Although companies have to concentrate on effort to save cost to survive competition, transportation costs are taking more portions in total sales costs due to globalization in the modern times. It is the reason why Transportation Management System TMS is getting more important. However, it is practically difficult for the system to fit to all of transportation environments and actually many problems are taking place with the system. Therefore, a new idea is necessary to solve such problems fundamentally rather than temporarily or superficially. To do so, if TRIZ, which is a theory that systematically establishes creative ideas on the basis of patent analysis, is employed, it can bring forth a guideline with some creative principles that can be applicable in drawing out innovative ideas based on conceptual shift. The present study aims to propose a methodology of how TRIZ should be applied to solve the problems that happen in TMS as a whole. Particularly, the study focuses on how to design customized TMS system that can be employed for each of different situations in a creative way.
In the limitless competition era of the 21st century, cost reduction is being highlighted as one of survival strategies of businesses. The first item for cost reduction of businesses is logistical costs. The most keenly required thing for this is to remove unnecessary elements, and the best way to realize it to cut down processes using automatic facilities. Packing container in logistics is like a facility. This study is intended to analyze reduction of costs, improvement of business process and reduction of working force through standardization of standardization, and logistics effects through improvement of environmental images in enterprises.
Logistics is one of the most important factors to manage a stream of materials in economic environment. Establishing effective logistics system needs to consider some constraints which are fluctuation of materials volume, a long distance between makers and consumers, one way logistics and small quantity batch production. It is estimated that Unit Load System should be a powerful method to cope with those problems. It helps to realize the key issues which are Standardization and Logistics Pool System The Material Unification of Logistics System is able to participate in all kinds of industries including manufacturing, distribution and logistics. This system has some merits which are a long distance transportation cost down, product recovery, and treatment in the unbalance of demand and supply caused by unstable materials volume. Four strategies of Material Logistics Model are Packing Rationalization, Logistics Pool System, JIT System application and establishing effective infrastructure. The Material Unification Of Logistics System based on Unit Load System achieves efficiency of logistics and largely decreases moving cost.
Economic and political barriers in Northeast Asia including Korea have been eliminated gradually. As results of economic relations are more active in this region. The administration of physical distribution tightened circulation- cost down. This is one of the most important facts to develop world economy. Distribution in China is expected to grow quantitatively and continuously. China is just out of planned economic system. Therefore, it is expected that foreign affiliated firms will take a fierce competition for the next 1~2 years. This study investigates Korea-China trade and distribution index with analysis and expectation of China market. The study analyzes the business conditions, faced problems and differentiated strategies of foreign affiliated firms. Be based on those, it is researched how domestic companies will make strategies to start China successfully.
In the June, 1991, there was the explosion in which methanol rectified column as a part of the new surface active agent's manufacturing processes. The type of explosion was estimated as the 'detonation'. The methanol rectified column was ruined, and broken pieces of the column were scattered within 900m. Also, there were victims such as the two deads and thirteen wounded persons. The cause of the explosion was heat explosion by being concentrated locally from 0.1% to several tens% of supply fluid at Metal Hydroperoxide, which was produced by methanol and hydrogen peroxide used as the bleach of surface active agent, during the operation stoppage process of methanol rectified column.
우리나라 상품의 대외경쟁력은 대체적으로 국내 물류비에서 결정된다. 이 좁은 국토(거리상으로)에서 왜 그리도 많은 내륙 물류비를 부담해야 하는 지 많은 이들이 의아해 한다. 제대로 갖추어져 있지 못한 국가차원의 사회간접자본(SOC) 시설, 승용차 중심의 도로운송시스템도 문제지만 제품공장과 수출입관문인 항만.공항간의 연결점에 있는 물류거점시설들이 활성화돼 있지 않다는 것이 요인으로 지적되고 있다. 민간업자 차원에서는 국토 요소요소에 물류센타를 세워놓고 고객들의 화물에 대한 일괄 물류서비스를 제공하려고 많은 노력들을 하고 있다. 이곳에서는 보관, 재고관리, 유통가공, 보세운송, 수배송, 물류대행, 물류컨설팅 등 종합(통합) 물류서비스들이 이루어진다. 이에 본 연구에서는 이러한 물류센터의 실태를 조사하여 수요에 따른 물류센터의 공급능력을 평가하면서 물류의 일괄서비스 측면에서의 효율성을 점검해 보고져 한다. 또한 향후 이 분야에 있는 연구나 조사 필요성이 있는 과제가 무엇인지를 검토하여 단계별 연구과제를 정의하여 체계적인 연구가 진행될 수 있도록 하는데 그 믿걸음이 되고져 한다.
1991년 6월 신규 계면활성제 [a-SF]의 제조 공정의 하나인 메탄올 정류탑에 있어서 폭발사고가 발생했다. 폭발 형태는『폭굉』 이였다 라고 판단되어지고 정류탑은 대파되었으며 탑벽 파편은 대강 900m 범위로 비산되었고 사망자 2명, 부상자 13명의 피해를 입었다. 원인물질은 계면활성제의 표백으로 사용하는 메탄올과 과산화수소에 의해 미량 생성한 유기과산화물(Metal Hydroperoxide)에서 정류탑의 운전정지과정 중에 공급액의 부터 수십까지 국부적으로 농축되어져 열 폭발을 일으킨 것으로 추정 되어진다.