
대한안전경영과학회지 KCI 등재후보 Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제8권 제1호 (2006년 3월) 14

2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We applied the TPM to loading and unloading equipments of Incheon port and compared with the current maintenance of Incheon port's equipments. Also we analyzed the death disaster causes of equipments and work tools and suggested TPM techniques as a plan of disaster prevention. Using TPM to the loading and unloading equipments we expect to obtain the breakdown zero, defective zero, and disaster zero. And then it should raise the productivity of harbor loading and unloading equipments.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Basis frame-work's base in a semiconductor industry have gas, chemical, electricity and various facilities in bring to it. That it is a foundation by fire, power failure, blast, spill of toxicant huge by large size accident human and physical loss and damage because it can bring this efficient, connect with each kind mechanical, physical thing to prevent usefully need that control finding achievement factor of human factor of human action. Large size accident in a semiconductor industry to machine and human and it is involved that present, in system by safety interlock defect of machine is conclusion for error of behaviour. What is not construing in this study, do safety in a semiconductor industry to do improvement. Control human error analyzes in human control with and considers mechanical element and several elements. Also, apply achievement factor using O'conner Model by control method of human error. In analyze by failure mode effect using actuality example.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Considering in view of China's low price and Japan's high technology, the most important point is the quality of product. To increase the comparative power internationally all workingmen have to fulfill the responsibility to maximize the quality, and this is possible practiced under 'Zero Defect' spirit. To reduce the defect ratio to 'Zero' the workingmen have to recognize own fault, all the manufacturing process should be conducted under 'Fool Proof System', If done under this circumstances, then labor force can work comfortably and safely without nervousness and tiresome. The productivity and quality can increase ultimately and even foreign labor, imbecile child, old-aged labor can participate in work, which can reduce shortage of labor source. Therefore, in this study all defects in manufacturing process, it would be recognized the errors and mistakes caused by human.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The goal of this study is to investigate the ergonomic factors in designing or selecting the hand tool handle. Electromyogram (EMG) were measured for various wrist postures and handle sizes under two loading conditions. Anthropometric data were measured and the correlation with EMG measurement data were analyzed. Investigations of this study show that wrist posture should be neutral for minimum muscle tension and optimum handle size can be found by measuring the EMG measurement data. It show that hand width and EMG measurement data is greatly correlated also. This study can be a guide of designing or selecting a hand tool, but further study with large sample sizes and various groups is needed for making general conclusion.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Many researches and analyses have been focused on industrial accidents in order to predict and reduce them. As a similar endeavor, this paper is to develop an expert system for prevention of industrial accidents. Although various previous studies have been performed to prevent industrial accidents, these studies only provide managerial and educational policies using frequency analysis and comparative analysis based on data from past industrial accidents. As an initial step for the purpose of this study, this paper provides a comparative analysis of 4 kinds of algorithms including CHAID, CART, C4.5, and QUEST. Decision tree algorithm is utilized to predict results using objective and quantified data as a typical technique of data mining. Enterprise Miner of SAS and Answer Tree of SPSS will be used to evaluate the validity of the results of the four algorithms. The sample for this work was chosen from 10,536 data related to manufacturing industries during three years(2002~2004) in korea. The initial sample includes a range of different businesses including the construction and manufacturing industries, which are typically vulnerable to industrial accidents.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was to suggest the necessity of depth research in order to enhance the effectiveness of technical consulting system. And the purpose of this study was to decrease the construction accidents to some extent, being on the increase day by day as it takes issue properly and suggest a reform measure. As for research method, it executed the collection of public opinions widely and questionnaire with the bibliography, expert of construction safety, the related institutions, academic world, safety association, and director of construction site. Also, it was to suggest the reform measure by the stage, classifying the problems on the system and operation by 4 stages like a stage of delivery of subscription and supervision, a stage of contract with guidance of technology, a stage of executing the guidance work of technology, and a stage of performance of advice.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The oriental life change unit(LCU) models differ from the western LCU model in human behavior, life style, ideas, culture, and psychology factors. Especially, the cause and effect models by behavior scientific approach method have provided the accident proneness concept through the LCU factors. Therefore this paper describes the analytical results of the oriental LCU model and western LCU model. Especially, the death of parents and death of close friend in Korean LCU model feel more acute stress than the western factors. In the case of Korean LCU models between the unmarried and married workers living in the middle area of Korea, death of parents, change in family member's health, change to different line of work, and change in work hours and condition are significant at the significance level of 5%. The priority of life change factors in these models is approved in the order of death of parents, death of spouse, death of close family member, and death of close friend. Finally, the result of this paper can be easily used in order to minimize the industrial accidents by the job stress with the worker and safety manager in real fields.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to research elementary school on safety education in the subject of practical arts. The subject of practical arts of an elementary school have positive attitude about safety education and must prevent an accident to be able to happen during a class of a practical course previously. Safety education has further an interest on subject of practical arts of practice and must induce an aggressive interest of teachers in order to be able to prevent an accident previously. As the above results, to raise the perceptions of elementary school teachers on safety education in the subject of practical arts, it is necessary to search for ways to induce teachers' active interest in safety education and help them experience safety education in the subject of practical arts at teacher training centers.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As environmental damage increase by a highly developed material civilization of today, many companies take a growing immensely interest in the influence of environment for beginning a new paradigm year by year. The previous assessments dose not run the gamut of industry but is confined within a certain facility or an area. Industrial processes and operations can not be accomplished independently but are connected with each others through suppliers and customer, and these ideas are fundamental notions of Life Cycle Assessment(LCA). This paper will introduce Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) in environment which is rising, and would like to build environmental management system using approach of Quality Function Deployment(QFD) and Safety Function Deployment(SFD) belonging to the assessment method.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Quality system management adapted by small and medium enterprises in Kangwon province to enhance the competitiveness was studied. Variance analysis on several questionnaire answers was performed. Motives for acquiring the accreditation, such as product export, adjustment to international trend, enhancement of brand/product recognition, CEO's mind change, and management innovation, have been changed significantly among business types. Mind changes after the accreditations were setting company's first priority on quality, enhanced recognition on compliance of in-house standards and regulations, employee's performance with the recognition of quality. Amongst service problems to maintain the ace reditations were difficulties in maintaining the recognition of the company's finality management, labor increase to maintain the ISO 9000 enforcement team, and financial burden to keep the accreditation. Quality recognition after the accreditations was significantly improved in setting company's first priority on quality, enhanced recognition on compliance of in-house standards and regulations, employee's performance with the recognition of quality.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Value Engineering(VE) has been recognized by many companies as a powerful and innovative technical approach for cost down and improvement in function of product and service. VE is a discipline which use an organized, creative approach to achieve the required function at the lowest cost. For the Purpose of developing new product, at this paper used the method of 2nd look VE developing bike helmet, in the order of selecting target, function analysis and writing alternative. The development of Helmet by the process of VE job plan, achieve the cost reduction of 27 million won for developing new product with customer's need.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Flextime system labor problem appeared by social issue going through a late 97s economic crisis. The most important thing among gravity is that act for factor who do to magnify gulf between rich and poor because do so that may polarize labor market at central part and neighborhood and makes preservation of society integration hardly social economy enemy of flextime system worker's spread. Furthermore, new economy surrounding has attribute that deepen uncertainty social bipolarization according as order by 21th century information-oriented society, globalization, knowledge base economy. Therefore, role of the country that control spread of flextime system in fixed level is more important first of all and application of employment insurance may do that have important meaning and social deliquescence.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Economic and political barriers in Northeast Asia including Korea have been eliminated gradually. As results of economic relations are more active in this region. The administration of physical distribution tightened circulation- cost down. This is one of the most important facts to develop world economy. Distribution in China is expected to grow quantitatively and continuously. China is just out of planned economic system. Therefore, it is expected that foreign affiliated firms will take a fierce competition for the next 1~2 years. This study investigates Korea-China trade and distribution index with analysis and expectation of China market. The study analyzes the business conditions, faced problems and differentiated strategies of foreign affiliated firms. Be based on those, it is researched how domestic companies will make strategies to start China successfully.
2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 연구는 제조자(공급자)와 중간분배자로 구성된 공급사슬에서 시간에 따라 일정률로 퇴화하는 퇴화성 제품을 다루는 중간분배자의 신뢰성있는 재고보충정책을 분석하였다. 문제 분석을 위하여 제조자는 고객의 수요를 증대시키기 위한 수단으로 중간분배자로부터의 제품대금에 대하여 일정기간 동안 신용거래를 허용한다는 가정과 함께 수송량에 따라 할인되는 수송비를 고려하여 모형을 수립하였고, 중간분배자의 경제적 재고보충정책을 결정하기 위한 해법을 개발하였다.