The ability of being able communicate in English is one of the core abilities to be reared for the students who have to live in the modern society. English is one of the important languages of today. In order to learn such English, the most basic words and idioms need to be learned first. According to the previous studies, In the elementary school, students tend to lose their interest and affection about English as they move up the grades. However, In recent, 62% of th elementary school students have a smart phone and the main function used by 58% among them is games. Due to these reasons, Interrest in learning smartphone game has been increasing. this study intends to design and implementation the educative games for the learning of English idioms on smart phone so that the students can get interest and fun. The English idioms educating game which shall be produced in this study not only is easy and fun to be played by the learner but also made it possible for the English idioms learning not to be boring by adding fun and giving motivations through competitions among the learners by making each obtainments of alphabets of each English idioms into points. In order to induce the repetitive learning of the learners, the lesson menu was used to allow the English idiom repetition lesson. Also, the acceleration sensor of the smart phone was utilized to produce this game so that the game is played fluidly and conveniently.
우리나라 사람 중 게임 경험이 있는 사람은 10명중 7명으로 이미 대표적 여가생활로 자리잡고 있다. 하지만 온라인게임에 대한 사회적 인식 및 환경 등은 이러한 성장속도를 따라가지 못하고 있으며, 게임에 대한 우리의 인식은 ‘게임 중독 vs 고부가가치 산업’이라는 두 가지 차원에서만 논의 되고 있다. 일방에서는 온라인게임이 우리나라가 경쟁력을 가진 막강한 콘텐츠산업 온라인게임의 강국임을 자랑한다. 다른 한편에서는 온라인게임을 유해매체로 규정, 이에 게임을 중독물로 규정하고, 게임업체를 중독자 양산 업체로 마약을 팔아 장사하는 것 이라며 게임산업을 폄하하고 있다. 게임관련 컨퍼런스나 개발자 포럼에 가면 중독이란 용어대신 과몰입으로 순화하고, 긍정적 요인을 강조한다. 하지만 업계가 원하는 사람은 중독자가 아닌 올바른 게이머, 즉 게임을 즐기면서도 삶을 충실히 하고 활동적으로 사는 사람들이다. 따라서 본 연구는 온라인게임에 있어서 과몰입에 영향을 미치는 탐색적 요인을 찾아보고 향후 온라인게임의 과몰입에 관한 연구 및 게임산업에 도움이 되고자 하였다. 실증분석결과 감각적 재미와 사회적 상호작용의 재미가 온라인게임 과몰입에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석 되었으며, 분석결과에 따른 시사점도 제공하였다.
Safety and health related information for the proper use and handling of pesticides is usually printed on the surface of the pesticide products (bottle type or bag type) in the form of texts. But, the guidelines or standards for the appropriate presentation of the texts for the pesticide products are most vague or not practical. Thus, this study aimed to provide the preliminary guidelines for the text sizes based on the legibility experiments. Total twenty subjects from two age groups (young: n=10, old: n=10, five males and five females in each group) participated in the experiment. First, subjects read the text cards presented in the distance of 50cm from the eyes of the subjects. Eight different text card sets were prepared for different font type(thick gothic-type and fine gothic-type), thickness of font(plain and bold), and number of syllables (2 and 3 syllables). When subjects read the cards, the correctness of reading (correct or wrong) was recorded and the degree of discomfort (from 1: no discomfort at all to 4: can't read at all) was also evaluated for all the text sizes. Results showed that the character size should be 4 pt or larger for the young subjects to read at least one word correctly in all the text conditions. For the old subjects to read at least one word correctly, the character size should be five pt or larder. The average of the minimum character sizes for 100% correct answer is 6.1 pt for young subjects and 10.5 pt for old subjects, respectively.
Texts and icons are used to deliver the safety and health information on pesticide labels. This study surveyed the standards or guidelines regarding the presentation formats of texts and icons used in pesticides. Also, the text and icon formats being used in the 50 pesticide products in Korea were investigated in the aspects of size, font (texts only), color. From the guideline survey, it was found that while the guidelines for the text fonts and colors in pesticides were suggested, there was no detailed guidelines about the text size. For the icon presentation, it was regulated that the icon size for the pesticides should be larger than 7mm×7mm, and this size was equivalent to the size when the reading distance of 28 ㎝ was applied to other two guidelines. From the sample survey of the 50 pesticides, it was found that the small text size being used in the 50 pesticides was 1mm (3pt), and this size was considered to be very difficult to be read, particularly by old people. The minimum size of the texts for the toxicity of the pesticide, the very important safety information, was found to be 1.5 mm, which is considered to be very uncomfortable to be read. The size of icons were varied from 2 to 12 mm, and the total average size was 4.6 mm. The 149 icons from a total 187 icons (80%) were smaller than the icon presentation guideline (7mm×7mm), and the reason for the small icon size might be the small area of the label of the pesticides. Thus, more detailed guidelines for the text size and more practical guidelines for the size of icons are required.
This study surveyed the reading discomforts and the reasons for discomfortable reading of the safety and health information (texts and icons) presented on the agricultural vehicles/machines, pesticides, fertilizers, and feeds. Eighty seven people residing in rural area participated in the survey interview. Questionnaire survey showed that the most discomfortable product in reading the texts was pesticides. Forty three (49%) among participants had very-discomfortable or discomfortable in reading the texts used in the label of pesticides, and the main reason for the discomfort was small text size. The reading discomforts in reading the texts (varied from 4 point to 19 point and presented in 50 cm reading distance) showed different pattern according to the age groups. Three age groups (50s, 60s and older than 70s) showed a similar discomfort pattern, but different from the group of 30s and 40s. Forty four people (51%) had a problem in understanding the meaning of the icons and the main reasons were the small size and the difficulty in inferring the meaning of the icons. Thus, the more detailed and practical guidelines for the presentation format, particularly about the text heights and the size of icons, are required. Also, more comprehensive research is needed to investigate the readability and legibility of texts and icons.