance with a fire risk reduction and the review which control the result is joint responsibility of engineer, technical expert and manager as part of safety management to practice with the fact must be supervised.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This is to prevent accidents that can be caused during the process of hospital logistics and accidents in relation to the traceability of medical wastes. And this is also to set up the logistic management system of medical wastes is hospital where the safety of patients shall to regard as the first priority. through these case studies effective operating plans shall be provided.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was conducted with respect to the causal factors revealed through the investigation of the recent airlines aircraft crash accident which occurred while aircraft was on the climb-out or on the final approach. This study also highlighted the importance of flight deviation and exceedance occurrences in consideration of Flight Operational Quality Assurance Program(FOQA). Twenty airline pilots participated in the flight experiment to perform ten(10) sets of simulated approaches and landings. As a result, Twelve(12) kinds of deviation events were discovered. In this respect, The FOQA program must be fully implemented to prevent any flight safety incident under the auspices of the Korea domestic aviation community as well.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Display's life time is defined as the time of 50% luminance drop. It was used luminance and temperature as accelerated factor to accelerated lifetime at test. When it's working jule-heat is generated and device's temperature is growing as any temperature because OLED is self-luminance display device. So we decided temperature condition is 25, 70℃, and luminance condition is 60~300cd/m2 in test. It's assumed accelerated lifetime model by result of the test.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The reliability prediction and evaluation for general electronic components are required to guarantee in quality and in efficiency. Although many methodologies for predicting the reliability of electronic components have been developed, their reliability might be subjective according to a particular set of circumstances, and therefore it is not easy to quantify their reliability. In this study reliability prediction of electronic components, that is the interface card, which is used in the CNC(Computerized Numerical Controller) of machine tools, was carried out using PRISM reliability prediction specification. Reliability performances such as MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure), failure rate and reliability were obtained, and the variation of failure rate for electronic components according to temperature change was predicted. The results obtained from this study are useful information to consider a counter plan for weak components before they are used.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A preventive maintenance model, caller FNBM(α, δ, γ)model, is proposed to decide an optimal repair number under achieved availability requirements(r) along with taking two types of failures (repairable or irrepairable) into account. In this model, the current system is replaced by a new one in case when it doesn't meet the achieved availability requirement, even though it is repairable failure; Otherwise it is replaced in time of the first irrepairable failure. Assumed that the j-th failure is repairable with probability αj minimal repairs are allowed for repairable failure between replacements. Expected cost rate for preventive maintenance model is developed using NHPP(Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process) in order to determine the optimal number n*, also numerical examples are shown in order to explain the proposed model. Since the proposed FNBM(α, δ, γ)model includes Park FNBM model(1979) and Nakagawa FNBM(p)model(1983) this proposed model is thought to be better than previous model, especially for weapon system which requires availability as primary parameter.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Product liability(PL) is the producer's compensation to customers for damage incurred by product defects. This paper studies on the organizational culture, promotion process, system construction, system level, product safety review, product safety assurance, system operation, and its effectiveness and necessity of recognition for the PL system of small and medium-sized firms in Gangwon-Do province. The results show that the firms have product safety regulations, but the number of firms which its employees understand the regulations is less than the number of firms which do not understand. Also the number of firms which is preparing PL prevention and insurance, and counterplan for accidents seems to be not in large numbers.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A burning principle in gasoline engine is the one of being burned, by which a mixer in air and gasoline enters a combustion chamber and causes a spark in the proper timing. This is formed, by which ECU controls the fuel-injection volume and the fuel-injection timing, and determines the performance of engine. The purpose of this study is to test the characteristics on knocking in gasoline engine with the knocking-sensor equipment and to research into the characteristics in knocking while directly controling the optimal igniting timing and the fuel-injection timing through engine ECU. Given controlling ECU by grasping the characteristics in knocking, which becomes the most problem in the engine tuning market, the tuning in a true sense will be formed in gasoline engine.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
RFID system the key technology of ubiquitous era, has been emphasized in logistics. Logistic enterprises are required to apply RFID systems considering their investment costs, actual effectiveness, operational satisfaction and so on. For such a purpose, many applicable methods of RFID system have been developed A method that RFID tags are directly attached to products or pallets is utilized in most cases. However, this method requires expensive investment cost, frequent replacement of damaged tags for the small and medium (SM) third party logistics. In this paper, we analyze statistically the current status and requirements of SM third party logistics. Based on their requirements, we propose the realtime warehousing-delivery management by the method to attach a RFID tag to each warehouse rack, together with the economy analysis index in order to evaluate economical efficiency. Consequently, this method is expected to reduce Investment cost and to improve operational effectiveness and satisfaction.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, we offered a way that is to make warehouse industry clustered in Incheon port for getting competitive and high end value added activities like advanced port logistics center considering trend that is changing functions of port and importance of port-hinterland. For this, we studied the existing research about port cluster, the present condition of warehouse industry in Incheon port and importance of value-added logistics activities. Also, we offered needs to build a high value-added and integrated logistics center by examples of advanced port logistics center in Singapore, Netherlands(Rotterdam) and Hongkong. We get the questionnaires for gathering ideas of port logistics industry about to set integrated logistics centers by strategy we offered that is making warehouse logistics clustered.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper is mainly about the development of u-warehouse management system by using RFID in SCM environment. We developed a web-based real-time u-warehouse management system centering to manufacture enterprises by analyzing the process before and after the adopting of RFID technologies in warehouse management, deducing the standard application process which adopts RFID technologies in SCM environment.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Location Based Services (LBS) comprise spatial information and mobile technology allow users to receive various services based on Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Although, spatial information based services are very useful, it has lots of possibility to damage privacy protection. But the contents of the legislation by government have problems conflicted between protection of a person's location information and invigoration LBS. Therefore, in this study suggest a causal model to deal with user satisfaction and factors affecting spatial information based services to customer perspective. The proposed research model is tested empirically with one hundred and forty one usable questionnaires and partial least square (PLS) method. Experimental results showed that the usefulness, playfulness, and service quality play a prominent role in influencing the spatial information services satisfaction compared to other factors. But, easy of use and perceived risk are not significant.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Advanced countries worldwide lead government leading management innovation by suggesting unique managing system which can be survived in global economy war including JQA of Japan and EFQM of Europe based basically on MBNQA of U.S.A. and by rewarding to suitable companies. Mckinsey, global management and consulting company points out that Korea has no management because Korean productivity level which dependence to small and medium sized companies is high by the limitation of elemental invests leading type growth strategy including labor and capital is only 1/2 of U.S.A. and 2/3 of Japan. In particular, the competitive power of Korean small and medium sized companies goes into a recession by productivity lowering according to the chinese follow-up, laboring time shortening, variety and aging, and fundamental management innovation activities for reinforcing survival and competitive power are needed. Therefore, in this study, we try to construct the model of productivity managing system of innovation type small and medium sized companies which make excellent results.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There are lack of labour and increase in logistics costs due to rapid change in logistics environments and the demand for logistics. The reality is that over spending on logistics costs are getting worse due to lack of logistics standardization. An example will be excessive logistics costs caused by unsatisfactory use of logistics equipments in wholesale markets. The logistics efficiency is falling due to delays in using logistics equipments and standardization. Therefore, there needs standardization of logistics functions and unit of handling in each stage from packing, unloading, storage, transporting, logistics information and needs logistics standardization on equipments, machineries used for the above. Standard unified with standardization is called specification and if standardization is applied broadly in manufacturing or processing, inspection than each process in terms of production can be managed rationally and labour skills will improve and product quality will be evenly maintained and compatability of each part in terms of assembly will be maintained thus materials and labour could be saved thus results in increasing productivity and lowering production costs. Also, if it is applied in industry at state-level then there will be rationalization in consumption in circulation as in purchase of raw materials, sales of products, purchase of products by consumers and contribute in improving compatibility and fair transactions. This paper is aimed to help in first solving factors affecting the most in improving logistic efficiency among unit load system and logistic hollowization, standardizing logistics base, standardizing logistics information. The study conducted surveys on limited companies but hope that in the future the target companies can be divided further into types, industries and conduct more demonstrative analysis.
2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Many companies desperately effort to find out more effective management method to survive in keen competition. Jack welch of past GE's CEO had said that an excellent result of today's GE management is thanks to Six sigma work. Many korean companies are introduced Six sigma method in their management since late 1993. Six sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes we use to do everything from designing to manufacturing a product from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. The purpose of this study is to overcome these problems and to help make an important decision in establishing introduction strategy by abstracting the reasons and success factors and result indices which are important sources for introducing Six sigma management.
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