
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제9권 제4호 (2007년 8월) 18

2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Korean government had enacted 'Special Regulation on the Safe Maintenance of Facilities' and carried out regular safety inspections since the mid-1990s, consequently establishing and enforcing an effective maintenance and management system. And throughout this entire process, the government searched for new methods to increase the overall effectiveness of the system. Nevertheless, the reality is that our society remains structurally unprepared to implement a commercial mindset that views the concept of "safety" as a product that can be traded in the open market based on supply and demand. Therefore, the government should establish mid to long-term plans to implement such a system in successive stages.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
최근 들어 산업현장 뿐만 아니라 농어촌에도 자동화가 가속화되면서 작업자의 안정성과 편리성을 높이기 위한 다양한 방안이 제시되고 있지만 여전히 농업현장에서 대부분의 작업들이 부적절한 자세로 수행할 수밖에 없는 경우가 자주 발생한다. 본 연구는 쪼그려 앉는 작업자세가 요구되는 각종 농작업에 있어서 적합한 높이의 작업용 좌대를 제공함으로써 부적절한 작업자세를 개선하여 노동 강도를 경감시킴과 동시에 작업능률 향상과 요통 등 근골격계질환을 감소시켜 작업자의 건강
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study tried to identify the job stress characteristics of female bank workers and the relationship between their stress and symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs). The total number of 587 female bank tellers have been participated in this study. Specifically, questionnaire surveys regarding job stress and MSDs symptoms were conducted. On the basis of the results from the survey using Korean version of job stress questionnaire with 24 questions, stress scores associated with job requirement and job flexibility were relatively high. The job stress levels regarding job demand, organizational system, occupational climate at the work place were relatively high for the full time workers while the job stress levels regarding insufficient job control, job stability, interpersonal conflict, lack of reward were relatively high for the part time worker. The workers with longer total work years had relatively high job stress associated with interpersonal conflict, and organizational system while the workers with longer work years at the current job had relatively high job stress associated with occupational climate. Also, the workers with longer working hours a day had relatively high job stress associated with job demand, interpersonal conflict, organizational system, and occupational climate. According to the relationship identified in this study, symptoms at the neck, shoulder, hand, low back. leg were associated with the stress levels in terms of job flexibility, interpersonal conflict, job requirement, job stability. In conclusion, female bank workers are exposed to job stress due to their specific job characteristics and there has been certain relationships between their job stress and MSDs symptoms.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We adapted association rules of data mining in order to investigate the relation among the factors of musculoskeletal disorders and proposed the method of preventing the musculoskeletal disorders associated with multiple logistic regression in previous study. This multiple logistic regression was difficult to establish the method of preventing musculoskeletal disorders in case factors can't be managed by worker himself, i.e., age, gender, marital status. In order to solve this problem, we devised association rules of factors of musculoskeletal disorders and proposed the interactive method of preventing the musculoskeletal disorders, by applying association rules with the result of multiple logistic regression in previous study. The result of correlation analysis showed that prevention method of one part also prevents musculoskeletal disorders of other parts of body.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
An industrial injury prevention has a basis on fundamental spirit of human respect rather than only injury prevention in company. The employer should recognize employee as a core part of an industrial management and use as a starting point of safety and health management rather than means of production. There are many reason for unsafety action without safety operation. The reason is no standard safety operation in company or the workers never get a enough education. Standard safety operation is prepared by paper for accurate directions and orders and operators must read the paper to prevent an error of action. Also an essential particular is safety of equipment and machine must be assumed to establish standard safety operation then safety of operations will be possible.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
It is known that human factors account for 80 percent of all railway accidents. To reduce human errors must be the most efficient shortcut to railway safety. For public transportation employees like railway, the more delicate safety management should be executed in individual level. However, there are rarely efforts to improve safety performance of workers who are the subject operating the railway system. This paper develops a hierarchy model to evaluate the human safety performance in railway industry. To evaluate the model, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology is adopted. The hierarchy model is composed of four levels which are objective, two criteria, specific factors of criteria, and rating scales. In addition, since employees for evaluation are over 10, the pairwise comparisons for rating scales are carried out by the absolute measurement. We explore the applicability of AHP to the performance evaluation of railway safety workers by an example and also investigate the changes of alternatives that are railway employees according to the changes of human characteristic which is one of criteria.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Aerial working platform is recently used broadly in heavy industry and construction field and also the utilization of it is growing. However, the raise of critical incident caused by unskilled operator is increased gradually. To reduce and prevent such incident, the training for operating is essential. It's not easy to cover the requirements for the training with real platform because of the high price of it, safety and weather condition. This paper proposes a simulator for the training based on virtual reality to give the training safely regardless to the weather condition and the simulator is deliverable in lower price than real one. The simulator proposed in this paper is available to be set according to the level of trainee's skill managing and be also applied for the design of general heavy equipment training simulator.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There are something unreasonable, unsatisfactory on the law system for laboratorial safety enforced by the government from April 2006. Therefore, the system should be reviewed and revised to be satisfactory for current research condition. This study is to analyze research areas for improving laboratorial safety and to show safer ideas. With more detail, more practically improving ideas have been shown for systemizing safety assessment in advance, effective organization of laboratory, safety committee and their regulation. It is expected that better safety level all the concerned engagement, reasonable revision of safety regulation of laboratory, can be made by this research result.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For a sustainable development, the resources circulation system should be established and an environment-conscious activities are required at the same time. These activities should be also implemented in logistics area. Especially, green procurement activities in inbound logistics is recognized as a very important factors in the early phase of an environment-conscious activities. In this paper, we are to suggest the direction through statistical analysis of effects, and cause of influences of environmental procurement logistics activities on logistics performance by environmental logistics strategy and by the size of enterprises, and by Environmental Management System. This study was conducted with the subjects of manufacturing enterprises with concurrent reviews of literature and statistical analysis, and the meaning of this study would be the analysis of the influencers of environment-conscious procurement logistics activities on logistics performance different from existing logistics studies.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is to find out if it can be recycled for making better concrete. Therefore, waste paper as of newspaper and newspaper are added into concrete to see if waste paper-mixing concrete can have any particular characteristic. The test result of paper concrete was compared and analyzed through four kinds of tests such as compressive strength as of a fundamental one of concrete resistant capacity against heat. 200℃, 400℃ and 600℃ heated concrete were compressively tested in order to find out concrete strength resistant to high temperature. heat capacity was also tested, based on the expectancy of its low conductivity. finally flexural strength test using four reinforced concrete beams with size of 20cm×30cm×160cm was made. And concrete property exposed to the temperature showed that there are almost not effect for the strength up to 400℃, but it was decreased down to 50% of the original condition. volume of paper mixed with concrete without relation to paper kinds of new and waste one.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Three major Asian countries, Korea, China, and Japan, shared 18.3% of global GDP and 14.2% of global trade volume in 2005. When considering this number, cooperation of these three countries is very important. Also, it is needless to say that we need efficient international logistics system in Asia. The key point to realize efficient international logistics system is unit load system utilizing pallets and containers. To build up efficient logistics system among Korea, China, and Japan, we need 'total palletization' with standardized pallets. We may regard 'total palletization' as an 'efficient highway of North-Eastern Asia logistics.' In this study, we will suggest two kinds of effects, which logistics standardization among Korea, China, and Japan will make. One is the effect on economy and trade, and the other is the effect on logistics business and environments.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In most recent years, the business competition has spreads over all fields of corporations and their management area regardless of time and place, which makes the survival environment of each enterprise fiercer. In order to secure a high position in the competitive market, the various firms has implemented many methods related to price, quality, and service efficiency. However, the implementation with only low price or high quality might be helpless to hold a high position in modem market. Moreover more attention should be paid to the internal business processes of an organization. Therefore, a new and different method should be searched or developed in order to win the competitive power among other enterprises. This research will focus on the improvement of the business processes within the non-manufacturing industry by applying Lean Six Sigma methodology. DMAIC method will be applied to improve the inbound and outbound logistics processes, manage the inbound and outbound vehicles, and control the receiving and shipping activities.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recently, due to economic growth, living environment has been convenient and comfortable and so human activities were decreased. Consequently energy consumption was also decreased. Also the habit of food intake has been changed and the tendency of obesity has been increased. The main objective of this paper is to provide analysis of obesity index of residents in six metropolitan cities. According to analysis of Rohrer Index, there were significant differences regionally between men and women in metropolitan cities. Through analysis of Drop Value, it was found that there were significant differences regionally between men and women in metropolitan cities on circumferences of chest, waist and buttocks. The result of this research can be utilized in manufacturing and design of uniforms and equipments for safety.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
CSP(Concurrent Spare Parts) is supplied with the procurement of new equipment or weapon system and is used to sustain the equipment without resupply during the initial coverage period. This study is concerned with a problem of determining the near optimal inventory level of the spare parts, especially Concurrent Spare Parts. For this, we utilize the mixed periodic and continuous review polices considering the CSP and (r,Q) Policies concurrently in a two-echelon distribution system. We propose the mathematical model to minimize the total cost which is composed with ordering cost, purchasing cost, holding cost, and stickout cost. If the mixed policy is compared to other policies(CSP, (r,Q)), the proposed methodology performs well and is best policy in the equipment maintenance expenses.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper considers the sequencing of products in mixed model assembly lines under Just-In-Time (JIT) systems. Under JIT systems, the most important goal for the sequencing problem is to keep a constant rate of usage every part used by the systems. The sequencing problem is solved using Genetic Algorithm Genetic Algorithm is a heuristic method which can provide a near optimal solution in real time. The performance of proposed technique is compared with existing heuristic methods in terms of solution quality. Various examples are presented and experimental results are reported to demonstrate the efficiency of the technique.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper is to introduce attribute acceptance sampling plan based on statistical inference of binomial proportions such as PPM or PPB. In addition, this paper presents three variable sampling acceptance sampling plans based on Cpm, Cpmk, and Taguchi's loss function. Producers are able to consider as not only external vendors but also internal customers.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper presents various interval estimation methods of binomial proportion for small n in multi-product small volume production and extremely small ^P like PPM or PPB fraction of defectives. This study classifies interval estimation of binomial proportion into three categories such as exact, approximate, Bayesian methods. These confidence intervals proposed in this paper can be applied to attribute process capability and attribute acceptance sampling plan for PPM or PPB.
2007.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The LNG carriers have been propelled by steam turbines and the LNG boil-off(BOG) has been used as fuel or vented. However, as the alternative propulsion systems such as diesel engines are being equipped on the LNG carriers for better fuel efficiency, a need for the LNG BOG re-liquefaction system that liquefies the BOG and sends the liquid BOG back to the LNG cargo has arisen in recent years. This study investigates the design of the BOG re-liquefaction system based on the reverse Brayton refrigeration cycle. The thermodynamic and heat exchanger analysis are carried out and the limitations to the system performance are discussed.