
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

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제12권 제1호 (2010년 3월) 23

2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recently, in circumstantial situation it is recommended positively to utilize of EIFS(Exterior Insulating and Finishing System) as energy policy for economizing energy. But internal EPS insulators of EIFS are exterior panel of high fire risk, because of constituting of flammable materials to be fragile in fire. In this study, fire risk is assessed by experiment Con Calorimeter test and SBI(Single Burning Item) test. As the result of experiment, Con Calorimeter tests do not reach to capability standard of internal incombustible grade, and are assessed as low grade in SBI incombustible grade. Because EIPS is exterior material in buildings with high fire risk in spite of good efficiency, it is required rapidly to take measures to meet situation through various studies(for instance, adjusting law regulation, etc.) in the future.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the steel industry, steel is manufactured and processed to produce a variety of steel products. The industry provides fundamental materials to the whole range of industries including car, ship, electric appliance and construction industries, so that it is very important as an infrastructure industry. The steel manufacture process involves aerial work, many danger factors caused by the treatment with hazardous gases including BFG and COG and by high pressure gases including H2, O2, N2 and LPG. It requires the management over the large area because many workers work in a plant. The potential dangers in the steel plant were identified and the effect of the danger assessment was verified through the analysis of the danger assessment for the steel plant. The allowed degree of danger was lowered after the improvement through the danger assessment in the plant where the case studies were conducted, which indicates that the danger assessment is highly effective.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
To investigate acute drug intoxication trends in the elderly visited Emergency Medical Centers, Data was collected from the records of poisoning patients visited Five different Hospitals from January 1. 2007 to December 31. 2007. The analysis was conducted by using 135 cases of 624 cases. When considering only the elderly and making comparisons between the urban areas and the rural areas the following data was produced. In regard to patients with acute drug intoxication, the main substance of choice was pesticides. Cases of acute drug intoxication are definitely higher for those categorized as the rural elderly (75.0%) when compared with those categorized as the urban elderly (44.1%). The male to female ratio, those living together as a family, past suicide attempts, mental state and sobriety condition when they came, monthly distribution etc. between the two groups did not demonstrate a difference between them. In regard to reasons given for acute drug intoxication, suicide was the highest at 60.7% of the cases. When comparing accidental reasons for poisoning, the urban elderly, at 34.2% of their cases, were higher than in the rural elderly, at 23.7%. After first aid was administered, the admission rate was higher for the rural elderly (47.4%) than for the urban elderly (33.9%). This shows that the rural elderly have a more severe acute drug intoxication poisoning problem than the urban elderly do.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study surveyed the reading discomforts and the reasons for discomfortable reading of the safety and health information (texts and icons) presented on the agricultural vehicles/machines, pesticides, fertilizers, and feeds. Eighty seven people residing in rural area participated in the survey interview. Questionnaire survey showed that the most discomfortable product in reading the texts was pesticides. Forty three (49%) among participants had very-discomfortable or discomfortable in reading the texts used in the label of pesticides, and the main reason for the discomfort was small text size. The reading discomforts in reading the texts (varied from 4 point to 19 point and presented in 50 cm reading distance) showed different pattern according to the age groups. Three age groups (50s, 60s and older than 70s) showed a similar discomfort pattern, but different from the group of 30s and 40s. Forty four people (51%) had a problem in understanding the meaning of the icons and the main reasons were the small size and the difficulty in inferring the meaning of the icons. Thus, the more detailed and practical guidelines for the presentation format, particularly about the text heights and the size of icons, are required. Also, more comprehensive research is needed to investigate the readability and legibility of texts and icons.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Due to the industrialization and urbanization, the transport of hazardous materials increases, which rises possibilities in occurring prospective accidents in terms of hazardous material transport as well. This study applied the model developed from the previous research to analyze the scale of damage areas from the accidents related to hazardous material accidents, as well as suggested a method to measure automatically the scale of accident including casualties and environmental damage based on the guideline which suggests the quantities of hazardous materials exposed from an accident and was defined in the study of standardization for hazardous material classification. A buffering analysis technique of Geographic Information System (GIS) was applied for that. To apply the model which evaluates the scale of population and exposure to environment on each link, rail network, zones, rail accident data, rail freight trips, and locations of rivers etc were complied as a database for GIS analysis. In conclusion, a method to measure damage areas by the types of hazardous materials was introduced using a Clip and a Special Join technique for overlay analysis.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to propose a simulation approach which compares lighting quality of each luminaire type for small urban park users' safety. For improving illumination quality, lighting intensity distribution of a luminaire is one of the important factors and it is also important to set the luminaire to a proper position. To achieve the best plan for illumination, it is most important to communicate the plan with designers of park and professional engineers in depth and the communication continues from the beginning of the plan.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cycling that transform human energy into mechanical energy is one of the man-machine systems out of sports fields. Benchmarking means "improving ourselves by learning from others', therefore benchmarking toward dominant cyclist is necessary on field. The goals of this study were to provide important factors on multi-disciplines (kinematics, physiology, power, psychology) for a tailored-training program that is suitable to individual characteristics. Two cyclists participated in this study and gave consent to the experimental procedure. One was dominant cyclist (years: 21 yrs, height: 177 cm, mass: 70 kg), and the other was non-dominant cyclist (years: 21, height: 176, mass: 70). Kinematic data were recorded using six infrared cameras (240Hz) and QTM (software). Physiological data (VO2max, AT) were acquired according to graded exercising test with cycle ergometer and power with Wingate test used by Bar-Or et. al (1977) and to evaluate muscle function with Cybex. Psychological data were collected with competitive state anxiety inventory (CSAI-2) that was devised by Martens et. al (1990) and athletes' self-management questionnaire (ASMQ) of Huh (2003). It appears that the dominant's CV of ankle joint angle was higher than non-dominant's CV and dominant's pedaling pattern was consistent in biomechanics domain, which the dominant's values for all factors ware higher than non-dominant's values in physical, and physiological domain, and their values between cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety were contrary to each other in psychology. Further research on multi-disciplines may lead to the development of tailored-optimal training programs applicable with key factors to enhance athletic performance by means of research including athlete, coach and parents.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
At the present time, Musculo-Skeletal Disorders breaks out and it is increased in a high speed. It is a serious problem for the labors and managements. People becoming greatly interested in it. It is caused by the labor intensity which is according to the work form, hours of labor, and the labors and the labor unions have a correct understanding in it, and the labor powers becoming older, and the change of divisional social environment which is latent. Before working do the simple preparation gymnastics or operate insensitive exercise remedy without scientific verification only in the present circumstances. Although operate the Work-related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders exercise remedy, it can not get a sufficient effectiveness. So the study develop one type of exercise remedy which are divided the upper limbs exercise remedy, the trunk exercise remedy, the lower limbs exercise remedy. It can be done without using any exercise equipments and regardless places. We should also enable the exercise remedy to be easily applied to workers who are in different circumstances. To use EMG to measure the burden of exercise remedy. By doing so, employees can easily do exercises and it will help to prevent and even can treat MSD. It is just the objective of the research.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is to find out why drivers used to put pseudo-petroleum in their cars and to fundamentally remove any accidents from the misuse. Questionnaire survey has been made in Gimpo area where many drivers can use it comparatively easily outside of Seoul. And they are analyzed statistically using SPSS 12.0 package program. Correlation factor is shown with 0.683, very high relationship between using frequency and use period of cars. It is shown that important factor to give impact to consumer attitude has been produced as car-using period, education level. The longer the cars have been used, the more pseudo petroleum has been used, it is found.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Today's fierce competition and global economic recession make most of manufacturing companies in the world difficult to gain a profit. In order to survive such a environment and increase competitiveness, manufacturing companies have to continuously eliminate their wasteful factors through an efficient process analysis, improve quality of products, increase the flexibility of manufacturing processes. In this paper, we consider a case study for the Shanghai New Auto which is a subcontractor of MOBIS in China, to improve productivity by using therblig method, one of the motion analysis, to minimize the work-in-process inventories and to shorten the manufacturing cycle times. We also try to relocate the facility layout to increase the efficiency and flexibility of manufacturing processes.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Learning Organization is a learning based community to make the most important value in the era of Knowledge Economy, Creation. That's why people share, facilitate personal, individual's knowledge & experience systems each other and make good thoughts & ideas in the organization. This study measures the building practices having conducted the F team in Samsung electronics using DLOQ that indicates the activate degree of Learning Organization and the quantitative degrees of Learning Organization through comparing the cross-evaluation between the already measured companies in addition to analyzing the F team's success factors. Learning Organization requires sustainable and continuous activity, not completes by changing many factors with human resources. The study will have the achievement if we measure the successful activity through global companies built a Learning Organization and facilitate the improvement activity sustainably.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Expanded muti-source Weber problem (EWP), which introduced in this paper, is a reverse logistics network design problem to minimize the total transportation cost from customers thorough regional center to central center. Decision factor of EWP are the locations of regional centers and a central center. We introduce a GRASP heuristics for the EWP. In the suggested GRASP, an expanded iterative location allocation method (EILA) is introduced based on the Cooper's iterative location allocation method[3]. For the initial solution of GRASP, allocation first seed (AFSeed) and location first seed (LFSeed) are developed. The computational experiment for the objective value shows that the LFSeed is better than the AFSeed. Also the calculating time of the LFSeed is better than that of the AFSeed.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The air logistics process is complex and need many informations because various agencies participate in the logistics service and there are many stakeholders in air logistics. But it is hard to improve the infra of facilities because of an enormous expense, so it needs to simplify air logistics process for growing air freight. When documents are sent, it needs to change the form of documents in spite of same document due to different form by agencies. Also documents are changed even though different documents have same informations. Consequently, errors are increased because the names of the same data are different from each other and stakeholders reproduce the documents. In order to mitigate these problems, we selected documents and analyzed data of documents for the interface optimization in general air logistics process. Next, we unified the names of data and defined contents of data. Also we set the type of the defined data on DB type, and gave the code to the defined data. It made easy to exchange informations among the stakeholders to match documents corresponding with the defined data.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
"Domestic delivery service" is defined the service to deliver goods or packages from point of senders to point of receiver. With the characteristics of door to door, it is must a service provider should know the exact location of destination assuring best utilization of moving path. Generally, location information consist of postal code and address only, which result in difficulties to identify the precise location of destination. It is relatively less correlated between the information that address refers and practical location in Korea address system. For example, the next door to house number 100 is not always house number 101. Therefore, a delivery man additionally uses a paper map or a GPS navigation which carry extra job to input every code of location to the device in order to know precise location. It is also very inconvenient that every delivery man identify the location that address information refers and make a personal decision of the optimum moving path dropping each destination without calculating provisioning process of whole delivery path. As explained above, it is inefficient to find information delivery service required and to generate the optimum path. In results, these difficulties bring in delay of service and increase of cost. In this point, the contents of the thesis suggest a GPS navigation system easy to obtain accuracy of delivery information which enables to automate optimum moving path based on RFID which contains location information.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper presents an economic analysis for the travel aids service system for visually handicapped persons through RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). This research estimates both cost and economic effect of the service. By using input-output analysis technique, three kinds of repercussion effects - domestic production, value added, and workers induced by the travel aids service - are also calculated. To evaluate the profitability of the service, we investigate the procedures through which the service has an effect on the interested parties and develop formulas describing the procedures. The benefit of the service have been generally obtained by measuring the willingness to pay (WTP). This paper, however, obtains the monetary value of benefit by estimating the parameters of the formulas, so that a close improvement of the service may be possible with the result of the economic analysis.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, the author proposed following two methods to improve the accuracy of the recommender system. First, in order to classify the users more accurately, the author used a EMC(Expanded Moving Center) heuristic algorithm which improved clustering accuracy. Second, the author proposed the Neighborhood-oriented preference prediction method that improved the conventional preference prediction methods, so the accuracy of the recommender system is improved. The test result of the recommender system which adapted the above two methods suggested in this paper was improved the accuracy than the conventional recommendation methods.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Aimed at fostering global human resource and utilizing it, this study presents a more systematic approach for encouraging overseas employment of the young generation. This study suggests a method for the objective evaluation of the overseas employment program through to used the M. Porter's 5-Forces and business administrative technologies. The result of this research will allow us to suggest a well-organized and more systematic frame of the international exchange programs, in which various new policies can be found. Since the overseas employment program is a non-standard, yet important, national policy plan, the future direction of the program was suggested based on the data of the previously-promoted programs.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Unknowingly, the relationship between IT departments and their internal customers becomes that of client-supplier based on the mechanisms of marketing and competition. In addition, due to enhanced focus on the customer in the planning, development, and delivery of information service, IT service management(ITSM) has become increasingly important. These days IT management is focusing particularly on the 'de-facto' standard ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) for implementing ITSM. It is linked as a part of CobiT’s 'deliver and support' domain, which is a framework of IT governance, and ISO/IEC 20000 is a unique international certification standards on the ITSM. This paper proposes the strategy and procedure for ITSM implementation based on ITIL with consideration of IT governance structure for manufacturing industries. It also presents a case study to share the lessons learned and results of an ITSM project.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper presents a six sigma project for improving customer satisfaction of a franchise store. The project follows a disciplined process of five macro phase : define, measure, analyze, improve, and control(DMAIC). Due to the limitation of existing methodologies, numerous difficulties arise during the six sigma application to transactional processes. This paper expected to be helpful to service industry in which is very difficult to measure and implement.
2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was motivated by the attempt to examine from versatile viewpoints the structural relationship between industrial environment, technology orientation and performances which are all factors related to technical innovation of small and medium-sized companies. In this regard, a survey was conducted to investigate the late industrial environment that could have direct and indirect impacts on the technology orientation of small and medium industry and, based on the survey, an analysis was carried out to determine the effects of its technology orientation on the performances in the technological innovation and management. The outcomes of the analysis could be summed up as follows: First, the factors of technology orientation turned out to have influence on those of industrial environment, which suggests the needs for the small and medium industry to consider the factors of industrial environment at multiple levels. Second, the technology orientation was found to influence the performances of technology innovation and management of small and medium industry in a structural manner, which signifies that the small and medium sized companies have to make strategic decision about the preference in the area of technology innovation and management performances.
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