
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

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제20권 제1호 (2018년 3월) 5

2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As the chemical industry becomes more advanced, the awareness of chemical accidents is rising, and legal systems for chemical safety management are strengthened. In this study, quantitative risk assessment of liquid chlorine leak was conducted. Risk assessment was performed in the order of frequency analysis, consequence analysis, and risk calculation. The individual risk was presented in the form of contour lines. The social risk was expressed by the FN curve. The risk of day and night was in an unacceptable area, so it was required to mitigate risk. Therefore in-building, which could trap the pool, was selected as a risk mitigation measure. As a result of the cost benefit analysis, it was concluded that this measure should be reasonably implemented.
2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Safety accidents, which are called industrial accidents in construction work, are often caused by unstable physical and personal conditions combined during preparation and execution of work. It is difficult to manage all the construction works, but especially in the field of apartment construction work, complex and many kinds of works are being carried out at the same time. In the current construction, safety regulations such as safety management guidelines are generally well maintained, but the execution of manpower resources that can fulfill them is limited, and it is difficult to reduce the accident rate and loss cost. Therefore, in this study, it is a reality that most of the types of construction work are under contruction by subcontracting contract, so they are limit by methods of manual maintenance and safety education. Currently, the subcontractor is also allowed to perform safety management through the composition of the safety management review body, but it is operated formally. So alternatives to this were studied. As a result, safety accidents occur in the subcontractor's worker due to vertical integration, which is characteristic of the construction industry, together to the contractor, the safety management system is based on a safety construction system in which a worker who has a certain qualification condition such as career experience of the work type, work understanding of the work type, and management experience of the work type among the subcontractor, when we manage based on mutual personality which is the personality of interpersonal relationship that can communicate with each other by work type, process and grouping, it is concluded that effective and practical safety management can be achieved to reduce the accident rate and loss cost.
2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Industrial disasters cause lots of damages from individuals to companies and country. Especially, damages caused by constructional disasters take very large portion in the whole industry and are accompanied by huge personal·physical damages. For the prevention of disasters, roles of safety manager are very important and especially, effects of disaster prevention can be changed by occupational ability of construction safety manager. To improve job abilities of safety manager, job education is very important. This research suggested a model for job education management of construction safety manager and proposed improvements as a study on improvement of curriculum for vitalization of job education of construction safety manager so as to improve occupational ability of safety manager. To achieve them, this research examined standard and operation status of current job education of safety manager and the problems and suggested a model materializing job educational contents as a measure to vitalize job education system of safety manager.
2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The rate of fire in buildings is gradually increasing in these days and the damage of property are severely increasing. This study suggests a methodology that provides information of the emergency exits based on indoor location services. The methodology uses determination technology and the latest update of indoor map generation via the built-in sensors of smartphone. This paper enhances the accuracy of indoor localization, and also it is to study how to provide exact indoor layout for rescuing the workers in emergency, such as fires and natural disasters.
2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For several decades, attribute classification methods using the asymmetrical relationship between an attribute performance and the satisfaction of that attribute have been explored by numerous researchers. In particular, the Kano model, which classifies quality attributes into 5 elements using simple questionnaire and two-dimensional evaluation table, has gained popularity: Attractive, One-dimensional, Must-be, Indifferent, and Reverse quality. As Kano's model is well accepted, many literatures have introduced categorization methods using the Kano's evaluation table at attribute level. However, they applied different terminologies and classification criteria and this causes confusion and misunderstanding. Therefore, a criterion for quality classification at attribute level is necessary. This study is aimed to suggest a new attribute classification method that sub-categorizes quality attributes using 5-point ordinal point and Kano's two-dimensional evaluation table through an extensive literature review. For this, the current study examines the intrinsic and extrinsic problems of the well-recognized Kano model that have been used for measuring customer satisfaction of products and services. For empirical study, the author conducted a comparative study between the results of Kano's model and the proposed method for an e-learning case (33 attributes). Results show that the proposed method is better in terms of ease of use and understanding of kano's results and this result will contribute to the further development of the attractive quality theory that enables to understand both the customers explicit and implicit needs.