
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제22권 제2호 (2020년 6월) 9

2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Apples are one of the most produced fruits in Korea, with 2,423,000 tons of fruits produced in Korea in 2018, of which 365,000 tons (MAF, 2018) account for about 15% of the total production. For quality safety after harvesting apples, the application of MA(modified atmosphere) packaging technology (Mostofi et. al., 2008) is being actively studied. In addition, the effects of functional packaging materials that have added functions such as fireproof, antibacterial, high-blocking, degradability, and far-infrared radiation have been studied (Chung et al., 2009). In addition, there are reports of the effects of quality changes (Park et al., 2007) and MA storage methods on the quality of apples by packing apples with functional MA films((Park et al., 2004). But there are only few reports on quality safety by analyzing the correlation between the change of reducing sugar and total sugar and preference during storage by packing Geochang, Yeongju, and Yesan apples in functional MA film. Therefore, this study aims to propose a method to secure the quality safety of apples by investigating the effect of sugar change on the preference of apples during storage by packing apples in three regions in functional MA films.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Sludge incineration facilities are socially recognized as a hate facility. Therefore, a careful deodorization plan must be established. Therefore, the incineration facility must conduct research on odor ventilation. In this study, a odor diffusion simulation in an incineration facility was conducted and analyzed. In particular, research was carried out on carry-in rooms, pre-treatment rooms, and storage facilities for crops, which are expected to rapidly spread odor. As a result, ammonia 1.62, hydrogen sulfide 0.63, and acetaldehyde 0.73 were found in the transfer room. In addition, pretreatment rooms and stencil storage facilities were found to be lower than regulatory standards.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Industrial facilities need design to predict and reduce noise from design to prevent and reduce noise. The purpose of this study is to predict worker's environment and evaluate safety by analyzing noise inside underground blower room and air compressor room with fluid machinery in waste facility. This waste incineration facility was analyzed based on the ground floor, ground floor blower chamber, and air compressor chamber. The results of SPL(Sound Pressure Level) analysis at 1.5m away, which are frequently used to measure the SPL as a noise source, are as follows. SPL of basement level: 46.80[dB], SPL of ground layer: 48.57[dB]. As a result, it was expected that the noise level would be considerably lower than the 8 hours 50[dB] noise exposure per day.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Korea’s elevator industry is one of the world’s eighth-largest industrial sectors and the third largest in the world by new installations. This year, the number of elevators has exceeded 700,000, and the number of new installations is 30,000-40,000 every year. However, the news of elevator-related accidents is reported continuously through the media and the accident rate is not decreasing. In particular, among the recent accidents related to elevators, accidents related to elevator workers are increasing, causing social problems. This year, the National Assembly’s Environmental Labor Relations Commission’s National Auditors lost five lives a year and 12 elevator workers were killed in fall and stenosis accidents during the installation, maintenance and replacement of the elevators for about two years since 2018. It took place to adopt the representatives of four domestic elevator companies as witnesses. An elevator worker is a collective term for workers involved in the design, manufacturing, installation, replacement, maintenance, inspection, management, and supervision related to the elevator industry, and the related accidents are called elevator worker accidents. Analysis of elevator-related accidents in the past has shown that the fault of the user accounted for 70% of the total, and the fault of the worker accounted for about 2.5%, and the accident occurred to the user or the user due to carelessness of the worker during the lift-related work. Currently, elevator-related accidents are reported by the Korea Elevator Safety Agency under Article 48 of the Elevator Safety Management Act under the Ministry of Interior and Safety. If deemed necessary for the prevention and prevention of recurrence of an elevator accident, the cause and condition of the elevator accident may be investigated. However, the current draft law is limited only to elevators after installation inspection, and is separated from the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s data on accidents occurring in the manufacturing and installation stages related to the elevator industry. This study analyzes the recent safety accidents of elevator workers and prepares safety measures to prevent them through the risk analysis, and also draws out the problems and improvements of the current elevator worker accident investigation to find the elevator worker accident rate that is on the increase trend.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study evaluated the accuracy and intra-rater reliability for OWAS (Ovako Working posture Analysing System), RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment), REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) to improve their evaluation accuracy and reliability. Participants (n = 163) with undergraduate degree were recruited in this study and trained for 6 hours about the ergonomic assessment methods. Ergonomic assessments were conducted using OWAS, RULA, and REBA for a representative work with dynamic posture found in manufacturing industries. The study compared action categories (overall level) and detailed evaluation scores for individual body part. Action categories of the participants significantly differed from the golden reference defined by ergonomic experts. The participants underrated or omitted scores for truck (37.4% of the participants) and legs (52.8%) in OWAS. Similarly, the participants underrated or omitted additional scores for all body parts except the hand and wrist in RULA (53.5%) and REBA (54.8%). On the other hand, the participants overrated scores for the hand and wrist in RULA (55.2%) and REBA (39.9%). The results found in this study can help of selecting focus points and parts during assessment and education to improve accuracy and reliability of the ergonomic assessment methods.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper recognizes the risk of ignition of air fryer (machine that can cook fried dishes with hot air without oil) that is far exceeding the sales rate of microwave ovens, which is necessary to modern household kitchen, and identifies fire risk through the operation principle of the process of heat transfer, and the main structure of the machine. The fire test that we conducted is to observe the risk of ignition of the machine due to the damage to the safety system and the possibility of igniting oil paper along with food, to experiment with the possibility of ignition due to blockage of the exhaust due to obstacles, and accumulation of oil stains on the hot wire, and to present the method of fire control and devise countermeasures.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study analyzed ignition probability about Lithium-polymer batteries of what variously were being produced wearable devices recently. The study analyzed ignition probability by PCM(Protection Circuit Module) operating state and overcharged, over-discharged, exposed to high temperatures of Lithium polymer batteries, analyzing wearable devices on the market. Then it classified experimental results to implement analysis comparison about weight, X-ray imaging, battery decomposition. With these experiments, the study analyzed combustion-possibility and fire patterns. These statistics will be used to measure and verify the cause of a fire when identify wearable devices using Lithium-polymer batteries.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of fire officers’ experience of traumatic events and subsequent forest healing on their occupational burnout. The results are as follows: First, the experience of traumatic events, social and psychological healing, and relieving stress by strolling had a significant effect on burnout. The more fire officers are exposed to traumatic events, the more they lose self-control in social and psychological aspects, and the lower the level of stress relieved through strolling, the higher the level of burnout. Thi sresult suggests that the more fire office rsare called out for fire fighting, the more they see their colleagues with severein juries, and the higher the level of mental and physical an xiety, the more they areex hausted. Moreover, for es thealing help store duce the irmental and physi calfatig uecaused by traumatic events, thu spreven ting them from suffering from burn out. Second, the experience of traumatic events, social and psychological healing, and relieving stress by strolling had a significant impact on occupational stress. The more fire officers are exposed to traumatic events, the more they lose self-control in social and psychological aspects, and the lower the level of stress relieved through strolling, the higher the level of occupational stress. This result indicates that to relieve job stress caused by fire fighting, increased forest healing activities, including various programs such as psychotherapy, developing interpersonal relationships and self-control, and creating a positive mind-set, can reducejobstress and help fire officers recover from it. Lastly, job stress had a mediation effect on the effects of the experience of traumatic events and forest healing on burnout. This implies that burnout can be prevented when fire officers gain high emotional stability through social and psychological healing and stress-relief strolling over a traumatic experience, and stronger support from the organization and family can keep them from being emotionally drained, thus contributing to the prevention of burnout.
2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
IEC 60079-10-1 edition 2.0, the global standard for hazardous area classification, was newly revised in 2015. There are many differences compared to the previous edition 1.0 version, first released in 2008, so it has caused confusion in the industry. In case of edition 1.0, the hazardous area extent can be derived through the mathematical formula, but in case of edition 2.0, there was the problem that the exact hazardous area extent was not known because of the mathematical formula of the plot for applying the hazardous area extent was not presented. In this study, we converted the plot introduced in edition 2.0 to CAD format and derived the plot as the mathematical equations. Through this, we suggest the hazardous area extent formula of three states (heavy gas, diffusive, jet). As the IEC committee did not provide the mathematical formula of the hazardous area extent according to the release characteristic, it is impossible to apply the exact hazardous area extent. In this study, a mathematical approach was derived for the plot introduced in edition 2.0, which can reduce the confusion of the applying hazardous area extent.